Are YOU still playing this league?

Yes, very casually without any particular goal to farm a lot of currency or complete challenges.

Basically I did not intend to play this league at all, but then I found out that I'll have to do a lot of overtime this month which means that I won't have time or energy to commit to a new single player game. And for me PoE is a perfect 'filler' game where you can just turn on the game, run a few maps, get your dopamine rush, close the game.
Stopped yesterday after finishing 38 challenges. Felt like a chore in the end, the exact opposite of Affliction which kept me entertained until the end.

Every time someone comes up with a lucrative new strategy, plebs like me think maybe they'll be able to join in a week or two. But then GGG breaks all the shiny toys, over and over. I've never been less motivated to start a new character.
Played for several days, completed the atlas and thats it. Intended to do a random frenzy wanderer (with no pob), but this league is extra zealous at filtering worse builds, really not feeling like minmaxing for several hours to nine heavens or playing something broken. And there is a league itself.
Very much playing the league... although compared to others, I've probably clocked as much time as others have in the first week.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Cleaned up my standard stash and got rid of all my remove tabs. Felt nice to do that.

Overall this is the worst league I've ever seen GGG release since I started playing. The thought of playing at all is giving me a strong desire to just delete every single item on my standard and league stashes and delete the game off my computer for good so I never get the desire to come back. Fresh start with PoE 2. If the next league is bad as well that's probably what I'll do.

I can't believe the team that released Affliction just a few months ago released this.
I played to 4 voidstones and an uber in league and spent a while messing around in standard with my highest power builds to see if there was anything that was actually still enjoyable and with decent payout. I basically haven't touched the game in most of a month and I'm seriously considering deleting it off my harddrive to open up space for something else.
This league is the GOAT.
Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.

Harvest league oh you are beautiful.
League is bad, but performance is now so bad, that it's just not fun anymore.

Scarabs are boring and annoying to pick up, 3 atlas trees completly removes any opportunity cost and makes the atlas tree kinda useless. At this point they could just gave us boxes to tick and which content we wanna run, without that tree and it would be same.

Graveyard crafting doesnt add anything to the game and shuffling pack mod numbers around is no content aswell.

t17 bad, melee still sucks after pffff i dont know countless of years.

Engine update also bad and produces input lag. Performance now also affects latency, which they already fixed years ago, when it was also present, after some engine update.

GGG communication with playbase also gone. New reddits mods and reddit engagement stats bad. -> Community spirit basically also gone. GGG and poe currently feels soulless
Ronskibonski wrote:
League is bad, but performance is now so bad, that it's just not fun anymore.

Scarabs are boring and annoying to pick up, 3 atlas trees completly removes any opportunity cost and makes the atlas tree kinda useless. At this point they could just gave us boxes to tick and which content we wanna run, without that tree and it would be same.

Graveyard crafting doesnt add anything to the game and shuffling pack mod numbers around is no content aswell.

t17 bad, melee still sucks after pffff i dont know countless of years.

Engine update also bad and produces input lag. Performance now also affects latency, which they already fixed years ago, when it was also present, after some engine update.

GGG communication with playbase also gone. New reddits mods and reddit engagement stats bad. -> Community spirit basically also gone. GGG and poe currently feels soulless

upvote, well said brotha
We should not seek to use this power to change those around us, no... This power is a means for us to change ourselves. To be reborn as Wraeclast intends us to be. - The Slaying of the Gods //Oshabi//
I am still playing, I skipped the first 3 weeks though so not sure I count as STILL playing.

I copied a build that handles T17s so that's kinda fun.

To get anything done though I have to spend 10 minutes trading for the right scarabs and right allflames, so that sucks.

Definitely one of the clunkier leagues. The graveyard itself is just terrible, but the lantern is alright. If you could target farm allflames it might even be decent.

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