Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

He submitted that div card to the game via very old supporter pack.

Thank you
Yep, the dust totally sucks now. No point at all to produce it as it costs as much gold to have someone make it as it does to have someone farm a worthwhile crop. I put my disenchanter workers on total idle status so all they do now is hang around, smoke weed and collect unemployment. Hear that GGG? You're obligated to pay my idle disenchanter workers unemployment since it was your bright idea that put them out of work. Plus, I hope you have a corporate health plan for these workers as some of them have been so bored they tried snorting the thaumaturgic dust and developed Mesotheliomas. They've signed up with that Meso Law Firm that advertises every 5 minutes on TV. GGG should expect a phone call from a very obnoxious horde of lawyers in the very near future.
Badfox14 wrote:
Yep, the dust totally sucks now. No point at all to produce it as it costs as much gold to have someone make it as it does to have someone farm a worthwhile crop. I put my disenchanter workers on total idle status so all they do now is hang around, smoke weed and collect unemployment. Hear that GGG? You're obligated to pay my idle disenchanter workers unemployment since it was your bright idea that put them out of work. Plus, I hope you have a corporate health plan for these workers as some of them have been so bored they tried snorting the thaumaturgic dust and developed Mesotheliomas. They've signed up with that Meso Law Firm that advertises every 5 minutes on TV. GGG should expect a phone call from a very obnoxious horde of lawyers in the very near future.

I don't think you understand the dust mechanic very well. Dust adds shipment value up the original value before adding dust 1:1 so you can make a 1 million shipment into 2 million. Upgrade your dusters so you can disenchant uniques. Stuff like Brine King's Crown disenchants for like 300k, other uniques for even more. It's great value, so there's zero reason to be upset about it.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
We went from having gross oversupply of dust pre-patch to being nearly impossible to keep up with dust demand if you want to send a 25M+25M shipment. Or smaller 1M+1M ships more frequently.

Even running a MF unique monster strat you don't drop that many high tier uniques to supply this kind of dust demand. You end up on trade site buying bad T0 uniques. Normally they would be 10c each but because of their high dust value they are now 2,5 div each.

So you buy like ten of them for 25-30 div, send the ship and hope for 2 mir shard roll or better to turn a profit. If the ship brings 0 mir shards (uncommon but happens) well shit. So it turns into another gamba.
Esubane wrote:
We went from having gross oversupply of dust pre-patch to being nearly impossible to keep up with dust demand if you want to send a 25M+25M shipment. Or smaller 1M+1M ships more frequently.

Even running a MF unique monster strat you don't drop that many high tier uniques to supply this kind of dust demand. You end up on trade site buying bad T0 uniques. Normally they would be 10c each but because of their high dust value they are now 2,5 div each.

So you buy like ten of them for 25-30 div, send the ship and hope for 2 mir shard roll or better to turn a profit. If the ship brings 0 mir shards (uncommon but happens) well shit. So it turns into another gamba.

That's madness. I might donate 1-2 divs in chaos for t1-t2 uniques for my 50 mio to shorten the time it takes one day. Sending 40 mio crops + 10 mio dust is totally fine just feed the disenchanter 2-3 times a day...or maybe i just got lucky dunno, but they say it's 2,5 shards on average and that's what i got...very short sample size obv^^
Last edited by Strickl3r on Sep 5, 2024, 8:43:49 AM
Badfox14 wrote:
Yep, the dust totally sucks now. No point at all to produce it as it costs as much gold to have someone make it as it does to have someone farm a worthwhile crop. I put my disenchanter workers on total idle status so all they do now is hang around, smoke weed and collect unemployment. Hear that GGG? You're obligated to pay my idle disenchanter workers unemployment since it was your bright idea that put them out of work. Plus, I hope you have a corporate health plan for these workers as some of them have been so bored they tried snorting the thaumaturgic dust and developed Mesotheliomas. They've signed up with that Meso Law Firm that advertises every 5 minutes on TV. GGG should expect a phone call from a very obnoxious horde of lawyers in the very near future.

Thank you so much for this. I laughed.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster in Settlers of Kalguur
I don't think you understand the dust mechanic very well. Dust adds shipment value up the original value before adding dust 1:1 so you can make a 1 million shipment into 2 million.

And for that 2 million shipment post-patch you will get an equivalent total shipment reward value of 5-10 chaos, when the same equivalent total reward value (with a decent chance at a divine or good stuff) would be achieved with a 50k shipment pre-patch.

And you guys are still defending this garbage change? [removed by support]
Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Sep 5, 2024, 6:04:43 PM
The fact is that they lied in the patch notes, this change was not a "buff in most cases" , it was a nerf in all cases because A: you get way less value out of your dust and B: you have to grind millions of it and micromanaging your disenchanting and having to run back to put more items in is the most monotonous thing ever. Like the level of deception from this patch is insane, I tried a shipment with the same value after the patch as the ones I was doing before it, and guess what? Before the patch I consistently got 2 divs and after the patch I got 3 chaos. Might aswell fire all your disenchanters and completely ignore dust then if you won't be using recombinator, I did a 34 mil crops with 16 mil dust shipment and it was nothing special, 1 mirror shard 6 divs and some tattoos. Right now its easier to just ignore a whole game mechanic - dust - and just wait it out till your farmers get 50 mil worth of crops, and that's a sign of bad design lol

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