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Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Smudgius wrote:
I am so tired of all the gatekeeping done by elitist no-lifers. "Git gud," "Go play something else," "Maybe this game isn't for you!" Maybe we like this game, but there are some aspects we feel need to be addressed to make the game better?

And since we - those who are not in the top 0.5% of players - are not only helping to financially support this game, but are in fact the majority of their financial support - maybe we have the justifiable belief that they should at least consider how we feel about the game, and not ONLY the opinions of the top 0.5%.

Maybe the devs need to stop worshiping at the altar of LoD and realize that while it was a pretty fun game, it was NOT the pinnacle of arpgs. The purpose of a game is to be fun - if you are not able to enjoy it, it is a complete waste of your time. Maybe some of you should consider that it is not only possible, but relatively easy - to make a game approachable for a broader audience base, while providing elite content that hard-core no-lifers can enjoy. Just don't balance the damn game economy around the hardest 1% of the content. Those not in the top 0.5% aren't trying to take away the ultra-hard content you want, why do you all so desperately gatekeep and attack any suggestion aimed at making the majority of the game more accessible for the non-elite gamers?

Well said, I do enjoy the game, the first 60 levels or so with no xp loss was fun, despite dying 400 times. The story, the voice acting is all great, but you will still die and thats a fact, not a problem, but there is really no need to punish the lower skilled players by punishing them with the need to lose xp. I have a life as most people do, but with kidney and heart failure thanks to the diabetes I wonder if the stress of being punished is worth it with what little time i have left. I hope the devs can see the point i'm trying to make.
Last edited by sownice on Aug 16, 2024, 1:00:25 PM
roundishcap wrote:
The devs don't have a good reason they just do it.

Way back when this game was in early access there wasn't an endgame really. They surely felt that without a death penatly people would finish their game quickly.

Their goal at the time was to make an eternal game, a forever game. I don't think they wanted players reaching the level cap at all.

I think is a bad design choice which pushes players away. At some point it just burns players out.

Maybe it will change one day because they also said they would never do an auction house or currency exchange and they just added one to the league.

They said relatively recently they know what gamers will accept and not accept in terms of design. I am pretty sure the death penatly will be removed one day.

Yep. It either burns me out of playing entirely, or to the point I make another build and don't go back to the previous one. It's horrendous.

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