what the fuck is cyberpunk

So apparently even after all the refunds, the game has still sold over 13 million copies in just 10 days. Considering it had already more than recouped all its costs from just the 8 million pre-orders, that's a lot of profit. As is typical, investors are disappointed even when a game breaks sales records. -_-


Pretty sure this thing is gonna break 20 million eventually. Whether it'll hit 30 million, we'll have to wait and see. The save file bug is now fixed, btw.

Overall it seems like, even counting the buggy release, GGG made the right call.
Exile009 wrote:
Pretty sure this thing is gonna break 20 million eventually. Whether it'll hit 30 million, we'll have to wait and see. The save file bug is now fixed, btw....

I don't think anyone will see 20 million units moved until the next-gen consoles get a good representation in the market and there's some sales/incentives for those customers. You won't see 30 million in units sold, ever, for Cyberpunk 2077 version "1." That just doesn't happen. "Day 1 Sales Figures" represent the overwhelming majority of sales for any game on any platform. More than doubling that number would be inconceivable.

But, the addition of substantial DLC/added content and a great many other perks could eventually move that number up. I'd still doubt it would more than double Day 1 sales. Maybe if they included a "sex mode", total nudity, and Construction Kit... Even then, there'd probably be some other game that steals its thunder.

I've watched some of yongea's vids. While I appreciate his gathering and presentation of data, I really don't think he should add commentary or his own summations... I've see him miss the mark, widely, too many times.

On stocks and "investors."

Stocks represent potential value. An "investor" could be a shareholder. But, in this case, the "investors" could also be much like "angel investors" or "supporters" who've invested/donated in expectation of receiving something. For "real investors" that "something" would be cash or shares.

A stock investor, or someone who owns shares in this company as part of an investor agreement, should not be worried at all, here. While people like Yongyea <sp> may see this as a big negative, the fact is that CDPR is very likely "undervalued" here in its stock price. For people that care about money, that means it's a "buy." For people who don't know about money, that lower share price seems like a "failure" to them.

There is no value in a stock until it is sold, barring dividends if they're being paid. The price now represents "lost value" which is very ephemeral in the long-run unless one has clear numbers and reason to consider it something that can not be overcome. Someone selling their shares today will suffer a loss, depending on when they bought them. Someone waiting until next-quarter will have a much better opportunity for gains.

When the next quarter's reports come out and show astronomical earnings, great continued growth, new products in the pipeline to support these phenomenal sales... Well, by then the price will have climbed to next-year's peak and all the doomsayers will have lost out. :)

PS: I don't think I have any shares of this company and don't care anything at all about whether or not the game is successful. Though, I wish them all the best just because they're human beings. I've don't believe I've ever played any of their titles. (No "Witcher" games, for sure.)
Morkonan wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
Pretty sure this thing is gonna break 20 million eventually. Whether it'll hit 30 million, we'll have to wait and see. The save file bug is now fixed, btw....

I don't think anyone will see 20 million units moved until the next-gen consoles get a good representation in the market and there's some sales/incentives for those customers. You won't see 30 million in units sold, ever, for Cyberpunk 2077 version "1." That just doesn't happen. "Day 1 Sales Figures" represent the overwhelming majority of sales for any game on any platform. More than doubling that number would be inconceivable.

But, the addition of substantial DLC/added content and a great many other perks could eventually move that number up. I'd still doubt it would more than double Day 1 sales.

I meant all those sales figures including any subsequent DLCs, yes. 30 million is a stretch goal, really. But they should easily clear 20 million+ once the game is polished and post-release content is out.

That said, how much revenue those additional sales generate is an open question. Patient buyers also tend to be bargain hunters, and CDPR has a history of offering pretty great deals (you can regularly get their masterpiece Witcher 3, including its expansions, for just $15 on Steam - including now, btw).
Last edited by Exile009 on Dec 26, 2020, 1:21:40 AM
With DLCs I can see it reaching Witcher 3 numbers (around 28 million). It'll take some time for sure though, maybe in 2022.
Exile009 wrote:
I meant all those sales figures including any subsequent DLCs, yes. 30 million is a stretch goal, really. But they should easily clear 20 million+ once the game is polished and post-release content is out.

That said, how much revenue those additional sales generate is an open question. Patient buyers also tend to be bargain hunters, and CDPR has a history of offering pretty great deals (you can regularly get their masterpiece Witcher 3, including its expansions, for just $15 on Steam - including now, btw).

IMO, it's going to sell some additional "new" copies to players when it finally gets back on Sony's store. Not just due to those sales, but due to other console gamers seeing that it's now "clean." But, in order for it to get even a 50% increase in sales, it'd have to include some other phenomenal sort of iteration of "new content." Some in-your-face kind of DLC that moves the game to "Cyberpunk 2077 1.5" status or something like that might push the numbers a bit.

There is no doubt that CDPRojekt Red intends or at least intended for Cyberpunk 2077 to have some sort of complimentary monetization scheme. What that is supposed to be... I don't know. ANY attempt at adding some kind of additional "online store purchases" to the current game would be met with... Well, "outrage" is a very weak word in terms of what the consoler's reception would be.

It's all a pretty fascinating thing that's going on with this game. It's another "hype killer" release of what was touted as the bestest thing since water.

Yet, it seems that if a game literally throws poo in your face when you press the game's "Play" button, it will make money... Oodles of money. All one has to do is put enough money up-front in terms of marketing and hype and... press the "print money" button.

And, gamers don't hold anyone responsible for anything longer than a couple of months... They buy a game, the game sux, they rant a bit and then forget about the money they lost. If they bought a pair of shoes and they didn't fit and they had no chance to try them on beforehand, wouldn't they try to return them?

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