Are YOU still playing this league?

Phrazz wrote:
kaepae wrote:
That sounds great!

Have fun!

As far as the league, still sort of moseying around. Filled up my stash with coffins since league start. Still can't make 1 decent graveyard, refuse to trade.

PoE2 please.

The trouts just have to wait.

1. I crafted this:

2. This happened:

So, we have to find some shit to do :D

Hhahahaaa grats! :D
Did you try turning it off and on again?
I'm still playing but this league is soooo boooring!! I'm just waiting for Last Epoch 1.1 and PoE2 of course.
After this league and their funds, you will have to wait PoE2 in 2030, people already losing interest, league after league anyway
game's dead. waiting for poe 2, though I know it won't be better than grim dawn or last epoch.
I started late last week and haven't played in 4 years. I spent a little time in Standard at the end of Affliction but tried to revive a couple old characters who did not stand the test of time. There are many new changes in monster behavior and a million other things.

I decided to play this league because the crafting looked interesting, if a bit convoluted. I've tried basic stuff, and only one was mildly useful. I realize I'll probably never get to any top tier stuff but that's ok.

I find basic mapping to be chaotic and kind of fun. So much going on in one area and I don't even have my Atlas points yet. I honestly don't know how I'm surviving some of the rituals I've been doing. My EHP is terrible, and I followed a skill tree for a gem I can't get yet so there is that.

New monsters I hate: life regen, grasping vines and the lightning totems. Oh, and the ones with the electric bodies that spam constantly. Those are really annoying. I'll keep going until I hit the wall. have fun.
nope its too boring, ranger/spell meta 50th time in a row, t17 maps are impossible to run, theres not many players left, GGG didnt remove all of the 6l bugged items which is fucked up that one player spends money gets the item deleted cause it was identified, and another doesnt identify so he doesnt lose it.
I would play an event if they added some kind of mayhem with 10x league mechanics and wouldnt void it
nah, this game is doomed until GGG finally decides to make non-meta shit actually viable. i have no issues not being a 1% farmer, but if youre basically gimping yourself by 5000% if you dont play the FOTM build and abuse a certain strat then theres no point in playing the game for longer than 2 weeks per league
I got 26 challenges done last week, I think I will come back to get a few more before the end of the league but my favorite game is going to release an expension next month so that might not be happening.
angelmanuel27 wrote:
I got 26 challenges done last week, I think I will come back to get a few more before the end of the league but my favorite game is going to release an expension next month so that might not be happening.

a FFXIV enjoyer?
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Still playing really hard, very good league in my opinion. Sad with the 6 link-debacle. I feel that many people quit the league because they can't use their brain (or atleast dont want to engage when playing a videogame). I think this is a issue and I would like to see GGG force a SSF-league just to make all the leeches suffer :)

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