Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

Mashgesture wrote:
Strickl3r wrote:
5k each + 5 k dust?^^

I mean why would you send 5k each anyway the town has certain demands. If they demand 30k ogurd and 80k wheat i send that...logical no? why would randomely send 5k each be better???....

i saw some people send bars aswell. Why would you do that? What have bars to do with currency?^^ maybe i do it all wrong now that 520 of each grain doesn't seem to work anymore, dunno ;P

tzzz ok rant over

Bars and ores dont give you anything but gear. Crops give you currency and depending where you send, you either get runes or tatoos.

Dust scales the currency.

yes, ok but why do you need 5k each then and not exactly what the twon demands, (if they demand grains of course)? I already have huge demands. Fullfillingthem would be like 1,x-4 mio value. Everytiem i did that it seemed bad. What does sending each crop actually do? Is there sth confirmed?

And why would you send to Kalguur, because of power runes?

e.g. Pondium demands 36k ourgord and 20k corn right now and i am sving for it...would you send that or just ignore that and send whatever like 10k each and your whole dust for a day to kalguur ignoring quotas?^^
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 14, 2024, 2:46:21 PM
Strickl3r wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Strickl3r wrote:
5k each + 5 k dust?^^

I mean why would you send 5k each anyway the town has certain demands. If they demand 30k ogurd and 80k wheat i send that...logical no? why would randomely send 5k each be better???....

i saw some people send bars aswell. Why would you do that? What have bars to do with currency?^^ maybe i do it all wrong now that 520 of each grain doesn't seem to work anymore, dunno ;P

tzzz ok rant over

Bars and ores dont give you anything but gear. Crops give you currency and depending where you send, you either get runes or tatoos.

Dust scales the currency.

yes, ok but why do you need 5k each then and not exactly what the twon demands, (if they demand grains of course)? I already have huge demands. Fullfillingthem would be like 1,x-4 mio value. Everytiem i did that it seemed bad. What does sending each crop actually do? Is there sth confirmed?

And why would you send to Kalguur, because of power runes?

e.g. Pondium demands 36k ourgord and 20k corn right now and i am sving for it...would you send that or just ignore that and send whatever like 10k each and your whole dust for a day to kalguur ignoring quotas?^^


Just in case you dont know. Bar are 5x worth ores. So youll need 5x less their quota if you send bars over ores.

I dont send to fufill because youll eventually run out of resources but:

More times you send = More times you are able to get loot

You can fufill if you get the bars you eventually need to fufill but until then just send crops and dust.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I know that the bars count 5 times, i am hitting my calculator all the timne because of that xd

my question is more leaned towards why you would send a variety of everything instead of fullfill exactly what the town wants? if there is some kind of knowledge that different sorts of grain might boost each other or sth like that.

I farmed 5-10 div each day by just sending 520 of each + 8k dust to the nearest harbour for almost two weks now. I always had around 300k value with that. The ships now have 100k value unless you add a gigantic amount of dust to it which doesn'T seem to do the same thing that 8k dust did before. Got 6 chaos max out ofthat so far today.... It doesn't seem to work anymore is the thing. But my big shipments have not been succesful either so far.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 14, 2024, 3:08:46 PM
The amount of terrible info in this thread is staggering. Which is somewhat understandable given how terrible the mechanic is signaling.

But just to be clear.

Before patch DUST DID NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON CURRENCY OR RUNES. It also probably had no effect on item rolls but that is so much harder to test, it can't be verified.

This patch is a buff, not a massive buff however.
That was my positive optimistic expectation as of this morning. Dust did nothing, now it does sth and ships are buffed. But why are the small shipments kind of unrewarding then suddenly? Even if you put in 150k dust to double the value of the shipment from ~150k to 300k(talking about shipments of 500-1000 of each grain)

The divines were comign in left and right, they did not come in today...ok that's just one day might be unlucky dunno

What does 8k dust, not 600k or whatever do now? It seems to me like you need to ship humongus amounts and the reason for that change is, so you have to play more maps. That's what it looks like to me...Can't have people play 5-10 maps each day and get ~8ish divs from small shipments, nah^^
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 14, 2024, 3:29:16 PM
mnieradko wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
but guys...this was a buff!

It is a "buff", for those who play 26 hours a day, which is the intended audience for the monster known as modern POE. This small segment of players (or should I call them free labor?) were really struggling and needed a further helping hand!

Sometimes GGG makes their preferences a little TOO obvious, such as in this "buff".


Pretty much, Got one div so far this league and already considering just firing my disenchanters if i play at all again.

What's the point if by adding even small amounts of the stuff im losing whole shipments versus losing basically no shipments or even partials without.

And i thought i was supposed to be able to defend my boat, where's that at!?
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 14, 2024, 4:10:25 PM
agreed with this. Please undo the dust changes. I'm now ALWAYS out of resources and sending only 2-3 crew members on a ship. its IMPOSSIBLE to keep 3 ships with all rank 9 or 10 shipping busy. It simply takes way too much resources.
It's finally verified wrong for me since i only do like 1 million small shipments: I get my divines orbs like a clock. 1 by 1 tho, and not the hightest runes. I only add like 100k dust tho.

Not sure that generating infinite currency is good tho.
It certainly givse me far less shipment value now. I get the feeling they weren't very careful or thoughtful in their changes, and disregarded the effects on the poorer among us; I've barely started red maps, and at the meager town I'm at I get far lower shipment value. It's hard to tell about reward value, shipment value is the only number I can see, and shipment value is far lower.
Can confirm. Earlier I sent 8 000 dust, got 2 div return on like 100k crops, now I sent 2 000 000 dust, got 0 div return :)

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