Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

Waited a day to save up dust and crops. Sent 10k wheat and 10k pumpkin with 50k dust to fulfill a quota. Came back now without a single chaos orb, when A SMALL FRACTION of such a shipment would previously get me several chaos orbs each time, and a small (not approaching zero) chance for a divine.

Thanks GGG for once again destroying the league for the peasant class. Should I play 26 hours a day as your preferred class to experience this "buff" of yours? You destroyed all league farming mechanics at T16 and below since the necropolis patch and now you wreck the league currency generation too? Who is this game designed for now? Just tell us.
Last edited by mnieradko on Aug 14, 2024, 7:25:55 PM
So far my experience has been that I'm getting worse rewards; I'm at the range where a routine shipment is maybe a thousand bars and 5k dust. or 2-3k crops and a bit of dust.

It's definitely feeling much less rewarding at this level than it used to be.

Still giving
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Passive income still. $$$
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
roundishcap wrote:
This was a huge nerf because now instead of needing 1 disenchatner to kindof double my value, I need 9 being fed all the time. And the SMALLL SMALL benefit of sending 2million dust is almost better then sending 8k before.

Turning off shipping/farming now, this league mechanic went from passable/bad to really bad really fast.

I can't wait for them to readjust it again. the beatings will continue until morale improves and whatnot.

Exactly this.

I don't know why people are still missing the point. Yes you get the same rewards for shipments with the same value before and after patch, but now you need far more resources to match the same shipment value (and I'm confident that dust DOES affect currency rewards pre-patch).

Of course it is not a nerf for grinders who have their towns running at full speed 24/7. But how could it be a buff?
FreshMeat93 wrote:

1х Div from 2-3kk shipment - woah dude,.just woah.
You really dont even understand how hilarious you are.
If that was 6-8 Divs income atleast , well maybe it was worth it.
But sharing that 1x div joke screens from 2kk shipments where's 1.5kk - are dust on ship - is really fun to watch.

And you like proving that GGG is on a right direction with this changes.

Sadly because of persons like you, this game will never be good again in future.

Balancing game around 0.1% nerd-jerks who's 16hours/day login in poe - is dead end way for Poe.

That was 600k so probably 300k of dust (that is like 30-40min of disenchanting?), but it shows your flawed expectations, as you expect multiple divines from idle clicker. 1 divine for doing nothing? Thats like 6th today and you say it isn't worth it as a passive income? Then don't do it :P
Enjoy Diablo then if you prefer it, I will not stop you, have fun, bye!
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 8:23:30 PM
FreshMeat93 wrote:

Balancing game around 0.1% nerd-jerks who's 16hours/day login in poe - is dead end way for Poe.

Respectfully you're doing something wrong if you think that the game is balanced around 0.1% of players with 16h playtime per day. The few streamers who might play that much a day don't even make 0.001% of the playerbase and often get less done than other players with less playtime. Often they only play/stream for that long cause money doesn't grow on trees for them either.
Most of everyone who's playing the game and is not streaming to make a living do get their stuff done despite working 8h+ a day and other responsibilities in life.

Even by playing 2-3h you can make enough gold to just stay offline for the next couple of days and only login once or twice a day to send out your shipping to cash in the juicy 1-4d stacks.
Even with just 2-3h a day you're able to beat all the content the game has to offer.

I mean yea people with more playtime will always have more or be better than you but every other game isn't any different in this regard.
Little bit less fomo would be helpful in this case.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 14, 2024, 8:31:22 PM
Nomancs wrote:
FreshMeat93 wrote:

1х Div from 2-3kk shipment - woah dude,.just woah.
You really dont even understand how hilarious you are.
If that was 6-8 Divs income atleast , well maybe it was worth it.
But sharing that 1x div joke screens from 2kk shipments where's 1.5kk - are dust on ship - is really fun to watch.

And you like proving that GGG is on a right direction with this changes.

Sadly because of persons like you, this game will never be good again in future.

Balancing game around 0.1% nerd-jerks who's 16hours/day login in poe - is dead end way for Poe.

That was 600k so probably 300k of dust (that is like 30-40min of disenchanting?), but it shows your flawed expectations, as you expect multiple divines from idle clicker. 1 divine for doing nothing? Thats like 6th today and you say it isn't worth it as a passive income? Then don't do it :P

990k Crop Shipment with added 990k Dust (which comes out to a 1.980,000 Shipment Value). Selectively picking the "lucky" Shipments to try and debunk it was clearly a nerf is just outright shameful.

It was already bad getting Power Runes with 50,000,000 Shipments pre-patch but now it's even worse. Now it's literally almost mathematically impossible to grind for 26 Power Runes (for the Tormented Spirit enchants for example since you want it on two seperate Wands) in a SSF environment simply because you can't buy cheap high dust value Uniques and disenchant them.

Stating there is no problem with the changes simply because you still get your 1-2 lucky divines is you being delirious to the problem. Yes the current 50,000,000 Shipments are crazy but maybe you realize that these are composed of 25,000,0000 Crops / Bars and 25,000,000 Dust to match the Shipment Value for the crazy multiplier it now gives and those are unreachable for probably 80-90% of the playerbase.
Last edited by Jaydlez on Aug 14, 2024, 8:41:34 PM
Jaydlez wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
FreshMeat93 wrote:

1х Div from 2-3kk shipment - woah dude,.just woah.
You really dont even understand how hilarious you are.
If that was 6-8 Divs income atleast , well maybe it was worth it.
But sharing that 1x div joke screens from 2kk shipments where's 1.5kk - are dust on ship - is really fun to watch.

And you like proving that GGG is on a right direction with this changes.

Sadly because of persons like you, this game will never be good again in future.

Balancing game around 0.1% nerd-jerks who's 16hours/day login in poe - is dead end way for Poe.

That was 600k so probably 300k of dust (that is like 30-40min of disenchanting?), but it shows your flawed expectations, as you expect multiple divines from idle clicker. 1 divine for doing nothing? Thats like 6th today and you say it isn't worth it as a passive income? Then don't do it :P

990k Crop Shipment with added 990k Dust (which comes out to a 1.980,000 Shipment Value). Selectively picking the "lucky" Shipments to try and debunk it was clearly a nerf is just outright shameful.

It was already bad getting Power Runes with 50,000,000 Shipments pre-patch but now it's even worse. Now it's literally almost mathematically impossible to grind for 26 Power Runes (for the Tormented Spirit enchants for example since you want it on two seperate Wands) in a SSF environment simply because you can't buy cheap high dust value Uniques and disenchant them.

Stating there is no problem with the changes simply because you still get your 1-2 lucky divines is you being delirious to the problem. Yes the current 50,000,000 Shipments are crazy but maybe you realize that these are composed of 25,000,0000 Crops / Bars and 25,000,000 Dust to match the Shipment Value for the crazy multiplier it now gives and those are unreachable for probably 80-90% of the player base.

Luck is luck mate, sometimes you get divines sometimes not. But they're still there and we get plenty of them. If you're playing SSF and want good uniques for disenchant, go for bosses, those uniques mostly are valued 30k+, also influenced rares are good. You can also sell runes 5:1 for higher tier. So how many of 50,000,000 shipments have you done and how is the risk with them ;)
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 8:45:32 PM
i agree it is way too hard to get runes too

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