Baseline map running: Awful.

these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

We never had 1-2 divines in the campaign, what are you talking about? I usually have 0 in campaign.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

You do realize that divine drops during the campaign are not normal and nothing else but a very lucky jackpot case just the same as getting like a tabi right in act 1?

But giving your statement it's not hard to see that you in fact lack the feeling of how normal the loot is since your claims are just based around your luck of previous leagues.

Or maybe it feels not normal to you and others after the game spoiled us in various ways during the past 3 leagues or pretty much past 12 months.

Tota was a free currency printer, affliction was also just a abomination of currency and t0 printer and necro was nothing but a free item editor to get close to mirror tier gear for throwing down some corpse into a hole.

No surprise that some of the heavily spoiled players get all entitled with the new league as it's for once a classic normal league again without all the instant gratification all over the board.
League mechanic on it's own is still rewarding if you engage with it but it's not as ridicules crazy as the last 3 leagues and more in line with how league mechanics used to be in terms of reward.

As is for the base loot nothing has changed at all in that regard so welcome back to a normal league.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 4, 2024, 3:23:55 AM
Pashid wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

You do realize that divine drops during the campaign are not normal and nothing else but a very lucky jackpot case just the same as getting like a tabi right in act 1?

But giving your statement it's not hard to see that you in fact lack the feeling of how normal the loot is since your claims are just based around your luck of previous leagues.

Or maybe it feels not normal to you and others after the game spoiled us in various ways during the past 3 leagues or pretty much past 12 months.

Tota was a free currency printer, affliction was also just a abomination of currency and t0 printer and necro was nothing but a free item editor to get close to mirror tier gear for throwing down some corpse into a hole.

No surprise that some of the heavily spoiled players get all entitled with the new league as it's for once a classic normal league again without all the instant gratification all over the board.
League mechanic on it's own is still rewarding if you engage with it but it's not as ridicules crazy as the last 3 leagues and more in line with how league mechanics used to be in terms of reward.

As is for the base loot nothing has changed at all in that regard so welcome back to a normal league.

Disagree with Necropolis. I used necropolis mechanic once to just make a bow and never came back. There was a bunch of strategies good enough to keep me playing the game. Now in Settlers of Kalguur they removed a bunch of scarabs and reworked atlas tree. Also in Patch Notes they said that they made some changes with base IIQ from monsters to prevent some infinite scalling. The result is a awful experience in endgame mapping. Its not just bad drops, it the lack of sinergy with farming strategies, maps, scarabs, atlas tree. The endgame is broken and boring.

Also i think t17 is a mistake. It feels so bad do anything besides t17, sanctum or simulacrum right now in the game.
Last edited by Alluryen on Aug 4, 2024, 3:58:02 AM
Alluryen wrote:

Disagree with Necropolis. I used necropolis mechanic once to just make a bow and never came back.

That explains everything why you disagree with it. You didn't really interacted with the league mechanic to actually see of how broken and stupid it was to the point that it made the previous item editor called OG harvest look like a joke.

top tier items were dirt cheap and over flooded the marked because of how easy it was to create powerful gear even to the point that semi mirror tier items did cost you less than 100d in the making and normal end game tier gear for a few chaos or all in all self found corpse hoarding and collecting if you didn't wanted to bother with the trade part.
Necropolis also still had the same issue of Affliction with t0 chase items being dirt cheap.
Both of that did for sure spoiled lots of players with a different experience to the point that they can't even go back to the normal loot or gearing process that we ever had before both of those leagues existed.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 4, 2024, 4:02:09 AM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

Lmfao what an absolute made up story.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

Lmfao what an absolute made up story.

you werent even around back then so how would you know? lol
Pashid wrote:
Alluryen wrote:

Disagree with Necropolis. I used necropolis mechanic once to just make a bow and never came back.

That explains everything why you disagree with it. You didn't really interacted with the league mechanic to actually see of how broken and stupid it was to the point that it made the previous item editor called OG harvest look like a joke.

top tier items were dirt cheap and over flooded the marked because of how easy it was to create powerful gear even to the point that semi mirror tier items did cost you less than 100d in the making and normal end game tier gear for a few chaos or all in all self found corpse hoarding and collecting if you didn't wanted to bother with the trade part.
Necropolis also still had the same issue of Affliction with t0 chase items being dirt cheap.
Both of that did for sure spoiled lots of players with a different experience to the point that they can't even go back to the normal loot or gearing process that we ever had before both of those leagues existed.

What ever if Necropolis flooded the Market with good items or not, that isnt the point. My point is: Necropolis League had a good endgame and rewarding experience and also multiple ways to juice your strategies. Even though the league mechanics was terrible, ppl had good time farming maps.

Path Exile always was a game where u had a big number of Strategies and builds to fit your taste. At this moment the game is increasingly restrictive.
Another thing that made me upset its the amount of nerf to make Melee more appealing. I dont like this mentality to break some playstyle to make a another playstyle more appealing. It looks like Blizzard way to balance things, not GGG.

My concern is for the future of the game. If I didn't worry, I wouldn't be wasting my time posting here.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

Lmfao what an absolute made up story.

you werent even around back then so how would you know? lol

Are you serious right now?

"Oh man divines used to drop in the campaign, oh by the way im talking about when divines were obtained from selling a 6 link, and even then 6 links dont drop in the campaign often either, so im just making things up even more"

Get gotting yourself there. Always the privates that do this to themselves

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 4, 2024, 4:31:23 AM
Alluryen wrote:

Path Exile always was a game where u had a big number of Strategies and builds to fit your taste. At this moment the game is increasingly restrictive.
Another thing that made me upset its the amount of nerf to make Melee more appealing. I dont like this mentality to break some playstyle to make a another playstyle more appealing. It looks like Blizzard way to balance things, not GGG.

My concern is for the future of the game. If I didn't worry, I wouldn't be wasting my time posting here.

Upon that regard nothing has changed at all as you can still do so much of various farming strategies and play with whatever is in your liking.
Even all the changes in this patch introduced more player power across the entire board with maybe one or two existing builds nerfed to the ground but that's also nothing new and we always had changes that killed meta builds for good reasons.

Melee builds are on the winning end this league as it's easier to reach good numbers earlier while it took a bit longer prior the change to get any melee build to the "feels amazing" to play point.
Dot builds on the right side also got some love with the change of perfect agony which helps a lot to get builds going well even on a mid tier budget.
They also fixed chieftain to be more useful again, not as amazing as the old one but at least you can play a couple more builds with it now.
raider and gladiator both also got some long deserved changes in a very positive way to allow more variety across the ascendancy classes.

The only part that ended up getting killed was the high end party mf play but that's mostly all about it.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 4, 2024, 4:44:54 AM

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