Are YOU still playing this league?

waiting for the 14th as am so sick of the bugs in this game. For a game this old it really has no excuses.
I'm actually still playing lol, HCSSF

Not because the league-content is good, i just.. like this game and there's no other game to play for me
I reinstalled D4 for the new season. Which I swore I would never do. Tells you how I feel about this league.

Changes I dislike -

The entire league mechanic modifying maps with no opt-out and all the good rewards nerfed into the ground.

AllFlames, we just got rid of sextants why add them in again with a new skin.

Base rewards for all league mechanics are in the gutter. Drop rates are super low for anything worthwhile.

All old league content value is in the gutter because of the graveyard.

Scarab changes as you now have to giga stack them on one league mechanic instead of running two-three and getting some variety in your play. Even putting Jun on Essence farming feels horrible without the dumb betrayal scarabs.

Power creep. So now we get T17s with much higher defense and damage requirements so now we have forced checkpoints for builds that are much higher than T16s. So now meta chasing is encouraged vs just having a hard stop that any build could get to and the only difference was efficiency instead of gating.

Graveyard crafting sucks because of the corpse type. Should have never been in the damn game but we just had to "feel the weight of the vision".


Affliction had high retention for one reason. REWARDS followed difficulty. Could you blast corrupted T16s? Now can you blast them with high wisp count? No well guess what, drop the tier of map. Increase the difficulty to slightly over a normal corrupted T16 and get more loot. It was such a good league with scaling difficulty and rewards that followed. So it will never happen again. Because some neckbeards saying it was not fair T11s were good despite them being scaled to higher in difficulty and mob damage than a normal T16.

At the end of the day this is still the best kill monsters and get loot game but man do they hate their players and refuse to understand we put up with their bad design decisions. Not that the game is better for them in all instances.
Last edited by Moregaze on May 12, 2024, 12:50:54 PM
I actually started a new character. :D
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
I loved the league. I only play 2-3 weeks when I play though. I'm now playing Warhammer 3.

0. This was my first league since Delirium that wasn't SSF. Trade was fun for me but I know that it is not something I'll play again until POE2. If I like how the next league looks I'll play SSF. Bought my first mirror and a mageblood that are going to rot in standard!

1. T17s in general are tons of fun. I'm so glad we got a new tier of mapping. T17s should not have the bonus modifiers for scarab/map/currency. Uber boss uniques being rare is fine to me: the content is the reward. Farming bosses is so boring I have no idea how people do it. T17s as a chaos sink was nice.

2. Graveyard crafting is stupid IMO: it is too deterministic. The fracturing was fun but it is so overpowered it blows my mind. Nothing can compete with it.

3. Build diversity is, again, pretty bad but that's just a natural consequence of T17s squeezing the build diversity down. I hope archmage isn't killed and instead frostbolts is targeted. I dislike T17s as something where you must play them to compete for farming. I would rather they function like Guardian maps: their boss is a bit of icing on the cake.

4. Atlas meta locking people into Jungle Valley is terrible. We need some serious shakeup for non-t17 maps. People are way too set into these boring layouts. Everyone has memorized the atlas. This needs the biggest shake-up. <3

Enjoying the 3 atlas trees. I'm still playing but not much. League sucks.
I'm trying to force myself to finish my dd helm graveyard (in ssf) which is almost certainly going to fail so not exactly great incentive.

I miss wandering path/adjacent map sustain and leveling my scuffed ssf builds to 100. God forbid we play anything but juiced content with defensive tech you only get from juiced content.
Yeah i'm still playing, i really really really don't give a single fuck about the graveyard and that made me like the league. Challenges should be a lot better though, that armor pack is hideous. The mechanics and access to uniques made the league so much for me, also scarbs and the low trading is amazing. Farming Harvest and Jun had been really profitable for me.
Phrazz wrote:
Still having fun.

I'm close to being done, though, as summer is coming and it's time for me to find the hiking boots, the rod and a lake or two in the mountains. The trouts aren't fishing themselves.

That sounds great!

Have fun!

As far as the league, still sort of moseying around. Filled up my stash with coffins since league start. Still can't make 1 decent graveyard, refuse to trade.

PoE2 please.
Did you try turning it off and on again?
kaepae wrote:
That sounds great!

Have fun!

As far as the league, still sort of moseying around. Filled up my stash with coffins since league start. Still can't make 1 decent graveyard, refuse to trade.

PoE2 please.

The trouts just have to wait.

1. I crafted this:

2. This happened:

So, we have to find some shit to do :D
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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