Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

Nomancs wrote:
Jaydlez wrote:
Nomancs wrote:

That was 600k so probably 300k of dust (that is like 30-40min of disenchanting?), but it shows your flawed expectations, as you expect multiple divines from idle clicker. 1 divine for doing nothing? Thats like 6th today and you say it isn't worth it as a passive income? Then don't do it :P

990k Crop Shipment with added 990k Dust (which comes out to a 1.980,000 Shipment Value). Selectively picking the "lucky" Shipments to try and debunk it was clearly a nerf is just outright shameful.

It was already bad getting Power Runes with 50,000,000 Shipments pre-patch but now it's even worse. Now it's literally almost mathematically impossible to grind for 26 Power Runes (for the Tormented Spirit enchants for example since you want it on two seperate Wands) in a SSF environment simply because you can't buy cheap high dust value Uniques and disenchant them.

Stating there is no problem with the changes simply because you still get your 1-2 lucky divines is you being delirious to the problem. Yes the current 50,000,000 Shipments are crazy but maybe you realize that these are composed of 25,000,0000 Crops / Bars and 25,000,000 Dust to match the Shipment Value for the crazy multiplier it now gives and those are unreachable for probably 80-90% of the player base.

Luck is luck mate, sometimes you get divines sometimes not. But they're still there and we get plenty of them. If you're playing SSF and want good uniques for disenchant, go for bosses, those uniques mostly are valued 30k+, also influenced rares are good. You can also sell runes 5:1 for higher tier. So how many of 50,000,000 shipments have you done and how is the risk with them ;)

Your reply actually shows that you didn't even read my post properly and still don't understand the problem. I don't care about Divine drops. My post was about Power Runes and how painful they are to acquire in SSF. To answer your question I've send four 50,000,000 Shipments at 10% risk each (since that is the minimum risk you probably don't even know about) prior to patch and my yield was a whopping 2 Power Runes. Now after the patch TO SEND THE SAME SHIPMENT IN RAW VALUE THAN BEFORE I need to put 25,000,000 Dust into the Shipment. Do you understand how much Dust that is in relation to "time to acquire"?

Yes I chose to play SSF but that shouldn't straight up exclude me from UTILIZING THE CURRENT LEAGUE MECHANIC which INCLUDES the Rune Enchantments post-patch.

But I can visualize the problem for you even for regular Trade Players and maybe that helps *shrug*

Replica Shroud of the Lightless is the 7th best Unique to Disenchant yielding close to 2,000,000 Dust. Let's have a look at the recent price changes on Trade after the patch utilizing shall we?

It went from 80c to currently over 1div after the patch (current Trade Listings are 1,2div)

Let's do some math. To get 25,000,000 Dust we need ~12,5 Replica Shroud of the Lightless. Let's round it down to 12 since we can Disenchant smaller stuff as well. 12 * 1,2 = 14,4 Divine for the 25,000,000 Dust. A single Power Rune currently goes on Trade for 3div. Which means even in Trade to make a profit WE NEED at least 5 Power Runes, or less than 5 if the other Currency you get pushes you to over the invested 14,4div.

Now if you still don't see the problem especially for SSF players you must be trolling and probably feel good about yourself doing that. There is simply no way you do not consider this a nerf in getting Runes.

Oh and btw... you can't vendor 5 Time Runes into 1 Power Rune but maybe you have another bright idea to alleviate the problem.
Last edited by Jaydlez on Aug 14, 2024, 9:27:13 PM
I haven't even got 25,000,000 dust TOTAL the ENTIRE LEAGUE. Not even 5,000,000.

This new system is fucking terrible and I am done with the game.
~ Seph
Jaydlez wrote:

Your reply actually shows that you didn't even read my post properly and still don't understand the problem. I don't care about Divine drops. My post was about Power Runes and how painful they are to acquire in SSF. To answer your question I've send four 50,000,000 Shipments at 10% risk each (since that is the minimum risk you probably don't even know about) prior to patch and my yield was a whopping 2 Power Runes. Now after the patch TO SEND THE SAME SHIPMENT IN RAW VALUE THAN BEFORE I need to put 25,000,000 Dust into the Shipment. Do you understand how much Dust that is in relation to "time to acquire"?

Yes I chose to play SSF but that shouldn't straight up exclude me from UTILIZING THE CURRENT LEAGUE MECHANIC which INCLUDES the Rune Enchantments post-patch.

But I can visualize the problem for you even for regular Trade Players and maybe that helps *shrug*

Replica Shroud of the Lightless is the 7th best Unique to Disenchant yielding close to 2,000,000 Dust. Let's have a look at the recent price changes on Trade after the patch utilizing shall we?

