what the fuck is cyberpunk

I have only purchased pre-orders for games I am willing to accept as flawed on release. (Practically all of them that offer pre-orders...)

Given that Sony, and maybe even Micro$oft at this point, are now willingly processing "returns" for CP2077, it's a good sign that someone out there is a bit concerned with their image. But, it's not enough.

"Release Day" no longer means "Finished Product" and there are few legal recourses available to a electronic game consumer if, for instance, that game "works" but is terribly buggy. The developer is and should be allowed to "make good" on the purchase. But... when developers are routinely "making good" on such purchases for months after the fact, something is wrong with the current system.

And, what if they decide an advertisised feature is too difficult to "make good" on? For instance, I understand there are supposed to be some sort of "bountyhunters" in CP2077 and that the police can be bribed and/are corrupt. But, I've seen reviews where the presenter complains that these features are not in the game.

Wat do? What if that feature, as described in hype, doesn't make it into the game after a few months of patches? Can players use that as a reason to seek a refund? Not likely or at least not easily.
I am still not sure how things like dumb NPCs and overlapping dialogues are a deal breaker. I personally haven't crashed a single time in more than 20+ hours. There have been bugs but I had to reload because of them only 2 times (went through a wall and couldn't get out). The only real annoying bug was a subtitle that stuck to the screen but after I searched the forums for 5 minutes I was able to fix it. NPC behavior concerns me only up to the point where the game is too easy on very hard but then again, there are ways to make it more challenging (no health increase from the Body stat or playing with more damage-oriented gear, playing as a melee, ignoring stealth).

My biggest problem with the game so far is the lack of weapon/armor mods which forces me to keep sub-par pieces of gear that have extremely rare ones.

I can easily give this game a 10/10 without even really getting into the main story.

Last edited by Johny_Snow on Dec 16, 2020, 11:46:56 PM
Here's a list of how much was cut from Cyberpunk 2077.

Took from reddit



Here's a list of how much was cut from Cyberpunk 2077.
Credit to SZNEJK®

Let's watch the following video from the official Cyberpunk Youtube channel and compare:


0:06 Nope, never happened. No cutscenes where you can see your own character
1:01 "This is an RPG" Nope....that's a lie, you changed the tag from RPG to Action game
1:01 No key life event and "Why Night City" in the actual game, All characters play the same exact way after the prologue.
1:08 "New possibilities later in the game". Just few extra dialogues that has almost no impact in the game
1:20 "And many, many more". Nope, just add "nails" to the list and that's it. Character customization is one the laziest i've seen in an RPG. But hey, you can customize your d**k (type 1 and 2...wow)
1:37 "Near the beginning of the game". Yes, correct...after a time skip of 6 months with cut contents and absolute 0 context.
1:40 "Along with a netrunner called T-Bug". Yes, the player will hear that name for the first time, but not the characters....they have probably already met her during the 6 month period you are not able to play.
2:44 Nope, not such a thing like context-related stealth takedown. All the knockdowns in the game play the same exact animation.
3:00 Nope. NPC and Enemies don't interact with any props in game
3:40 Nope, not happening. Enemies' AI is not that advanced. This was probably a scripted scene removed from the final game. Jackie never interacted with the actual environment
3:45 Nope, not happening.
3:50 Nope, V does not interact with other NPC during combat.
4:14 Just no....Jackie is more a bullet-sponge than anything else.
4:25 Jackie changing weapon grapping a new one from the enemy? Hell no, not happening.
5:44 Options on how to carry on with the mission? Not happening.
7:14 No, V never said that. Again: V doesn't interact in anyway with the world around him/her.
7:46 Nope, elevators often have only 2 possible destinations: Ground floor and Mission Floor.
7:52 Again, No third person cutscenes
8:05 Hell NO. Not happening. not even the slightest. This frame is so full of lies I don't even know where to start: no cutscenes about the apartment, No clothes around the house; no Joytoys coming at your house and getting re-dressed after s*x. V doesn't sleep like that on the bed. Check the memes about that
8:29 No, that's a lie. You don't interact with people like that.
8:30 Not happening
8:39 Not happening
9:14 NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. All the possible interactions with props are made possible with the press of 1 key, "F", while aiming at them. No Additional fancy UIs
11:09 No, it doesn't.
11:57 No, elevators don't have that many options...again
12:17 "With no loading screens" Fair enough, but instead of a loading screen they put elevators rides that takes several seconds, during these elevator runs you won't see the outside most of the time.
13:14 No, that's not true. NPC don't have day-night cycles.
15:17 No, Missions' intels are not that good
20:10 No, vendor's interface is not that good. You will get a UI from early 2000s
22:12 That's the scanning mode we got
22:20 No, not true.
24:20 No, nothing like that in the game
24:31 Driving interface is nothing like that. They downgraded it to a simple HUD element in the corner of the screen.
24:47 "OK. BOOMER"
24:58 "No....only some broken cars and a couple of bikes....nothing else"
25:06 This scene is clearly scripted and the same thing happen in the actual game. In the game it's simply not that epic
25:12 No, not happening
25:16 Seen that car accident? Well....forget anything like that.
25:53 "WHAT?" What does that even mean? Hell no....nothing like that.
23:58 Seen that collision? Forget about that...most of time things will just explode if you get too close of them. Other time that rubbish will be as hard as a wall, stopping your car.
27:13 Yes. You could do that, but it would have no impact on the outcome.
28:34 That's a lie. A big LIE. Player's decision have almost 0 impact on the story and the quests.
37:54 No, not really. There isn't such a thing
38:14 No. There is nothing like this in the game.
38:27 No, they don't.
38:58 No. Only 3. Tech, Strength and Hacking. All of them are based on a minimum level of that stat to open the way; actual perks and skills in that category doesn't matter.
40:06 No, Enemies won't react in any way to grenades' or others. They will just stay still and get hit by them.
44:33 No, nothing like that, really.
44:52 No, only 2% of all quests have different paths you can choose from. The specific quest they have shown in this video is the only one in the game with some different choices in it. Nothing dramatic, really.... It's "Ally with Maelstrom and be enemies of the Miltech" or the exact same opposite.... there are 5-6 ways of playing this mission but they all end with 2 possible final outcomes.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Dec 17, 2020, 6:32:48 AM
I have not played cyberpunk nor will I any time soon due to my pc meeting bare reqs, so I only have one question:

can any of you think of a game that has spent roughly the same amount of time in developmental hell, and ended up not only delivering on it's promises, but also matching the hype?

we all should have seen the development process and the marketing as a clear sign that cyberpunk was not going to meet the hype. of course some did, but the rest of us blew it off, as though this game was going to be an exception
Tsk tsk, some people don't watch trailers or read materials about the game/movie/concert/whatever. I stopped looking at trailers and development diaries a long time ago. I am confident in saying it has improved my attitude towards games and movies.

In a distant future, people are wearing leather jackets over leather jackets.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Dec 17, 2020, 2:53:06 PM
If you want to see something funny - try dropping a body near a wall. It will either
- break completely which will kill the guy
- destroy the nearby surfaces
- straight up disappear
- fly into the sky
Anyone know, can provide reference to confirm, if RedEngine 4 is using their own proprietary physics engine or if it's using PhysX or Havok?

Removed from the PlayStation Store for both PS4 and PS5, and Sony is actually offering full refunds. Yikes.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
heads gonna roll and since its been pulled people are going to be looking for something else to play....at least on their playstations

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