Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

HunAp0 wrote:

It is a nerf for low level town, it is an insane buff for maxed out towns.
I havent tested the return yet, so no clue how it effects the rewards, but in the previous version, dust was pretty much useless and i barely disenchanted anything in the last 1 week, because it was just burning gold for nothing, while sitting on millions of dust still and all you had to do is send 9000 dust with any shipment for a more than 3x multiplier.

Its a nerf for anyone who dont keep the damn thing running 24/7 or for anyone who used more than a single ship because for a 4x mult if your math is correct, 200k dust is almost a whole day worth of the stuff with decent 6 disenchanters. With your math, sending ships with 5m value now cant be done more than once or twice a day unless you have a full crew of 8+ level disenchants

And running the disenchants 24/7 is gonna be even harder because high level disen are second only to map runners in upkeep, and theres also the fact you gonna have to keep feeding the disench inv to produce dust

I suppose it is indeed a buff for those that play this game like a job...
feike wrote:
HunAp0 wrote:

It is a nerf for low level town, it is an insane buff for maxed out towns.
I havent tested the return yet, so no clue how it effects the rewards, but in the previous version, dust was pretty much useless and i barely disenchanted anything in the last 1 week, because it was just burning gold for nothing, while sitting on millions of dust still and all you had to do is send 9000 dust with any shipment for a more than 3x multiplier.

Its a nerf for anyone who dont keep the damn thing running 24/7 or for anyone who used more than a single ship because for a 4x mult if your math is correct, 200k dust is almost a whole day worth of the stuff with decent 6 disenchanters. With your math, sending ships with 5m value now cant be done more than once or twice a day unless you have a full crew of 8+ level disenchants

And running the disenchants 24/7 is gonna be even harder because high level disen are second only to map runners in upkeep, and theres also the fact you gonna have to keep feeding the disench inv to produce dust

I suppose it is indeed a buff for those that play this game like a job...

200k dust is only a full day of disenchant if you are feeding them 1 alchemy shard worth of items, that are taking 4*2 slot.

The rolls on the item determines the amount of the dust you get.

Once you upgrade it to level 11 which is the max, they can also disenchant uniques, which are giving a ton of dusts, up to 250k+ for a single item (the more rarer the item is the more dust you get) but even the low level most common trash uniques are worth 5k-10k-20k and if you corrupt them even more.

I have 3-3 rank 9 and 10 disenchanter employed, they can finish the entire tab fully loaded in a single hour.

Making dust is not hard and it doesnt even cost you a lot of gold (my 6 workers can work a full hour for about 6-7k gold which is what you make in a single alch and go T16 map, no chisel, no juicing)

Sure, this system favours those who play a lot more and are a lot better/efficient at the game, but then again, PoE is not really balanced around the "average Joe" players who have 2 families, 3 lovers, 4 jobs and takes them 2 months to finish act 1, because every league is time limited.
Last edited by HunAp0 on Aug 13, 2024, 9:09:37 PM
HunAp0 wrote:

Sure, this system favours those who play a lot more and are a lot better/efficient at the game, but than again, PoE is not really balanced around the "average Joe" players who have 2 families, 3 lovers, 4 jobs and takes them 2 months to finish act 1, because every league is time limited.

Bro, you have 40 challenges done already. We all know what category you fit into. Of course you're okay with this change
In other words there's a huge uproar for nothing once again cause players don't do math to realize that it's a big buff for dust especially once the town is all set and rolling.

But as usual players likely need the confirmation of favorite streamer xyz to realize that the change adds good value to dust compared to the little value it had before.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
ShadeyShadow wrote:
HunAp0 wrote:

Sure, this system favours those who play a lot more and are a lot better/efficient at the game, but than again, PoE is not really balanced around the "average Joe" players who have 2 families, 3 lovers, 4 jobs and takes them 2 months to finish act 1, because every league is time limited.

Bro, you have 40 challenges done already. We all know what category you fit into. Of course you're okay with this change

Yea, and?
I finished my 40 challange today, for the first time since i started playing 3 years ago.

It has nothing to do with the fact, that this is actually a huge buff to the dust and only a nerf to those who are still finishing the campaign on their first/only character after 2.5 weeks and to those who are still picking up scroll fragments on their maps and need 2h to finish their first T1 map.
i havent been shipping much as i've been playing less but ive been hoarding up a huge amount of dust. was planning to go bonkers on it later.

this change is sad for me.
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Was this change really necessary?

I don't voice my concerns very often, but this was basically a pointless nerf to one of the few redeeming characteristics of the league.
Was this change really necessary?

I don't voice my concerns very often, but this was basically a pointless nerf to one of the few redeeming characteristics of the league.

Aside from the AH that literaly all the season had to offer... i don't understand the nerf behind it.

Mappers are just not rewarding at all and die often even with that 1 % chance.
HunAp0 wrote:

Yea, and?
I finished my 40 challange today, for the first time since i started playing 3 years ago.

It has nothing to do with the fact, that this is actually a huge buff to the dust and only a nerf to those who are still finishing the campaign on their first/only character after 2.5 weeks and to those who are still picking up scroll fragments on their maps and need 2h to finish their first T1 map.

Right so anyone who isn't farming T17 maps for for tons of gold is a complete noob picking up wisdom fragments.

Lets be real, the only way you've reached the point where you can disenchant uniques and send out shipments that actually bring a return is by having everything maxed and T8+ workers. You know how much gold and resources it takes to get to that point? For anyone who isn't no-lifing this change is ass.
Last edited by ShadeyShadow on Aug 13, 2024, 10:33:14 PM
Dust is worthless (well close to it)
6 thousand bars of ore & 10k of every crop without dust is 1,170,00ish value.
1mil dust adds 1 mill to that number, but then thing start to get a little wack.
3mil dust only brings me up to 3mil value
4mil is about 400k more (and seeing 5% risk)
8 and 1/2 mil dust brings the value of the shipment up to 4,300,000....

I had bigger value shipments with less dust and NO RISK in the old system with less than 10k dust investment. Whoever ran the numbers on this needs to go back and do the math becuase they seriously over calculated things.

"Now, it simply adds to Shipment Value and scales the amount of rewards based on the other goods being shipped." - ok this is how it worked BEFORE not how it works now.

This means the way Thaumaturgic Dust affects Shipment Value/Risk now directly correlates with the amount of rewards you will receive, and in almost all cases this is a buff from before." - ok clearly not true.
Who wrote this? Did they even play the game and see the change in mechanics in action? I want to know how the heck they viewed this as a "buff".

I'll admit the amount of value added to shipments seemed a little funky, with just a sprinkle of pixy dust adding huge value and lots of risk. Something needed adjustment. However, this went WAY WAY too far in the other direction.

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