Baseline map running: Awful.

They bravely nerfed loot in Fast1 and the retention numbers look great. Surely this success will replicate in Slow2 with orders of magnitude worse reward levels. No need for GGG-Tencent to be terrified anymore. Full steam ahead from now on.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Bosscannon wrote:
Strickl3r wrote:
Could you at least embrace the fact that you play an rng heavy arpg? Do you hear the people in Vegas that hit the slot machines complain all the time about not getting enough wins? jeeez

If you want deterministic farm havest and sell juice, glhf

mate, i have 40 hours on character pushing the atlas to tier 12 now

not a single divine

i would prefer rng at this point

but as it stands its CONSISTENTLY shit

i completed my atlas and running tier16's. lvl 92 char. not a single divine drop. all the divines i had came from selling things.

i had 4 div drops so far, all of them in red maps, 2 of those were 8 mod corrupted(and lets not forget all the scarabs that i added, like domination and ambush to up the monster count)...Sometimes you have to work for it. Div in the campaign happens very rarely.
Couple of leagues ago i had my 4 voidstones before i got a Div drop. Drops don't matter much anyway. If Divs make you happy commit to a league mechanic and farm the s***t out of it, if that is what you want...
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 3, 2024, 7:35:41 AM
+1, I hate rolling T17s,
And I hate how barren the game feels now.

I want to just kill monsters.
I don't want to spend hours rolling shit. I don't want to use scarabs. I miss the growing hordes keystone for the nice mindless difficulty plus fun.
Strickl3r wrote:

i had 4 div drops so far, all of them in red maps, 2 of those were 8 mod corrupted(and lets not forget all the scarabs that i added, like domination and ambush to up the monster count)...Sometimes you have to work for it. Div in the campaign happens very rarely.
Couple of leagues ago i had my 4 voidstones before i got a Div drop. Drops don't matter much anyway. If Divs make you happy commit to a league mechanic and farm the s***t out of it, if that is what you want...

i shouldn't have to farm the s***it out of anything just to get ONE to drop...they cant even let me have one, thats how stingy the game has became. even in kalandra league it wasnt this bad.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Strickl3r wrote:

i had 4 div drops so far, all of them in red maps, 2 of those were 8 mod corrupted(and lets not forget all the scarabs that i added, like domination and ambush to up the monster count)...Sometimes you have to work for it. Div in the campaign happens very rarely.
Couple of leagues ago i had my 4 voidstones before i got a Div drop. Drops don't matter much anyway. If Divs make you happy commit to a league mechanic and farm the s***t out of it, if that is what you want...

i shouldn't have to farm the s***it out of anything just to get ONE to drop...they cant even let me have one, thats how stingy the game has became. even in kalandra league it wasnt this bad.

You shouldn't play the game to get loot to drop? It is a bit confusing statement.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Strickl3r wrote:

i had 4 div drops so far, all of them in red maps, 2 of those were 8 mod corrupted(and lets not forget all the scarabs that i added, like domination and ambush to up the monster count)...Sometimes you have to work for it. Div in the campaign happens very rarely.
Couple of leagues ago i had my 4 voidstones before i got a Div drop. Drops don't matter much anyway. If Divs make you happy commit to a league mechanic and farm the s***t out of it, if that is what you want...

i shouldn't have to farm the s***it out of anything just to get ONE to drop...they cant even let me have one, thats how stingy the game has became. even in kalandra league it wasnt this bad.

You shouldn't play the game to get loot to drop? It is a bit confusing statement.

i leveled to 94. thats enough time wasted to gat at least one raw drop. i certainly wont no life this game like some other people do. i rather quit and spend time with family/friends
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 4, 2024, 1:31:24 AM
Kalandra again. Vision killed a leage lets do it again.. Pity the town seemed a novelty but this is tedious. I am going nowhere with farming I think I have less for more effort than ever
I dont often post here... I love PoE but this league... let me be honest the loot is terrible we invest into 100% deli maps without any good return... we are currently investing over 100 chaos a map to get in return aprox 2-3 divines and we are a 6 man group...There is loot. Enough to make the game crash when i press alt, but all the loot we get is complete trash... This is ridiculous considering two league ago we use to drop a mirror everyday in top end.... Its so un-motivating that we are already thinking of dropping the league... I really hope they change stuff quickly... Good league for new players bad ones for older one... I was really hoping for a good juicy league and we are now in the poorest moment since talisman league in my opinion.

In hope this message reach the one who can still fix the league while we here...
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:

i shouldn't have to farm the s***it out of anything just to get ONE to drop...they cant even let me have one, thats how stingy the game has became. even in kalandra league it wasnt this bad.

You shouldn't play the game to get loot to drop? It is a bit confusing statement.

i leveled to 94. thats enough time wasted to gat at least one raw drop. i certainly wont no life this game like some other people do. i rather quit and spend time with family/friends

On average, each of us got 7 div dropped. If you want to quit because you didn't win the lottery, go for it, no reason to suffer. Diablo might be your jam, as anyone who kill a monster, wins a lottery and loot piñata.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
You'd expect that someone who's around since years would be used to the normal drops by now and able to work around it just fine.
Guess affliction still lingers around in some peoples mind and they can't let go of it :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 4, 2024, 2:21:24 AM

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