500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month, Impressive.

Groby#4334 wrote:
I'd play the PoE 2 SSF Standard right now, but that is not an option!

Not even campaign? I don't think i've quite enjoyed any arpg as much as this one playing with falling thunder monk. The animation for that skill and how it scales with powercharges is so good. Plus monk is super well balanced in campaign, so i highly recommend giving it a shot. The difficulty is juust right to really make u sweat, so learning the bosse's moves feels super rewarding.
Groby#4334 wrote:

POE2 didn't even release yet...

The game looks downloadable and playable to me. Must be hallucinating again. Going to have a talk with my dealer.
Guarantee the majority of players left after reaching end game and realizing how astoundingly ass it currently is.

I pray GGG changes their stance on the current state of "crafting" because it's nearly 100% responsible for how bad end game feels.

The focus on RNG at nearly all stages of crafting (excluding essences) ensures you have to spend hundreds of resources to craft a single item. Which requires divs and whittling omens or you're going to be spending even more currency on each craft. Unfortunately these two currencies are so rare the vast majority of players don't see their first div till they hit 150-200 hour mark not to mention the additional 50 hours they have to spend before they see their first whittling omen.

This pushes players to engage with trade, which is made intentionally obtuse to push them away from engaging with it too much. Which is unnecessarily confusing and contradictory.

Unfortunately the crafting issues worsen the natural inflation boom that happens as more and more players reach endgame. Exalts become nearly worthless and whit omens become unaffordable for average players, again pushing them to engage with trade rather than the "crafting" system. Which again gets even worse if they fall behind the ever ballooning inflation.

All of this results in a grueling end game for people who aren't willing to engage with or are unaware of the many 3rd party resources the community has put together to make up for these shortcomings.

I like the game, but I'm a power user, I've put in 500 hours since EA started (which isn't even that much compared to other power users). I just can't imagine anyone that isn't hardcore into this game specifically coming back if things stay the way they currently are.
Reaucat#1569 wrote:
Groby#4334 wrote:
I'd play the PoE 2 SSF Standard right now, but that is not an option!

Not even campaign? I don't think i've quite enjoyed any arpg as much as this one playing with falling thunder monk. The animation for that skill and how it scales with powercharges is so good. Plus monk is super well balanced in campaign, so i highly recommend giving it a shot. The difficulty is juust right to really make u sweat, so learning the bosse's moves feels super rewarding.

I did finish the normal campaign (3 acts) and even ascended a witch. I did see what the game is all about. Despite all of the flaws the game might have, they are not what stops me. I just don't want to grind for nothing, play some mystery early access league only, that might be wiped completely at a later date anyway... I play SSF, so finding good items actually matters to me. I'm simply waiting for an official release of a "full" version, whatever it might be. What matters to me is playing an SSF "Standard-like" league, that will be still accessible years down the line.

Last edited by Groby#4334 on Feb 14, 2025, 4:54:28 PM

This pushes players to engage with trade, which is made intentionally obtuse to push them away from engaging with it too much. Which is unnecessarily confusing and contradictory.

OH cmon now, care to support that with anyhting more substantive than "they could have done better"? In what ways is it "unnecessarily confusing and contradictory"?

I'm sorry i just don't see it. It took a single yt vid to figure it out. and thanks to the horde of content creators there's sooo many of them out there.

Speaking as a new player, who got to t15's just as the dupe bug got patched, on the weekend when ex started tanking. Even with that it wasn't too hard to continue investing into gear.

And inflation isn't so bad, the only strata of players that is affected are those stuck in the "i got a good weapon, but not quite good enough for it to appreciate in pace with inflation". Looking at you, q-staff sitting right on that 740 physdps borderline.

Everyone else is literally unaffected.
Those below the line get access to increasingly more powerful gear for decreasing prices (due to increased availability and people outgrowing their gear).
And those above the line have their gear appreciate at the rate of inflation and simply sell a piece, add a few divs, and buy the next upgrade.

People always talk about how stuff gets more expensive. but nobody talks about how very decent gear (that will easily take you to middle of lategame) becomes dirt cheap.

Groby#4334 wrote:
I play SSF, so finding good items actually matters to me. I'm simply waiting for an official release of a "full" version, whatever it might be. What matters to me is playing an SSF "Standard-like" league, that will be still accessible years down the line.

