Baseline map running: Awful.

I dont remember the last time the baseline mapping experience felt so bad/barren. Not comparing it to fully min maxed t17s either. Been running maps in SSF and it feels awful. Feels like 3+ years ago. I don't get it.

Last bumped on Aug 6, 2024, 1:18:15 PM
ye it feels crap now
I am so frustrated with the state of mapping/loot that I am considering calling it quits for the season already. I am not having fun. I don't even know why I'm doing this to myself at this point.
all the loot is in t17 now. no point in running anything below t17
I agree. And on top of a lack of drops in maps, I feel obligated to run them just for gold pickup.

I think the vision has slightly been altered and is now focused on forcing people to play because feel they have to instead of feeling they want to play.

For me, I'm just not that interested in feeling forced to run maps just for gold, it feels dirty.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Mapping just feels like garbage. As an MFer, I can understand the reason why Quant gear was removed, but holy crap what is that? I think that GGG thought that you could use ship/map runners to "balance" the loot.

But the loot is not even remotely “good” or balanced

BUT the biggest shame are the changes to the Divination Cards. Like seriously, this change MAKES no sense.

For example: I want to farm Dunes Map: Divi Cards in the map are just SHIT.

Please GGG, in the name of the father... PLEASE buff it.

And yeah i forgot something: Why are the EU Server so trash? High latency and desynchs... feels like i'm playing PoE 2014 all over again.
Last edited by Kunibertos on Aug 1, 2024, 5:29:58 AM
This is very hard to play right now in all seriousness I don't remember the last time PoE was this little fun.

Hoping we can hear something about their plans soon. I'm not burnt out but this feels somewhat oppressive when mapping.
Yep. After realising the league mechanic is giving trash for the amount of time and resources it needs and that the league preview was basically a bait/false advertising, I decided to quit.

Seeing how GGG also doesn't care, I don’t have much hope for any buffs onwards. It's a shame really as the idea for the league mechanic itself is great, actually the best they had in years.
Last edited by venvaneless on Aug 1, 2024, 6:02:01 PM
I was really looking forward to this league. It has a great concept but nerfing the dops into the ground made it useless. I am at the point of not even bothering up the city as there is no benefit doing so. Ships bring back garbage, black market give garbage, map workers are a usless boring map running time synch. Feels like this whole league revolves around grinding maps that give no loot just to farm gold. Not my idea of fun.
I agree with the state of mapping is in a terrible spot, i have almost 80h of mapping this league and my pilfering tracking ring looks shows just how scarce loot has been, while sanctum farmers are getting more divines than I get chaos :P

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