Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

What is the point ina league if you just nerf everything to the ground ?

Also this league would have been the worst rated if not for the melee buffs and the Marketplace. My shipment are so bad now.

I wana play other league mechanics but then how do I get gold. Why am I working my ass off for Kingsmarch ? Cant they self sustain ?

The whole league mechanic is so flawed.
IGN - Endoplasm
Jaydlez wrote:
I don't care about Divine drops. My post was about Power Runes and how painful they are to acquire in SSF.

That's... kind of your fault for playing SSF?

The game is literally balanced around trade, and you willfully chose to opt out of that. Of course the game is going to feel harder, especially when you're trying to find specific items, when GGG intentionally made them so rare so as to encourage you to get them from other players.

You can't just deliberately point a gun down at your foot, fire, and then ask the universe why it hurts so badly.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Aug 15, 2024, 8:52:43 AM
It's amusing browsing through the progress of this thread and seeing the arguments. Yet another giant nerf bat from orbit comes to destroy fun, and the inevitable counter argument is "well that's how it is bro, you just gotta play more, play all day, do this thing, do that thing, and it might be ok, also git gud son."

It's amazing the masochistic Stockholm Syndrome conditioning that has been created in this community over time. You guys will defend literally any change to the game. Quite admirable.

I wana play other league mechanics but then how do I get gold. Why am I working my ass off for Kingsmarch ? Cant they self sustain ?

Because POE now has forced mobile game mechanics to increase MAU and "engagement". And GGG said they were so much better than Activision-Blizzard eh :)

My protip is to stop bothering with Kingsmarch, shipping, and jumping through other hoops just to possibly get mediocre rewards compared to prepatch. This way you can actually not stress if you just stop playing the game entirely for 2-3 days.

Outside of the currency exchange the entire league is now just another dumpster fire on the existing dumpster fire that is modern POE.
Nomancs wrote:
FreshMeat93 wrote:

1х Div from 2-3kk shipment - woah dude,.just woah.
You really dont even understand how hilarious you are.
If that was 6-8 Divs income atleast , well maybe it was worth it.
But sharing that 1x div joke screens from 2kk shipments where's 1.5kk - are dust on ship - is really fun to watch.

And you like proving that GGG is on a right direction with this changes.

Sadly because of persons like you, this game will never be good again in future.

Balancing game around 0.1% nerd-jerks who's 16hours/day login in poe - is dead end way for Poe.

That was 600k so probably 300k of dust (that is like 30-40min of disenchanting?), but it shows your flawed expectations, as you expect multiple divines from idle clicker. 1 divine for doing nothing? Thats like 6th today and you say it isn't worth it as a passive income? Then don't do it :P
Enjoy Diablo then if you prefer it, I will not stop you, have fun, bye!

You see, my problem is not with the nerf (I actually agree with you that the number of divs one could get with no investment was extraordinary), but with the usual blatant lie that it is a buff, when it pretty much makes the whole mechanic useless for the majority of people. I already skipped so many leagues due to the disrespectful communication from GGG. I thought something changed based on very good changes in 3.25, but I guess some things dont change that easily. Anyway... back to the last 5 challenges.
It's almost like a Dev came back from annual leave a few days ago and said "What have you done you fools, people are actually enjoying the game! Quick, smash everything into the ground before people start having Affliction league levels of satisfaction."

I mean, what was even the point of this change? Was anybody really complaining or were players just enjoying the game? It seems the only people to benefit from this are the elite players once again, and everyone else can get bent. Well, that certainly sounds a lot more like GG.
Someone posted to reddit finally so you guys can have a bit of a better time understanding how the stuff works now:

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
Someone posted to reddit finally so you guys can have a bit of a better time understanding how the stuff works now:

That's litterally what the number tells you, so nothing new.
You need waaaay to much dust now. To have something from "the buff" you would need to add 150k dust to a 150k value shipment and that doesn't even look like a buff(maybe it is in the longrun). Not to mention higher value shipments, lol

You either had the upgrade that you can burn uniques for a while now or you are screwed for at least a week or so. Not that the world ends because of that, but small shipments are indeed nerfed to dust that way(there is some unproven claim that dust did nothing before the patch. Very very hard to believe if you compare the shipments now with little dust and ~100k value to the shipments of 300k value with the times 3 multiplicator from before)...

Or they nerfed shipments because of the potential value added from dust that is in effect now, probably more likely even...
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 15, 2024, 10:22:49 AM
Strickl3r wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Someone posted to reddit finally so you guys can have a bit of a better time understanding how the stuff works now:

That's litterally what the number tells you, so nothing new.
You need waaaay to much dust now. To have something from "the buff" you would need to add 150k dust to a 150k value shipment and that doesn't even look like a buff(maybe it is in the longrun). Not to mention higher value shipments, lol

You either had the upgrade that you can burn uniques for a while now or you are screwed for at least a week or so. Not that the world ends because of that, but small shipments are indeed nerfed to dust that way(there is some unproven claim that dust did nothing before the patch. Very very hard to believe if you compare the shipments now with little dust and ~100k value to the shipments of 300k value with the times 3 multiplicator from before)...

Some people abused the multiplier, and used 8k dust to reach 50mln. Now they need to use 25mln dust. I would say small shipments are least impacted.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
That cheat sheet is incorrect, it has the wrong scaling on the dust formula; which shows it was not done very meticulously, and is thus less helpful as a source of information. The rest of the information is stable stuff that's been on the wiki since league start anyways.
zlefin_actual wrote:
That cheat sheet is incorrect, it has the wrong scaling on the dust formula; which shows it was not done very meticulously, and is thus less helpful as a source of information. The rest of the information is stable stuff that's been on the wiki since league start anyways.

Well yea I mean it probably doesnt seem that way if you dont understand what you are reading. But its really hard to take anything here at face value without any actual evidence to the contrary. Basically this post is saying "well thats just wrong because its dumb"

Where as the people providing screenshots, multiple of them, increasing with sample size, are showing you evidence to the contrary so. You can believe that if you like, heres another divine in 500X5 crop shipments with 2500 dust.

Im still experimenting with values but this seems to net what I was getting before and this is even less than the 500x5 8250 dust strategy

So much like the person said in the post on reddit ill quote:
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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