Congratulations, you got lucky! Others do not, so fuck off with the "wElL tHaTs yOuR pRoBlEm" bullshit.
All stems from an ego centric mind.
I only see my viewpoint, and believe everyone elses is invalid because, well. I didn't have issues with *insert problem here*, you must be doing something wrong!
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Jan 2, 2025, 1:06:57 PM
Just go the way of Last Epoch - let players choose if they wanna play a trading game or a finding loot game with 2 game modes.
Mode 1: Trading allowed, base item rarity 0%
Mode 2: No global trading, group play allowed with personalized loot and u can trade an item when u r in the same map while it dropped, base item rarity 200%
Last edited by neosun#1001 on Jan 2, 2025, 1:12:52 PM
Posted byneosun#1001on Jan 2, 2025, 1:11:18 PM
Transmute, Augment.... these would get used if there were Souring and Alteration Orbs, but there aren't.
Loot is just terrible. First, there isn't any. Second, when there is, it's white or blue. And when it's white or blue, you are not picking it up unless it superior or has sockets. Why, iLvl 60+ bases are rolling idiotic mods such as +17 accuracy and 7% Fire Resistance, whether the item dropped that way or was Transmuted/Augmented.
The gluttony of Transmute/Augment is due to having nothing to use the orbs on and no ability to start over via a Scour or Alteration when you hit a dead affix.
Well, you just described YOUR problem. And it's not a game's problem.
JFYI - I just today crafted 30+ divine weapon for my char from white item I picked up on the ground in regular map.
How people can be "developers dropping me all those tools, but I'm refusing to use it" and then "devElOpeRs not dropping me tools to beat the game!!1" at the same time is just befuddling.
Congratulations, you got lucky! Others do not, so fuck off with the "wElL tHaTs yOuR pRoBlEm" bullshit.
It's not because you don't understand how crafting works in PoE2 and stubborbly refuse to engage with it (augmenting white and blues and combining unwanted rolls for more bases) that other people using their currency to try for result that are "lucky".
They actually just try to do stuff, and it eventually works. Currencies aren't just made for trading.
Posted bydwqrf#0717on Jan 2, 2025, 2:48:52 PM
It's deep as a puddle and you hit the wall way too soon.
I don't want this game to be Last Epoch. I can go play Last Epoch if that were the case. Just move on if you aren't having fun. Devs have already said this will be a niche title, and you don't have to like it, and I hope the devs don't cater to you and players like you.
So if Last Epoch solves some of the biggest problems of ARPGs in very easy and brilliant ways, let's not use them because "we don't want this game to be last Epoch"... no, instead let's make the game shittier and more annoying and less fun because "we don't want this game to be Last Epoch... ewwww"
Grow up child... if there is a good solution TAKE IT!!!
Last Epoch, 24 hour peak 2,609 people. Lifetime peak 258,503.
Seems like not many people want a game like Last Epoch.
POE2 has 353,966/578,562 for reference and that are only the steam numbers.
Seems people prefer games based on the TITLE OF THE GAME (franchise) instead of what the gameplay looks like... it's why millions of people bought Diablo 4... ok honey boo boo???
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 2, 2025, 3:07:58 PMOn Probation
People also totally dismiss somehow that crafting in PoE2 isn't about spamming hundreds of jewelers+fusing to get the max sockets+links, and colors if you have the right affixes (or gamble on a linked base...) ; which makes it much nicer.
OH YES, so much this!
Though I would love it if Greater Jewelers were a bit more common.
Posted byStormHUN#4493on Jan 2, 2025, 3:09:58 PM
Probably the least fun arpg I have ever played. Even D3 was fun during its initial campaign. 2025 Diablo 3 craps all over POE2 in terms of a key metric - FUN.
May 15th 2012 - The day the king of ARPGs died. January 23rd 2013 - A new king takes the throne.
Posted bybluejays90#2103on Jan 2, 2025, 3:11:53 PM
Yep +1
This game is just slow,tedious,painful and boring. It's anything but fun.
Well said and I will second.
Grinding g Currency Games is probably the correct title for the company now. The drops have increased but they are worthless drops for the most part. And spamming rarity find on my gear at the expense of survivalists is stupid… period.
I’ ve gone back to POE 1 due to this fact. It’s not much better there. I’m retired and I don’t want to play a game where I feel I’m back on the job…. Seriously it feels like work not fun.
