500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month, Impressive.

Asghaad#3967 wrote:
You need to understand the "vision". They gave POE1 a quick boost, and keep trying to improve POE2.

There will be two games, and players will decide which they will play.

I don't think either will be abandoned...they both make Tencent tons of $$$ and is top shelf to anything Blizz "trys" to put out.

doesnt work that way ... they ALREADY killed off the PoE1 by breaking the leagues cycle ...
They didn't kill of anything. The moment a new league comes out every one will be back playing it. Let's be honest here.
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Asghaad#3967 wrote:
You need to understand the "vision". They gave POE1 a quick boost, and keep trying to improve POE2.

There will be two games, and players will decide which they will play.

I don't think either will be abandoned...they both make Tencent tons of $$$ and is top shelf to anything Blizz "trys" to put out.

doesnt work that way ... they ALREADY killed off the PoE1 by breaking the leagues cycle ...
They didn't kill of anything. The moment a new league comes out every one will be back playing it. Let's be honest here.

This ^^^. POE 1 hasn't changed it is still a great game however going on the forums with the average argument of "Whaaah" isn't going to make GGG produce more leagues in POE, in fact in will have the opposite effect.

POE is getting left in preparation of a game which will be clearly better in so many ways. Not enough content in POE 2 right? Because it is still in development, how is this so hard to understand? All moaning about POE 1 with "I will never play this game again" will make GGG say "oh well we will put all resources into POE 2".

Two lessons in life, everything ends and change is inevitable.
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Asghaad#3967 wrote:
You need to understand the "vision". They gave POE1 a quick boost, and keep trying to improve POE2.

There will be two games, and players will decide which they will play.

I don't think either will be abandoned...they both make Tencent tons of $$$ and is top shelf to anything Blizz "trys" to put out.

doesnt work that way ... they ALREADY killed off the PoE1 by breaking the leagues cycle ...
They didn't kill of anything. The moment a new league comes out every one will be back playing it. Let's be honest here.

some might come back ... but how many WONT ...

the success of PoE1 was based on regularity and predictability of its leagues ...

forget about the next PoE1 league hitting above 300k as it would have if it came on time before holidays ... forget about 200k ... the best i can see the 3.26 bringing back after all the delays and outright lies is maybe 130k-ish ... meaning HALF or less revenue and return of playerbase to numbers 3+ years back ...

and that is if they are LUCKY i still think thats way too optimistic of a prediction on my part
Damn people are still playing POE2? Surprising.

I'll be back for a new POE1 league. Doubt I'll touch POE2 for quite some time.

Too many fundamental issues. Don't want to listen to playerbase. Shitty, everybody had high hopes for just a better POE1... instead they did a D2 to D3 and we saw how that went.
Blacryan#1317 wrote:
Damn people are still playing POE2? Surprising.

I'll be back for a new POE1 league. Doubt I'll touch POE2 for quite some time.

Too many fundamental issues. Don't want to listen to playerbase. Shitty, everybody had high hopes for just a better POE1... instead they did a D2 to D3 and we saw how that went.

Maybe they figure they just charge $15 for precursor stash tabs to make up the difference
I've reached my 200 hour mark. Endgame is not really working out for me. After doing a few breachstones, I just lost interest. Off to play other games now.
POE2 Bombed so hard and so fast that if they released a POE1 league right now it would literally kill their own new game, POE2 sitting at less than 80k players now at the daily lows..

Was it worth POE1 dying for this. I dont think so.

In my opinion they do best they can.
Best Promotion own product.
Poe 2 get alot new players. Now they get info that poe 1 have event for skins and all they need to do is hit 80lvl. Look easy so alot of new players will try poe 1 for first time and they will love it there are alot more stuff to do compare to poe 2.

For ggg is not about poe 1 or poe 2.
They need new players to they games
Swdan#2149 wrote:
Yes, it is. Most games are down to 4k during same period.
That's how seasonal games work. People play, people leave, people come back.

Except Diablo 4 didn't die that hard that fast... so your point is meaningless.

Stop coping and defending the devs. POE2 has been a disaster.
I'm not too worried about these numbers when its paid-only beta early access and the VERY FIRST iteration ever. Specially for a long term FREE TO PLAY game when it releases.

I do think they have their work cut out for them and I did have higher expectations that were not fully met, but i still had tons of fun for hundreds of hours and so did all of my PoE1 guildies.

I think the biggest issue was how fucked the economy was due to a variety of issues from rarity, to beetle farm to current economy trends due to lack of crafting etc.

This probably played more of a role than i wanted because its the first phase of beta testing to the public.

I'm confident in GGG putting out a very solid Free to Play game in the future.
POE2 made a tone of money in early access. It is still making money. It will make more money when it goes free to play at release.

Are you 13 years old? How do you judge success?

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