POE2 includes Chinese players. POE1 does not.
Poe1 is FREE and has lost a much larger percent (96%) of its players despite being a game with 12 years of content in it. Chinese this or that has nothing to do with it.
and its in this state because they sacrificed TWO leagues to push PoE2 alpha out ... yes its an ALPHA because BETA would mean FEATURE COMPLETE product ... which PoE2 is definitelly not ...
Posted byAsghaad#3967on Feb 13, 2025, 10:57:39 AM
Poe2 has chinese server combined with us. Poe1 doesn't. Also there is all the bots online.
Posted byrisendo#6130on Feb 13, 2025, 4:44:53 PM
Poe2 has chinese server combined with us. Poe1 doesn't. Also there is all the bots online.
there is steam in china?
there is china?
Posted bysebzzz#6019on Feb 13, 2025, 5:16:37 PM
Poe2 has chinese server combined with us. Poe1 doesn't. Also there is all the bots online.
This is irrelevant because PoE2 is not available on Steam China, so the Chinese players are definitely not included in the Steam charts that were posted in this thread.
You know what they say..."You're out of luck until you've gone duck!"
I also do not use Steam for either PoE1 or PoE2.
I have a feeling quite a few people do not use Steam.
Posted byKonflict#2601on Feb 13, 2025, 6:20:39 PM
Poe2 has chinese server combined with us. Poe1 doesn't. Also there is all the bots online.
This is irrelevant because PoE2 is not available on Steam China, so the Chinese players are definitely not included in the Steam charts that were posted in this thread.
that THE POINT ... they dont have theyr own walled off client so they are VPNing to global Steam with us, thus adding the Chinese numbers that would normally be excluded ...
Posted byAsghaad#3967on Feb 13, 2025, 6:32:51 PM
Poe2 has chinese server combined with us. Poe1 doesn't. Also there is all the bots online.
This is irrelevant because PoE2 is not available on Steam China, so the Chinese players are definitely not included in the Steam charts that were posted in this thread.
that THE POINT ... they dont have theyr own walled off client so they are VPNing to global Steam with us, thus adding the Chinese numbers that would normally be excluded ...
"THE POINT" is that you have none = Chinese bots farmers being included / not being included in PoE steam charts is a baseless moot point
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale
ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3705057 Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 13, 2025, 8:09:25 PM
Posted byAshyev#5110on Feb 13, 2025, 8:07:18 PM
The craziest part about PoE2 for me is how it still has 80k players still. After less than 2 hours of playtime, I looked at the skill tree, and gem system, and the 1 shot mechanic bossfights and predicted exactly what late game would be like.
I still gave it a few chances, but to still be playing it is downright pathetic. Even the first release of Chronicon (1 dev project) is worlds more complex and better than PoE2.
I LOVE Chronicon, its a blatent passion project but oh boy is it fun. If anyone is looking for more POE/Diablo2 try this ARPG its really a hidden gem that uses a LOT of poe style systems.
Posted bystormyknight#7628on Feb 13, 2025, 8:13:52 PM
500k+ to Less than 80k players in just over a month, Impressive
the game has been out over 2 months and the 24h peak right now is 113,716.
if everyone who matters knows what you are saying is not true what do you hope to gain? all youve done is say to anyone with sense that whatever problem you have with the game is irrelevant, because if it was serious it you could just post it truthfully and it would sell itself.
Also this isnt early access this is the release, there isnt going to be some magical version 1.0 official release, this is it.
the game is literally acts 1-3 with some half baked placeholder content tacked on after than, we have half the classes, half the skills, 1/3 of the ascendancies, they havent even added the unique items past the end of act3.
"this is the release"
come on m8, do better. say something that is actually true and then try and make a point with it.
My friend you should know better you have been here as long as i have, how long and how many leagues were there before POE 1.0 official was out. The whole point was to release whatever they had and then slowly patch it up over 10 years just like poe 1. There isnt going to be some AAA version 1.0 official release.
Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Feb 13, 2025, 8:20:50 PM
Posted bystormyknight#7628on Feb 13, 2025, 8:16:16 PM
idk about that chief.
POE2 still lapped poe1's peak new league numbers. And in the trough it still has 5x as many players.
To say that POE2 "bombed" is a statement of such magnificent delusion that it can only be called copium.
Posted byReaucat#1569on Feb 13, 2025, 9:33:09 PM