Are YOU still playing this league?

People who want to choose a skill and then play the videogame and kill ALL bosses shouldnt be playing this game. Some skills are meant to farm T6 maps and some are more suited for scaling. Realizing I stopped reading the forums when I see shit like this.
No, I played some standard but not even playing that anymore.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Still playing. This is one of the best leagues they ever made.
Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.

Harvest league oh you are beautiful.
Sarciss wrote:
nah, this game is doomed until GGG finally decides to make non-meta shit actually viable. i have no issues not being a 1% farmer, but if youre basically gimping yourself by 5000% if you dont play the FOTM build and abuse a certain strat then theres no point in playing the game for longer than 2 weeks per league


Tell that to my 11 mirrors I made in Affliction. I'm a alc and go, throw in some sacrifical frags and play Ritual, Delirium and Blight on a Cobra Lash Deadeye (.1% representation in POENINJA). I also like to Delve. In fact because of Affliction I was immune to reflect so I hardly ever even used alcs, I just tossed in unidentified rare maps. So I'm calling BS on not being able to make loads of currency with pretty much any build and strategy if you are a good player.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on May 20, 2024, 5:35:36 AM
ah yes, the infamous one eleven alch and go mirror strat... almost forgot about that.
feral_nature wrote:
ah yes, the infamous one eleven alch and go mirror strat... almost forgot about that.


As I said, in Affliction if you are a good player you could do almost any strategy and make tons of currency. Even in this terrible league where I completely ignored the league mechanic except for getting pissed it was in the way of looting I made over 1000 divines with the same build and strategy and I hardly played much because the league sucked so badly. I usually don't like folks who say learn to play as an answer but I guess that applies. Alc and go for the win, use the Atlas Passives properly, trade like a pro = win.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on May 20, 2024, 6:37:46 AM
I finished my challenges and yoloed all my currency, so I'm done with this league. I'm pretty sad all my friends gave up early, though. This was probably the worst league to date.
Started with SSF and my retarded drop luck gave me Replica Alberon's Warpath early and I decided to "farm" Iron Fortress to make a strength stacker and like 20 Lioneyes Vision drops and one chanced later I'm still waiting to play my build lul
MrWonderful99 wrote:

Tell that to my 11 mirrors I made in Affliction. I'm a alc and go, throw in some sacrifical frags and play Ritual, Delirium and Blight on a Cobra Lash Deadeye (.1% representation in POENINJA). I also like to Delve. In fact because of Affliction I was immune to reflect so I hardly ever even used alcs, I just tossed in unidentified rare maps. So I'm calling BS on not being able to make loads of currency with pretty much any build and strategy if you are a good player.

BS? What did you do with your 11 mirrors? You didn't spend it on your Affliction character.
Pour one out for my Syndicate homies.

Complex PoE mechanics are getting Diablofied.

GGG: What's better than stable income? Random income of course.
zakalwe55 wrote:
MrWonderful99 wrote:

Tell that to my 11 mirrors I made in Affliction. I'm a alc and go, throw in some sacrifical frags and play Ritual, Delirium and Blight on a Cobra Lash Deadeye (.1% representation in POENINJA). I also like to Delve. In fact because of Affliction I was immune to reflect so I hardly ever even used alcs, I just tossed in unidentified rare maps. So I'm calling BS on not being able to make loads of currency with pretty much any build and strategy if you are a good player.

BS? What did you do with your 11 mirrors? You didn't spend it on your Affliction character.


Quite correct, I sold my first mirror for Divines because it was early in the league and I was still gearing. The rest I never spent but donated to streamers so they could do crazy crafting since I don't play Standard.

Don't get offtopic - the dude said that you need to exploit and only use a meta build or you will be light years behind. This is likely somewhat true in this terrible league where GGG screwed up by not testing but that is not usual. Heck, I don't even rush my leveling and I miss out on the early currency and I still make way more currency than I ever need.

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