How is this a looter ARPG when you NEVER LOOT ANYTHING!?!?!?!?
It's now 2025 and I still haven't received a single Divine Orb in the endgame.
I've already received a hell of a lot of Exiled Orbs, but Divines don't exist. Maybe I also have a drop bug with my character. |
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" Transmute, Augment.... these would get used if there were Souring and Alteration Orbs, but there aren't. Loot is just terrible. First, there isn't any. Second, when there is, it's white or blue. And when it's white or blue, you are not picking it up unless it superior or has sockets. Why, iLvl 60+ bases are rolling idiotic mods such as +17 accuracy and 7% Fire Resistance, whether the item dropped that way or was Transmuted/Augmented. The gluttony of Transmute/Augment is due to having nothing to use the orbs on and no ability to start over via a Scour or Alteration when you hit a dead affix. |
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The year is 2035. The last remaining divines are slowly fading from the economy. There are rumours that a group managed to find one in a juiced T34 map, but only time will tell.
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" Well, you just described YOUR problem. And it's not a game's problem. JFYI - I just today crafted 30+ divine weapon for my char from white item I picked up on the ground in regular map. How people can be "developers dropping me all those tools, but I'm refusing to use it" and then "devElOpeRs not dropping me tools to beat the game!!1" at the same time is just befuddling. |
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I agree. Although I did finish the campaign, and a few of my friends and family did, without trading. However, throughout the whole game and even the end game (I'm 87 monk doing T15 maps) loot has been a huge barrier. Not fun at all. I think what makes this worse is there is no crafting system. If what is currently in the game considered a crafting system, then is need a serious overhaul because it's pathetic. They can learn from D4 in this regard.
At 87 and doing T15 maps I'm getting 99% trash loot. Even the maps are trash (I still get lvl 4maps with all the bonuses, wtf?). Majority of the gear is trash and I can't do anything with it. The essences are beyond rare. I still haven't gotten a single greater essence. It's all awful and needs a serious overhaul. I am hoping they have been working on this but didn't implement it into the game yet. |
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" LMAO. I think you missed the part UNLESS. I pick up plenty of white items and attempt to gamble them. There is just so much white trash I only pick the Superior/Socketed ones, which then 99% brick upon using a Transmute, and if not there, then 99% brick on the Augment, and if not there, the Regal, etc. And the bricking with no ability to re-try is the GAME's problem, not my problem. And the reason for the gluttony of Transmute/Augments. We need Sours and Alterations to alleviate the gluttony of Transmutes/Augments, although even with the addition of Scours and Alts will probably still have more Transmutes/Augments than needed. Additionally, the not enough Regals problem with alleviated a bit by the addition of Sours and Alterations as well. |
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" Absolutely not. The drops are still totally random and there's a lot less of it, how is it "easier to find"? So far the only thing i "found" instead of "winning at the casino" since launch was a corrupted quarterstuff from the trial of chaos. Not to mention in poe1 we had plenty of options for target farming, which don't exist here. PoE1 was light years better in terms of loot. |
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This issue largely stems from the fact that this game has a forced economy in it, and the entire games balancing, including all the drops, is done around the expectation that you trade and/or craft to progress. They want you to engage with these systems. They are largely mandatory, and you're seeing the result of it. Loot that's so poor you never want to pick anything up unless it's something to craft. I love that GGG has consistently pushed this as some form of interaction between players too, when most trades are done and over inside of 30 seconds without a word being said, after whispering 15 other players first mind you. It's especially problematic because the crafting in this game is largely dice rolling, and very addictive for some people. |
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" +1 I've just redownloaded LE yesterday and am making a minion build on SSF. Can't wait to get my CoF. This spamming orbs on gear bases bullshit is not for me. Until GGG implements the POE1 crafting bench and brings back alteration spamming/scouring orbs and ups the drop rate of alchemies, I'm done. I just want actual GOOD gear to drop, instead of some shitty mods they got in the game. LE has got it down PERFECT, I think. |
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" Congratulations, you got lucky! Others do not, so fuck off with the "wElL tHaTs yOuR pRoBlEm" bullshit. |
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