Baseline map running: Awful.

I think it doesn't matter if you call them divine or exalt.

Fact is that before and after the change it's always been a very very lucky case to get one of the valuable "trading coins" if not even multiple.

That being said not finding the lucky jackpot in a new league doesn't mean the loot is changed or bad. You still get the same amount of cookie cutter currency as before if not even a bit more depending on the league. And "tinks" still drop as much as before if you actually play actively and not just run a single map and quit right away cause you didn't drop a divine.
Sometimes you get lucky days with more drops than usual, sometimes you don't but that's just how rng works on the more lower weighted drops.

Leagues like affliction just did in fact threw too much dopamine into the round to the point that some people do expect to always hit the lucky case all the time and you see the problem across many topics that people get entitled because they got lucky once or twice and did not get the same outcome all the time.

You could even drop a mirror during one league and see not a single one ever again.
Just the case of being lucky once and never hitting the jackpot again and not something because loot has changed
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 4, 2024, 5:34:27 AM
Mashgesture wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:

i meant exalts since back then those were the trading currency not divines. exalts dropped in the campaign. there, better now or gotta nitpick some more?

So now its exalts being great in the campaign and not divines? Oh man we are changing our story.

First we used to get divines in the campaign, because, you know divines now are great!

Then its under the context of selling 6 links, also not showing up in the campagin, and that would be 9c.

and now its exalts dropping in the campaign.

No they didnt and ..

The plot thickens.

Helps to get your story straight if you want anyone to believe you

exalts did drop back in the day in the campaign.
Pashid wrote:

Leagues like affliction just did in fact threw too much dopamine into the round to the point that some people do expect to always hit the lucky case all the time and you see the problem across many topics that people get entitled
You could even drop a mirror during one league and see not a single one ever again.

You know there's a GGG employee or a white knight coming when there's a recall on affliction. Loot is nerfed compared to necropolis and only people that don't play the game or have other purposes deny it.

Loot has been nerfed.Rares drop gold instead of items. And they drop nothing in standard. Where are all the chisels drops? Where are all the alteration orbs? Obviously you can't comment on divines or mirrors due to drop rates but they definitely nerfed those even. They didn't even mention the giga flask nerfs in the patch notes and someone here expects them to mention nerfs on drop rates no1 can notice?
panikouk wrote:
Where are all the chisels drops? Where are all the alteration orbs?

In my maps.

feral_nature wrote:

exalts did drop back in the day in the campaign.

Extremely rarely. Most people didn't get a single one in campaign.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 4, 2024, 6:56:31 AM
So I'm genuinely confused because it sounds like people are talking about multiple different things as if they're the same in this thread.

Are we talking about reduced drops from generic enemies, or are we talking about reduced drops overall, including from content?
So I'm genuinely confused because it sounds like people are talking about multiple different things as if they're the same in this thread.

Are we talking about reduced drops from generic enemies, or are we talking about reduced drops overall, including from content?

The thread went off the rails as soon soon as someone tried to blame affliction for players unrealistic expectations even when I clearly pointed out that I was comparing the league we have right now to the balance we saw in TOTA (pre-affliction).

Then they just started dividing off even further from there.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
these are not normal drops. back in the day we would get 1-2 divines just in the campaign. read the thread everyone agrees, yet you always seem to single me out in every topic i post in.

Lmfao what an absolute made up story.

you werent even around back then so how would you know? lol

Looks like a 10-8 round to me there buddy .. maybe it's his perception .. maybe it's cumulative he ment and didn't add .. so on and so forth still ..

You just got knocked out with words mate. Take note.

Also after 30 seconds on his profile:

He enjoyed minions and the old conversion fire only ele hit :)
Not a single level 100, not a single HC Char alive so on and so forth ..

Really screams he's done it all and then some :)

Transparency & accountability. Welcome to the internet :wave:
Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
Last edited by yetagainAGAIN on Aug 4, 2024, 7:59:55 PM
So I'm genuinely confused because it sounds like people are talking about multiple different things as if they're the same in this thread.

Are we talking about reduced drops from generic enemies, or are we talking about reduced drops overall, including from content?

ALERT CRITICAL THINKING .. and DISTINCTIONS .. logic should be illegal according to people born after 1996.

Seriously do the details matter THAT much if the baseline is:

The game used to be good, it is not very good now and how could it return to it's previous glory. None of us are getting 3 BTC a month in consulting fees so why would you not just let them figure it out on their own .. if they are still able to(ONLY JOKING OFC!)

Also how would you classify "generic enemies" and how are they not part of "content"? A definition in your own words(less than 180 words ofC :D) of the term "content" would help a lot here.

Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
Last edited by yetagainAGAIN on Aug 4, 2024, 8:10:00 PM
So I'm genuinely confused because it sounds like people are talking about multiple different things as if they're the same in this thread.

Are we talking about reduced drops from generic enemies, or are we talking about reduced drops overall, including from content?

I couple of days started to run Alva with full atlas allocated, and see now clearly, when I kill blood merchant + open 3+ chests inside incursions — this seems to make no difference at all.

So yes, loot is nerfed.

Maby incursions also bugged, dunno.
Should I post this in Bug Reports Forum?
DarkJen wrote:
So I'm genuinely confused because it sounds like people are talking about multiple different things as if they're the same in this thread.

Are we talking about reduced drops from generic enemies, or are we talking about reduced drops overall, including from content?

I couple of days started to run Alva with full atlas allocated, and see now clearly, when I kill blood merchant + open 3+ chests inside incursions — this seems to make no difference at all.

So yes, loot is nerfed.

Maby incursions also bugged, dunno.
Should I post this in Bug Reports Forum?

Working as intended.
Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0

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