Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

Strickl3r wrote:
40 k each grain with a bonus from quota and 333k dust(10% of the cargo) for a total of 3,5 mio value... 2 div, 1 power rune, 1 time rune...seems fine for only 10% dust...anyone see a huge difference if you send millions of dust?

Without the power rune sending small amounts would obv be hugely beneficial.

Btw how do people send 50 mio?? I had 4 lvl 10 dudes, 1 lvl 9 and 1 lvl 8 and i was already at 5% risk with 3,5 mio. How is it even possible to send 50 mio without 100% risk and losing the cargo?

That is horrendous.

That used to be what you'd get for sending 5k of each plant and 10k dust half the time. Minus the power rune of course.

Absolutely awful nerfs.
~ Seph
Well, i mean without the power rune it would be very meh. But can't complain since i got it xd
I think where you send it also contributes to risk. Longer voyages = higher inherit risk
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Another shipment to Kalguur. 40k each grain with 400k dust for 4 mio total value with a nice quota to pumpkins...

This time: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! 8 chaos and a sacred orb.
Complete dud...
I did a final shipment of ~28k bars and ~800k dust for eva armours and all I got back was a tab of slightly-better-than-alch-orb-crafted crap.

I've had it with this hamster wheel game.
Doubled up the value of a shipment to ribbon fell with dust for science from 2 mio to 4 mio, so 2 mio dust^^. Did nothing as expected.
Among the cargo was 1k bars of verisium and i got 1 singular scarab(you get 3 scarabs if you just send 2 bars and no dust^^)

Now I need to farm an entire day for a juicy shipment. Awful change. I'm really missing how "this is a buff"

At least give a larger/double disenchant window.

As for the rewards, I've been sending dust equal to shipment value and really see no difference, except for the fact that I have to send 50 times the dust (I was previously sending ~8k)

I get that maybe the previous system was too "OP" in the sense that it made disenchanting largely useless (1 day of dust farming would be enough to send shipments for weeks) but right now it's a bit too much imo.

Somewhere in the middle would be balanced - go back to % multiplier but have it require like 100K dust for double, 500K dust for triple, etc. Having to send 3mil dust to double my shipment value is kinda awful ngl.

''Useless'' btw

1000 of each crop
match point dust

nothing special

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

''Useless'' btw

1000 of each crop
match point dust

nothing special

How to set a divination as avatar like you please?
He submitted that div card to the game via very old supporter pack.

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