500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month, Impressive.

Swdan#2149 wrote:
Yes, it is. Most games are down to 4k during same period.
That's how seasonal games work. People play, people leave, people come back.

Here is just how impressive it is, POE2 EA lost more people in less time than they would of in a normal league environment.

These doomers "everyone leaving" threads have been complete cap since 2 months lmao
Last league lost 90% of numbers in 2 months and went flat , EA lost 80% so far . It's neither worse or nothing new .

"500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month"
Title is cap , content is cap , nothing but low effort ragebait , congrats ! There's enough deserved negativity around this EA & GGG without spending energy debating about made up cap crap .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 13, 2025, 3:29:51 AM
and what ? more than 2 month game realeased, i left league 3 days ago after farmed 4000 div worth of gear. People are just borred and wait for major update.
Any numbers behind this or ?
Just based on Steam sales alone (not everyone is using Steam) and GGG's financial records based on previous years, where PoE 1 peaked. This is publicly available data, you can do the homework and math yourself. (https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/1887410/documents)

Considering at least a third of those 500k people who played are people who had already spent money and were sent a key free like myself.
I'm gonna call you out on that, do you have a source? Or is it trust me bro?

GGG sold well over 1m+ early access keys (again, a statement made by GGG) and you're assuming at least 33% of those players got access from previous purchases? Doubtful.

Probably a conservative of around 50k bot accounts, leaves about 150k or so new users who bought into the EA. not that great.
Again, you're pulling numbers out of thin air. Source?

Not to mention that they are going to be skipping the THIRD normally scheduled poe1 league in a row soon for more dev time on 2. That is a LOT of missed league packs.
While not great for us players, it is still profitable for GGG to focus entirely on PoE 2. Just EA alone covered more expenses than multiple leagues worth of packs. Facts.

Nah, GGG is doing good and so is PoE 2.

The craziest part about PoE2 for me is how it still has 80k players still. After less than 2 hours of playtime, I looked at the skill tree, and gem system, and the 1 shot mechanic bossfights and predicted exactly what late game would be like.

I still gave it a few chances, but to still be playing it is downright pathetic. Even the first release of Chronicon (1 dev project) is worlds more complex and better than PoE2.

The other repulsive fact about how pathetic the PoE2 'community' is, is that they LITERALLY gave you guys rejected projects from Poe1 like Nemesis mods and other unpopular league mechanics.

Then, to add the worst insult to injury... the devs lied to you. "We have DOUBLE the amount of new content coming!".

As soon as the streamers shill contracts end and they move onto the next flavor of the month game, the player count will drop from 80k to 5k. Most of the people enjoying PoE2 are the types who sit in a twitch chat for 10 hours of a Kripp stream to see their Tier 2 emoji in the feed that nobody sees.

TLDR: The game is terrible, 1000x less complex than PoE1 because of the restrictive gem system, and only a few builds were even viable. They made the game super grindy and slow to quite literally slow people down from seeing how lacking the end game is. Every single friend of mine who hit end game quit soon after. It's just boring and the chase items suck as well. Even D3 pulls its shorts to its kneecaps and squats on Poe2.
500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month, Impressive

the game has been out over 2 months and the 24h peak right now is 113,716.

if everyone who matters knows what you are saying is not true what do you hope to gain? all youve done is say to anyone with sense that whatever problem you have with the game is irrelevant, because if it was serious it you could just post it truthfully and it would sell itself.

Also this isnt early access this is the release, there isnt going to be some magical version 1.0 official release, this is it.

the game is literally acts 1-3 with some half baked placeholder content tacked on after than, we have half the classes, half the skills, 1/3 of the ascendancies, they havent even added the unique items past the end of act3.

"this is the release"

come on m8, do better. say something that is actually true and then try and make a point with it.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Two months in and this game is still in the top 15 of steam charts?

And its a paid EA?!?!?!

Swdan#2149 wrote:
Yes, it is. Most games are down to 4k during same period.
That's how seasonal games work. People play, people leave, people come back.

Yeah, like Diablo 4.
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Swdan#2149 wrote:
Yes, it is. Most games are down to 4k during same period.
That's how seasonal games work. People play, people leave, people come back.

Here is just how impressive it is, POE2 EA lost more people in less time than they would of in a normal league environment.

These doomers "everyone leaving" threads have been complete cap since 2 months lmao
Last league lost 90% of numbers in 2 months and went flat , EA lost 80% so far . It's neither worse or nothing new .

"500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month"
Title is cap , content is cap , nothing but low effort ragebait , congrats ! There's enough deserved negativity around this EA & GGG without spending energy debating about made up cap crap .

POE2 includes Chinese players. POE1 does not.
Last edited by Assababud#2808 on Feb 13, 2025, 9:56:41 AM

POE2 includes Chinese players. POE1 does not.

Poe1 is FREE and has lost a much larger percent (96%) of its players despite being a game with 12 years of content in it. Chinese this or that has nothing to do with it.
b_ko#7756 wrote:

POE2 includes Chinese players. POE1 does not.

Poe1 is FREE and has lost a much larger percent (96%) of its players despite being a game with 12 years of content in it. Chinese this or that has nothing to do with it.

It does when the numbers aren't comparable. POE2 counts everyone while POE1 has a separate launcher for it's Chinese players.

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