Are YOU still playing this league?


Walked away after about two weeks. Just was so terribly un-fun I couldn't stick with it.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
I have way too much free time so I am still enjoying the new Atlas Passives and perfecting my strategy for next league.

Necropolis the worst league in POE history and those darn graves which get in the way of everything. 0/100. Base game is great and no complaints at all. It is really stunning that GGG would put out such a terrible league with all their experience over the past 11 years.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on May 9, 2024, 10:38:18 PM
MrWonderful99 wrote:
I have way too much free time so I am still enjoying the new Atlas Passives and perfecting my strategy for next league.

Necropolis the worst league in POE history and those darn graves which get in the way of everything. 0/100. Base game is great and no complaints at all. It is really stunning that GGG would put out such a terrible league with all their experience over the past 11 years.

I agree with all of this.

The only thing, most of GGG and all the management is not playing or working on this.

I am guessing less than 25% of their office is on PoE1.
MrWonderful99 wrote:
I have way too much free time so I am still enjoying the new Atlas Passives and perfecting my strategy for next league.

Necropolis the worst league in POE history and those darn graves which get in the way of everything. 0/100. Base game is great and no complaints at all. It is really stunning that GGG would put out such a terrible league with all their experience over the past 11 years.

The item crafting is clunky, I agree. But don't forget the lantern, which is also part of the league mechanic. That one's great, imo. Your opinion may differ, but you didn't mention it at all(flame).
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
I've been playing on the Washington server for a few months now (UK based) as the EU servers are completely and utterly unplayable. I'm talking insane lag spikes (4k+) every couple of minutes.

My MS on the US server is obviously higher (120+) however it's for the most part stable. It's honestly getting worse each league, what a shame.
Skip, there have been so many games that I'm excited about coming out in the past few months
Still playing. On my 7th alt doing what I usually do trying to construct my own bad build out of thin air to see if I can make something work. It's what I enjoy most with PoE.

That said, the graveyard craft is tedious AF and I have little interest in it though the Lantern and Allflame can be fun.

Shout out to the guy who gifted me 2 div this AM unprovoked - I assume he found humor in my toon name.

Mikrotherion wrote:

The item crafting is clunky, I agree. But don't forget the lantern, which is also part of the league mechanic. That one's great, imo. Your opinion may differ, but you didn't mention it at all(flame).

I love the lantern. It seems very subtle on the surface, but may have major implication when used properly. Juice with different Allflames when you have good Devoted mods, sort by Haunted mods when you don't for some sweet Allflame drops. 200-400 chaos per map, dropped in stacks? What's not to like? :D
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Nah, didn't like this league very much. Wasn't terrible but not worth my time.
I had a good time, but I left immediately after getting my 40/40 challenges and lvl 100. T17 maps were a let down.

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