Oh i see, that makes sense then. Yeah you're probably gonna have to wait a while then. And 100 %, as someone who's done the grind, it's not all that worth right now. I just REALLLLLLY like playing my monk, so it didnt feel grindy at all. Plus i had a friend to compete with. Finally clapped him when i got 2 ingenuities from my first 2 audiences.
There are only three acts, 6 characters and 2 ancestries per character, there is a lot of content and improvements missing in the endgame, it is normal for it to deflate after two months without news.
Poe loses 50% of its players in just three weeks from the start of each one, and it does not reach a peak of players as high as Poe 2 has. People come in and do what they want and leave until the next league or patch with content, it has always been like that. For my part, I have played more than 700 hours and I have completed all the content that exists in the game and I have a team of more than 500 div, I have nothing left to do here until the next league.
Reaucat#1569 wrote:

This pushes players to engage with trade, which is made intentionally obtuse to push them away from engaging with it too much. Which is unnecessarily confusing and contradictory.

OH cmon now, care to support that with anyhting more substantive than "they could have done better"? In what ways is it "unnecessarily confusing and contradictory"?

In the very obvious way that it's contradictory. GGG has outright stated they don't want players to engage with trading without it having friction (i.e. annoying) because they don't want the game to be trade focused. All the while they push players to engage with trade because the crafting system is worthless.

Speaking as a new player, who got to t15's just as the dupe bug got patched, on the weekend when ex started tanking. Even with that it wasn't too hard to continue investing into gear.

You're not the type of player I'm talking about. You, like me, ran through the entire campaign in a weekend. Average players are not doing this.

And inflation isn't so bad, the only strata of players that is affected are those stuck in the "i got a good weapon, but not quite good enough for it to appreciate in pace with inflation". Looking at you, q-staff sitting right on that 740 physdps borderline.

Everyone else is literally unaffected.
Those below the line get access to increasingly more powerful gear for decreasing prices (due to increased availability and people outgrowing their gear).
And those above the line have their gear appreciate at the rate of inflation and simply sell a piece, add a few divs, and buy the next upgrade.

People always talk about how stuff gets more expensive. but nobody talks about how very decent gear (that will easily take you to middle of lategame) becomes dirt cheap.

Prices have stabilized now after the majority of players have left. However, that's because demand has dropped massively. Prior to the demand drop prices were increasing due to the ever decreasing value of exalts.

Regardless none of this justifies the abysmal state of crafting or how badly it feels being forced to engage with trade to progress in end game.
Swdan#2149 wrote:
Yes, it is. Most games are down to 4k during same period.
That's how seasonal games work. People play, people leave, people come back.

pubg had 700k on the day poe 2 launched and had 700k today

I PROMISE YOU that they told tencent that poe 2 wasn't going to be like poe 1 and it'd retain hundreds of thousands if not a million players throughout the league and i'll also promise you they told tencent that it would get 1.5 mill on steam on launch.

they made poe 2 even more tedious and drawn out than poe 1 some how just to try and retain more players, something they tried in poe 1 for years until we told them to stop.

you may be ok with people stopping the game but their boss isn't. same for all the people that tell everyone to just not play poe 2. I'M SURE THEY LOVE you all telling their customers to go away hahahahahaha
Groby#4334 wrote:
POE2 Bombed so hard and so fast that if they released a POE1 league right now it would literally kill their own new game

POE2 didn't even release yet...


POE2 sitting at less than 80k players now at the daily lows..

That's really good for a video game. 80k players is a massive base. And that is in the early access...


Was it worth POE1 dying for this. I dont think so.

Good question. We will see what happens, when the game actually releases. I don't want to play PoE 1 anymore, but I don't really want to play the early access of PoE 2 either. Life is tough. I'd play the PoE 2 SSF Standard right now, but that is not an option! And we don't even know when such a simple option will be available...

holy shill

700k is good, like pubg has had every day the last 2 months poe has been released.

You think they spent more on #ad for streamers and youtubers than most games spend on just making the game for them to have 80k players 2 months in? poe was hyped to the moon by shills and didn't even break 1 mill on steam, which is why they're panicking.

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