Oh I tried being cautious a lot, with different builds fully respeccing chars on standard. It increases delay between deaths, but still, a matter of time. Last time on 3.25 I was oneshotted by a shotgun blast fired from distant mob pack while I was picking up currency from ground.

In general, game is just too fast, there is too much clutter on screen, a human cannot keep this up forever. You have to have overbuffed stats, manual dodging only works on choreographed bosses, which are in the past now. Last such fights were Sirus, Maven, Eater. New bosses are same random mess with random layers as the rest of the game.

Finally there is matter of loot. non-juiced T16 are a barren wasteland, there is little point in running them to begin with. And when you start stacking random layers, altars, you start the death countdown. Eventually stars will align and you die within 0.1 sec.
Portal limit is already a limit to the amount of deaths you are allowed to have, phases and multiple instant death mechanics on bosses means that until you actually one shot phase bosses you have to deal with a lot of mechanics a glass canon build will instantly die to.

What is wrong in reaching level 100 from actually grinding the game ? No different from how you can reach level 100 now, just spam 100 red no mod maps, just buy carry legion boost etc. Last league we had prob more level 100s than ever before cause of the insane scarab abuse. It has never mattered and it doesnt now.

you know what actually matters ? Clear good game design. Monsters with sould eater are not good design. Reflect is not good design, teleporting mobs are not good design, ice ring rares are not good design. There is a ton of terrible designed stuff in this game that has absolute 0 reason to be here.

Not dying even if the xp loss was removed would still incent people to not die, both to not lose portals or to not have to backtrack even if you have COD portal you still waste 2 slots on your gear just for that convenience.

There isn´t a single good argument to why xp loss is still in the game with how rippy it is and how much farming currency is now linked with more and more rippy content. Get rid of it and up the xp requirement by 50% and be done with it. The only thing it actually does is push people away from playing the game as past 95´s most peoples deaths are to things that are completely out of their control and not even remotely fair, unless you are a super good player who has build an absolute monster of a defensive character.

Echothesis wrote:
Oh I tried being cautious a lot, (...) I was oneshotted by a shotgun blast fired from distant mob pack while I was picking up currency from ground.

Fitting end for a glass cannon not paying attention.

Also bosses are choreographed, I think you haven't done them yet.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
As a side note, first lvl 100 character in Settlers league appeared like 23 hours after release, a scion aurabot with 0 dps. How does that fit with all the elitist arguments of "you have to earn your levels"?:) Guy invested all into defenses using leverage of not having to invest into dps, and just walked behind his party members. Even if we all agree that exp penalty is "justified", it still doesn't work fair even from this angle.
Exiles, You need to accept that not everyone from the older days of gaming appreciates harsh penalties and that they are not a good thing in all cases.

In fact they are horrible thing in almost all cases as seen how games have nearly all shifted away from it, as it makes people quit games. Less players is never good for an online game. The biggest problem is how it isnt even something that impacts other players, the amount of x abusing people who got level 100 in 700 hours of playing a league and wants to gate keep that from newcomers is legit sad, you are actively voting for the games downfall just so you can "think", that your level 100 "achievement" matters, when we all know it doesnt.

The amount of new players that quit earlier in their poe experience than they might like, simply cause they cant get beyond 85-95 level is an eye opener, if you have ever talked and interacted with newer players you would see this constantly talked about amongst them.
The best I've seen in death "penalty" in arpgs is the area reset. You die in the area, all monsters return and the boss goes to full life. That gives the player the information that they need to improve, while not sending them back in what they already have achieved to make their build; the exp points.

They should have just copied that. No portal limits, either.

Just because they had a different idea for the genre, doesn't mean it's better.
Last edited by mrhouston on Aug 11, 2024, 8:31:06 PM
Mashgesture wrote:
roundishcap wrote:
Also the xp penatly does nothing to help players improve.

For example hypothetical player a dies, opens pob, deep dives his defenses,makes changes to get more phys reduction. Maybe since more phys as ele.