Try Last Epoch... the game is deep, has a ton of builds to try, it's fun, it's rewarding and yes it's a little bit too easy before you get deep into endgame but you'll love it... also the crafting and gearing systems are TOP KNOTCH
They also have a fantastic system that rewards solo self found if you don't want to trade cause you can chose between the two and both choices are very rewarding...
Seriously, try it man, you'll love it..
I've just redownloaded LE yesterday and am making a minion build on SSF. Can't wait to get my CoF. This spamming orbs on gear bases bullshit is not for me. Until GGG implements the POE1 crafting bench and brings back alteration spamming/scouring orbs and ups the drop rate of alchemies, I'm done. I just want actual GOOD gear to drop, instead of some shitty mods they got in the game.
LE has got it down PERFECT, I think.
Yep, they did... Last Epoch's Loot Filter and their SSF vs Trade faction solutions are brilliant make the gameplay way way WAAAAY more rewarding than and way more easy to use than PoE2...
Sorry but I can make 75 different rules in my loot filter... I can make so many rules that I can easily farm for VERY specific items without spending more than 5 minutes making the filter...
but of course due to the streamers "thank good PoE2 doesn't have loot explosions because we don't need a filter..."
Anyway, Last Epoch might less hardcore than PoE2 in terms of being a sweatfest but it's way more rewarding and has WAAAAAY more build crafting freedom with the skill trees...
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 2, 2025, 3:13:49 PMOn Probation
So if Last Epoch solves some of the biggest problems of ARPGs in very easy and brilliant ways, let's not use them because "we don't want this game to be last Epoch"... no, instead let's make the game shittier and more annoying and less fun because "we don't want this game to be Last Epoch... ewwww"
Grow up child... if there is a good solution TAKE IT!!!
Last Epoch, 24 hour peak 2,609 people. Lifetime peak 258,503.
Seems like not many people want a game like Last Epoch.
POE2 has 353,966/578,562 for reference and that are only the steam numbers.
Seems people prefer games based on the TITLE OF THE GAME (franchise) instead of what the gameplay looks like... it's why millions of people bought Diablo 4... ok honey boo boo???
Sure, it could be that... or, and far more likely, games that are too easy and have too many "QoL" features are also far less engaging and get stale quickly. As much as players say they want things easier, in reality they also get bored of it really quickly because it's too easy.
Posted byValsacar#0268on Jan 2, 2025, 3:18:01 PM
Last Epoch, 24 hour peak 2,609 people. Lifetime peak 258,503.
Seems like not many people want a game like Last Epoch.
POE2 has 353,966/578,562 for reference and that are only the steam numbers.
Seems people prefer games based on the TITLE OF THE GAME (franchise) instead of what the gameplay looks like... it's why millions of people bought Diablo 4... ok honey boo boo???
Sure, it could be that... or, and far more likely, games that are too easy and have too many "QoL" features are also far less engaging and get stale quickly. As much as players say they want things easier, in reality they also get bored of it really quickly because it's too easy.
Endgame of Last Epoch is not easy... high level dungeons are goddamn BRUTAL and it needs a TOP TOP TOP tier build to beat them... sorry but you have no clue what you're talking about... tier 3 and tier 4 dungeons are "F*ck you!!!" difficulty... you get your ass handed to you a million times if you're not really good at making a good build and crafting perfect items...
Also, yes, so sorry, but to you a crafting system that actually allows to KNOW WHAT YOU'RE CRAFTING is a "quality of life" and makes the game "too easy"... sorry I don't wanna waste my days clicking and rolling gamba on on items until I eventually make a useable one after wasting hours!!!
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 2, 2025, 3:23:28 PMOn Probation
I can't say I have the same experience. I play SSF and only use what I can buy, make or loot myself. I don't need to speedrun the progression and I don't compare myself to those who do full screen clears pressing one button (—builds that will most likely get heavily nerfed). I get meaningful upgrades pretty much every day. If it's not for one character, it's for another. I find Uniques I can use. I pick up white and blue versions of gear I want to try "craft", and often enough it turns into an upgrade for one of my characters. I collect white accessories I can Chance Orb. I don't even sport much increased rarity, only a meager 40 or so percent. And if I don't get items I can equip, I at least get currency.
Posted byAbsconditus#0168on Jan 2, 2025, 3:26:13 PM