Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

So with the new update that said to make dust always a reward which is true but they nerfed it by 90%.

Not cool GGG

adding 10000 "Blue Zanthimum" is worth 240.000 shipment value and adding 50.000 dust just adds the 50.000 value.

Before adding past a certain point stops it being worth as much but atleast you could double the value or triple it.
now it costs waaaaaay more dust to increase its value.

imo a very very very bad idea
rip shipments
Last edited by Zeninka on Aug 13, 2024, 6:38:54 PM
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2024, 7:01:39 PM
All of my huge dust shipments to kalguur post-patch have been terrible. I agree.
Dust scalement changed the formula, now adding low amount is much worse, however, adding extra amount of dust gives significantly more multiplier than before

8104 dust was giving you before a 200% more multiplier in shipping value (3x more)
Now you need 96000 dust for the same effect.

However, in the old system, you needed to send 8.8 million dust for a 4x value, now you only need 216.000 dust.
That 8.8 million in the current system would give you an insane 20.36x value multiplier.
HunAp0 wrote:
Dust scalement changed the formula, now adding low amount is much worse, however, adding extra amount of dust gives significantly more multiplier than before

8104 dust was giving you before a 200% more multiplier in shipping value (3x more)
Now you need 96000 dust for the same effect.

However, in the old system, you needed to send 8.8 million dust for a 4x value, now you only need 216.000 dust.
That 8.8 million in the current system would give you an insane 20.36x value multiplier.

Basically, you need a whole day worth of dust to make same profit you could make with a few hours, not much point in having more than one ship as you need much more time disenchanting stuff to make similar multipliers, so sending more than one ship just wastes your harvest of the day

Insane amounts of mult on a single ship more often than not are not worth, the extra value starts to not pay for the brick chance, even more so when you need to stockpile more from the town

Basically, a nerf(pretty big one)
Yep, they absolutely bricked it.
Where I could send out 300k shipments consistently I can't even get above 130k now, even with 1 mil dust.

And the same bug is still in game: Three ships sent out, received a notification of three ships returning.

Only two ships with rewards. Third (highest value) sitting empty with no messages.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Horrendous change.
Sounds super sad boys.
I will check that thing tomorrow.

If so - well rip League than.
Ships was working just perfectly for me last 3-4 days , just a 10x total Divs/day from 100k-200k value ships.

Now i guess i will receive 2c from ships with same value.

I don't get what the point of bricking ships that +- works for everyone and stable.

I just don't
Do you T17's nerfs/buffs or whatever, but dont touch other things...
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Aug 13, 2024, 7:37:41 PM
feike wrote:
HunAp0 wrote:
Dust scalement changed the formula, now adding low amount is much worse, however, adding extra amount of dust gives significantly more multiplier than before

8104 dust was giving you before a 200% more multiplier in shipping value (3x more)
Now you need 96000 dust for the same effect.

However, in the old system, you needed to send 8.8 million dust for a 4x value, now you only need 216.000 dust.
That 8.8 million in the current system would give you an insane 20.36x value multiplier.

Basically, you need a whole day worth of dust to make same profit you could make with a few hours, not much point in having more than one ship as you need much more time disenchanting stuff to make similar multipliers, so sending more than one ship just wastes your harvest of the day

Insane amounts of mult on a single ship more often than not are not worth, the extra value starts to not pay for the brick chance, even more so when you need to stockpile more from the town

Basically, a nerf(pretty big one)

It is a nerf for low level town, it is an insane buff for maxed out towns.
I havent tested the return yet, so no clue how it effects the rewards, but in the previous version, dust was pretty much useless and i barely disenchanted anything in the last 1 week, because it was just burning gold for nothing, while sitting on millions of dust still and all you had to do is send 9000 dust with any shipment for a more than 3x multiplier.
The scaling is really broken. Have to spend days/weeks to see any meaningful results. On top of that, have to spend hours every day mapping to keep up with insane gold costs.
The main problem right now is the gold you need to keep this thing running... Not everyone can play 24/7 just to keep enough gold to stockpile 1 ship worth of 10 millions dust. Really hope they backtrack on this and stop targeting only endgame people and find a common ground for both Casual and Endgame.

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