Dies again, opens pob and sees he isn't chaos res capped.

Dies again, caps suppression, gets more suppressed damage

Dies again, gets another endurance charge.

This could continue forever.

This is completely flawed thinking. Where do you draw the line? Seems arbitrary or nonexistent.

The argument you have here suggests that no matter how many defenses you have the game will still find a way to kill you.

Which if you believe this and actually want to stay consistent, then you should build 0 defenses and stay - res. Defenses don't matter right? So dont build any.

All I have to do to disprove this as well, is point to several thousands of hardcore characters and ask how they manage to accomplish level 100. Not even mentioning how many restrictions those people are under as well.

roundishcap wrote:

But did this actually teach anything. The game will find a way to kill players no matter how much defense they have.

This depends on the person, and if they are willing to put aside their ego and maybe think they did not build their character correctly. Or may have overlooked something.

roundishcap wrote:
At best we can only guess as to what kills us. If ggg wants players to learn from dying the answer is a combat log and training dummy. Removing xp is just rude.

Im neither for or against a combat log. But dying and just trying again with spam and no downside would be a horrible change. Level 100 is an accomplishment regardless of what method you use to get it.

Funny you mention level 100 hardcore characters, i have seen over 10 level 100 hardcore characters die already, if they are so good, how come they still clearly manage to die constantly ?

Hardcore is litterally a direct counter proof to what you say, people abuse log out scripts (even chris, the developer) cheats and uses an unintended game interaction to save himself if it gets dicey and even then the best 20k+ hours of hardcore maniacs die frequently, several of them not even hitting 100 consistently and they rarely do much endgame content at all or special farming strats that juice top tier, they play safe and slow and they all play the same insanely tanky build types vs softcore, funnily we always worry about damage on several classes and acendencies, but rarely how tanky every class can feasible get.
GGG should make it you can lose level for like a week to teach people how bad it could be.
Why am I still here
jeppejack wrote:
Portal limit is already a limit to the amount of deaths you are allowed to have, phases and multiple instant death mechanics on bosses means that until you actually one shot phase bosses you have to deal with a lot of mechanics a glass canon build will instantly die to.

What is wrong in reaching level 100 from actually grinding the game ? No different from how you can reach level 100 now, just spam 100 red no mod maps, just buy carry legion boost etc. Last league we had prob more level 100s than ever before cause of the insane scarab abuse. It has never mattered and it doesnt now.

you know what actually matters ? Clear good game design. Monsters with sould eater are not good design. Reflect is not good design, teleporting mobs are not good design, ice ring rares are not good design. There is a ton of terrible designed stuff in this game that has absolute 0 reason to be here.

Not dying even if the xp loss was removed would still incent people to not die, both to not lose portals or to not have to backtrack even if you have COD portal you still waste 2 slots on your gear just for that convenience.

There isn´t a single good argument to why xp loss is still in the game with how rippy it is and how much farming currency is now linked with more and more rippy content. Get rid of it and up the xp requirement by 50% and be done with it. The only thing it actually does is push people away from playing the game as past 95´s most peoples deaths are to things that are completely out of their control and not even remotely fair, unless you are a super good player who has build an absolute monster of a defensive character.

This is most out of touch argument I've read - none of people I play with ever used all portals. People don't care about portals. Only thing they really care is exp, and without losing it on death people would get to 100, it would no longer feel good to get it. It would be just like finding transmute orb - who cares. People wouldn't care if they die at all.
There are plenty of arguments for exp loss, you just ignored them.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Echothesis wrote:
As a side note, first lvl 100 character in Settlers league appeared like 23 hours after release, a scion aurabot with 0 dps. How does that fit with all the elitist arguments of "you have to earn your levels"?:) Guy invested all into defenses using leverage of not having to invest into dps, and just walked behind his party members. Even if we all agree that exp penalty is "justified", it still doesn't work fair even from this angle.

This will tell you that you CAN build a tanky character and not die :)
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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