It went from 80c to currently over 1div after the patch (current Trade Listings are 1,2div)

Let's do some math. To get 25,000,000 Dust we need ~12,5 Replica Shroud of the Lightless. Let's round it down to 12 since we can Disenchant smaller stuff as well. 12 * 1,2 = 14,4 Divine for the 25,000,000 Dust. A single Power Rune currently goes on Trade for 3div. Which means even in Trade to make a profit WE NEED at least 5 Power Runes, or less than 5 if the other Currency you get pushes you to over the invested 14,4div.

Now if you still don't see the problem especially for SSF players you must be trolling and probably feel good about yourself doing that. There is simply no way you do not consider this a nerf in getting Runes.

Oh and btw... you can't vendor 5 Time Runes into 1 Power Rune but maybe you have another bright idea to alleviate the problem.

Your post is wrong on so many levels it is hard to pick what to begin with. So if you NEED power runes, you will have to farm them - you picked SSF knowing that game is not balanced around it, and no one excluded you, but yourself.

And yes, those 50mln shipments are target of dust change, so it is working as intended. It seems this is the reason of this change.

If you're so oriented on divine cost, just use cheaper rares, it will take you longer to get so much dust, but hey, it seems it is intended to be so if you want to get free power runes and other expensive loot. Those runes are rare because of how much power they give.

Should we hand out free mirrors because someone is on SSF and don't want to play the game to get them?

EDIT: I will repeat, those 50m shipments seems to be the target of the nerf. Exploit?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 10:07:58 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Jaydlez wrote:

Your reply actually shows that you didn't even read my post properly and still don't understand the problem. I don't care about Divine drops. My post was about Power Runes and how painful they are to acquire in SSF. To answer your question I've send four 50,000,000 Shipments at 10% risk each (since that is the minimum risk you probably don't even know about) prior to patch and my yield was a whopping 2 Power Runes. Now after the patch TO SEND THE SAME SHIPMENT IN RAW VALUE THAN BEFORE I need to put 25,000,000 Dust into the Shipment. Do you understand how much Dust that is in relation to "time to acquire"?

Yes I chose to play SSF but that shouldn't straight up exclude me from UTILIZING THE CURRENT LEAGUE MECHANIC which INCLUDES the Rune Enchantments post-patch.

But I can visualize the problem for you even for regular Trade Players and maybe that helps *shrug*

Replica Shroud of the Lightless is the 7th best Unique to Disenchant yielding close to 2,000,000 Dust. Let's have a look at the recent price changes on Trade after the patch utilizing shall we?

It went from 80c to currently over 1div after the patch (current Trade Listings are 1,2div)

Let's do some math. To get 25,000,000 Dust we need ~12,5 Replica Shroud of the Lightless. Let's round it down to 12 since we can Disenchant smaller stuff as well. 12 * 1,2 = 14,4 Divine for the 25,000,000 Dust. A single Power Rune currently goes on Trade for 3div. Which means even in Trade to make a profit WE NEED at least 5 Power Runes, or less than 5 if the other Currency you get pushes you to over the invested 14,4div.

Now if you still don't see the problem especially for SSF players you must be trolling and probably feel good about yourself doing that. There is simply no way you do not consider this a nerf in getting Runes.

Oh and btw... you can't vendor 5 Time Runes into 1 Power Rune but maybe you have another bright idea to alleviate the problem.

Your post is wrong on so many levels it is hard to pick what to begin with. So if you NEED power runes, you will have to farm them - you picked SSF knowing that game is not balanced around it, and no one excluded you, but yourself.

And yes, those 50mln shipments are target of dust change, so it is working as intended. It seems this is the reason of this change.

If you're so oriented on divine cost, just use cheaper rares, it will take you longer to get so much dust, but hey, it seems it is intended to be so if you want to get free power runes and other expensive loot. Those runes are rare because of how much power they give.

Should we hand out free mirrors because someone is on SSF and don't want to play the game to get them?

Completely missed the mark again. Your baseless opinion after probably not even sending a 50.000.000 shipment once tells me all I need to know. Arguing for the sake of arguing without even understanding the precedent in what I've wrote is an achievement in itself. Guess that's all you can expect on public forums these days.

Half your reply is chastising me about the example I gave on the current Trade economy even though u know it doesn't even apply to me since I'm playing SSF. Yet you still use it as a valid argument to try and justify your opinion that there is no inherent problem with the current Dust change.

It is actually hilarious how detached you are from this conversation :D

Keep being happy about your 1-2 Divines every few shipments. It makes no sense trying to educate someone who doesn't want to be educated and therefore I'm out. Even picking my nose is time better spend than keeping this argument alive.

Happy farming!
Jaydlez wrote:

Your reply actually shows that you didn't even read my post properly and still don't understand the problem. I don't care about Divine drops. My post was about Power Runes and how painful they are to acquire in SSF. To answer your question I've send four 50,000,000 Shipments at 10% risk each (since that is the minimum risk you probably don't even know about) prior to patch and my yield was a whopping 2 Power Runes. Now after the patch TO SEND THE SAME SHIPMENT IN RAW VALUE THAN BEFORE I need to put 25,000,000 Dust into the Shipment. Do you understand how much Dust that is in relation to "time to acquire"?

