" I know an INFINITE number of people who HATE POE1 because it’s a game where you just SPAM abilities non-stop on the monsters' heads. The amount of visual clutter and bugs makes the game look poorly made, buggy, and lazily designed. Then you have the "Pro Crybabies" who get frustrated because they can’t kill bosses in 1–2 seconds and don’t know how to dodge attacks—they just want to please their audience. If POE1 were so wonderful and perfect, everyone would still be playing POE1. If you’re complaining about POE2 and think POE1 is perfect, WHY DON’T YOU JUST GO BACK THERE, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD? This mechanic of one-shotting everything with stupid, overpowered builds is ridiculous. Anyone defending this nonsense needs to step away from their computer as soon as possible. It’s an insane dopamine rush for these guys, and when they don’t get it, they go crazy and desperate. |
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" Easy... sure, sure. Invite a new friend to play PoE then. Don't hand him any "guides" or PoB. Let's see what he thinks of the difficulty. Any RPG can be easy if you just follow someone else's builds and just play what is strong/meta Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Dec 30, 2024, 4:17:49 PM
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" just play easier games like poe1 ;-) age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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" I honestly thought they were going to innovate hard with PoE2, but half of what they talked about in interviews doesn't exist or isn't like portrayed. They've also dragged a lot of baggage from PoE1 over, whether it was due to the rushed end game design or fully intended to be there long term. End game is pretty much copy paste from PoE1, it doesn't feel like PoE2 at all. They really need to tone down damage so players are a bit slower in clearing but mobs also can't one shot. I just don't like how they disrespect the player's time because that is what they did in PoE1. End game XP loss, 1 portal, loss of waystone/content, trading without instant buyout. In the acts we have checkpoints to go back to, we can keep trying fights until we succeed. |
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" Say less, king! :>) |
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" So. Here's the issue. You're equating the knowledge needed. To how difficult the game is. The actual gameplay is a fucking joke. The knowledge needed is quite vast. You can still play this game with one hand on your junk and the other on the mouse. So, yes. It is easy in that regard. Learn to separate mechanical skill and attention, and the knowledge needed. Two entirely different things. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 30, 2024, 4:17:51 PM
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" "less game", intriguing. i need to think about that :) age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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" True. But also disingenuous and useless. People talk about "your game" and "our game" because Path of Exile 2 was supposed to serve a different audience than PoE1 does. Remember - PoE1 players cannot conceive of anything but 'faster horses'. They love the first game, and can't conceive of why someone might not want the second game to be an exact dupliclone of the first game. " Would love to. In the office though. So I post when I'm not actively working. Playing is for later. " I legitimately strongly agree. Frankly, so does Grinding Gear - this early testing access isn't a gussied-up soft release. or rather it is, but they very much intend to fix and modify the game based on feedback. We just fundamentally disagree on what qualifies as a "design flaw". You want the game to be more like PoE1 - faster, easier, and yet infinitely more difficult if you cannot generate infinite currency. Me and the rest of us who enjoy the second game want it to be LESS like PoE1. Slower, harder (but more fair in its difficulty), with an endgame that feels like the first three acts of the game when we went in blind. I dueled Jiquani in Act 3 for over three minutes on my crossbow character. it was an epic struggle, and when I came out on top it was a heavy rush. I loved that fight. I dueled Jiquani again in Act 3 Cruel on the same character...and killed him in maybe twenty seconds because my new crossbow has three times the base damage of my old one and also +6 to gem level, and I annihilated him with an unstoppable flurry of superbombs. I did not buy that crossbow, I "crafted" it, and I have not had a good/strong boss fight since. I optimized the fun right out of the game for myself, now all that's left is a shallow power trip. Don't get me wrong, the shallow power trip is still way more fun than PoE1...but it's not the same magic I experienced in the first week-odd of release. " Ultimatum is among the worst content Grinding Gear has ever created and released, it's absolutely horrible and I HATE that it's a requirement for Ascension. The Failmaster can take his "challenges" and shove them right up his nonexistent nose. There's absolutely no strategy in Ultimatum, no mitigating the threats or downsides like there are in Sanctum. It all comes down to sheer luck and whether or not the Faimaster decides to avoid dropping you a choice of three different "Your build is bricked please die now" mods on you. Honestly, I hated Sanctum in POE1 too, but I've come to ambivalence towards it in PoE2. Sekhema runs can honestly be kinda interesting, navigating and planning a maze of trials, and the Relic system lets you hedge your bets and strengthen yourself against the content by doing it. Ultimatum has no such strengthening mechanic, it's JUST pure luck or overgearing the content to the point of absurdity. All of which is to say "Opinion, not facts." I can tolerate Trial of the Sekhemas just fine, and I liked the Labyrinth in Path 1. Sure, melee builds hate Sekhema's Trial and that sucks, but they're already showing work on addressing it. And we haven't even seen the Karui Trial yet that will jack over ranged builds like mine. Opinions. Not facts. " For drops to matter, "reroll" currency like Alts and original Chaos orbs had to go. Those orbs all amounted to "generate a brand new drop", which meant already existing drops stopped mattering. Once you drop a single base that satisfies your needs, that's it - you never have to bother with any drops ever again. Ungood. the salvage bench does seem like a strange call, but so far as I understand it the rune system is relatively new and hasn't seen the same level of iteration as the rest of the loot system. We'll see how it progresses in the future. " MF isn't the problem with the economy. Giga Juicing is. When one player can Giga Juice T15 maps and generate more wealth per hour than ten thousand 'normal' players combined - and they absolutely can do that - they will destroy the economy because they basically ARE the economy. The top thousand wealth producers together produce more wealth than the rest of POE2's playerbase combined. There's no way to balance around that disparity. it simply cannot be done. If you want the economy to run on a scale that makes sense to ordinary players? You don't nerf MF - you nerf juicing. Especially since MF is nothing but a form of juicing you apply to your character rather than to the map directly. Good luck convincing PoE1 Ultravets to nerf juicing, though. There are absolutely things that need fixing. Both runes/soul cores and charms are clearly half-done at best and need further refinement. Armor is in a piss-poor state and evasion's honestly not a lot better, some mods are dramatically overtuned and need chopping - it should not be possible to get +7 to gem levels on a single item in a system where additional gem levels are this strong, it leaves us in a situation where no other gearing answer is "Correct." There's quite a few things I wish I could discuss with the team. But that doesn't mean the new game needs to be burned down and replaced with the old one. it simply means the new game needs some more work. Let's do some polishing up before we get to the scorched-earth tactics, shall we? |
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" "3.26......" Which Multiverse of Madness do you live in? It really seems like having too many POE1 badges has completely melted your brain. I’d recommend stepping away from "Vampire Survi... POE1" before it consumes you even further, my friend. |
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