Yes I chose to play SSF but that shouldn't straight up exclude me from UTILIZING THE CURRENT LEAGUE MECHANIC which INCLUDES the Rune Enchantments post-patch.

But I can visualize the problem for you even for regular Trade Players and maybe that helps *shrug*

Replica Shroud of the Lightless is the 7th best Unique to Disenchant yielding close to 2,000,000 Dust. Let's have a look at the recent price changes on Trade after the patch utilizing shall we?

It went from 80c to currently over 1div after the patch (current Trade Listings are 1,2div)

Let's do some math. To get 25,000,000 Dust we need ~12,5 Replica Shroud of the Lightless. Let's round it down to 12 since we can Disenchant smaller stuff as well. 12 * 1,2 = 14,4 Divine for the 25,000,000 Dust. A single Power Rune currently goes on Trade for 3div. Which means even in Trade to make a profit WE NEED at least 5 Power Runes, or less than 5 if the other Currency you get pushes you to over the invested 14,4div.

Now if you still don't see the problem especially for SSF players you must be trolling and probably feel good about yourself doing that. There is simply no way you do not consider this a nerf in getting Runes.

Oh and btw... you can't vendor 5 Time Runes into 1 Power Rune but maybe you have another bright idea to alleviate the problem.

I am ... very confused by this post.

You talk about SSF as well while showing ninja prices??? What?

Power runes havent dropped at all for me this league so I dont really know where we are going with this post. I feel its more SSF problems that you ... for some reason dont want to accept? While playing a mode that specifically is designed around item restriction, power runes included

Your problems are the game mode you picked and expectations you have made, not the game.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Jaydlez wrote:

Completely missed the mark again. Your baseless opinion after probably not even sending a 50.000.000 shipment once tells me all I need to know. Arguing for the sake of arguing without even understanding the precedent in what I've wrote is an achievement in itself. Guess that's all you can expect on public forums these days.

Half your reply is chastising me about the example I gave on the current Trade economy even though u know it doesn't even apply to me since I'm playing SSF. Yet you still use it as a valid argument to try and justify your opinion that there is no inherent problem with the current Dust change.

It is actually hilarious how detached you are from this conversation :D

Keep being happy about your 1-2 Divines every few shipments. It makes no sense trying to educate someone who doesn't want to be educated and therefore I'm out. Even picking my nose is time better spend than keeping this argument alive.

Happy farming!

No mate, you started talking about trade. I just point out you can disenchant uniques and influenced rares if you need dust.

Well, you was nerfed, because it seems 50m shipments were considered an exploit ;) Now dust actually have a meaning. (and no, you play private league, so SSF-ish so I assume there is a trade, but it was you who calculated dust base on disenchanted look-after unique, not me).

So if anyone is curious why dust was changed, this is the answer.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 10:22:05 PM
Thats actually crazy and hilarious that someone used replica shroud of the lightness as an example.

Yea they give 1.5m dust. But they also cost 2 divs.

And this is also from someone talking about ssf as well. AS IF you disenchant that if you find it on ssf lol.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Almost as if replica lightless is the only way to obtain dust.
With all the random junk uniques on the floor it's not really that hard to sustain dust non stop and even feed the disenchanting boys at all times.
The little bit more gold cost per hour ain't gonna break it either as you start to gain more gold than you ever need at some point anyways and that all without 16h playtime a day.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
So i got my first divine since patch. My shipments now have to send more dust and more grain than before it looks like.

So this is clearly a nerf if you cared about the smallball strategy for single div rewards from shipments since you now won't be able to get 8-10 divs per day because you can't send your 30ish+ shipments.

I am at 66666 dust right now btw. 6 figures is way to expensive. This is what i can afford and at the same time send ships somewhat regularly...(you have 3 ships??!!! what are you supposed to do with them???!!!)

If you just wait and send out big numbers obv nothing has changed and you probably got buffed since your dust piles up aswell. Congratz

But the smallball strategy was popular and whoever says this is a buff now, must have not used it then(small is not 1 mio btw, lol, small is 100k-300k)
Zeninka wrote:
So with the new update that said to make dust always a reward which is true but they nerfed it by 90%.

Not cool GGG

adding 10000 "Blue Zanthimum" is worth 240.000 shipment value and adding 50.000 dust just adds the 50.000 value.

Before adding past a certain point stops it being worth as much but atleast you could double the value or triple it.
now it costs waaaaaay more dust to increase its value.

imo a very very very bad idea
rip shipments

Sorry but this is a whinge.
We (dusting uniques) had millions of dust and it was broken multiplicative.
Now it’s additive and has much less impact on risk (red bar) as it used to, meaning you can ship 50mill value boats with far less risk and not stockpile dust like a hoarder
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Aug 15, 2024, 4:18:24 AM

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