If you are going to name a game identically and slap a number 2 on the end then its kind of expected that the most obvious approach would be to use all that data you have and prune out the things that didn't work and hone the ones that did.
That's exactly what GGG did.
They took the best part of PoE1 and made and amazing game called PoE2. It is what it is.
You don't agree ?
Maybe that's because you are part of the people that loved the worst part of PoE in his first version. But fear not, PoE1 is still working and you can always play it if you really can't enjoy the upgrade.
"They took the best part of PoE1"
And it's worst part(s): the on-death effects and XP loss in maps
It is still FAR from an amazing game. Balance and removal of some mechanics NEED to happen in order for the game to even be good.
Last edited by Aulyx#1181 on Dec 30, 2024, 2:47:10 PM
Posted byAulyx#1181on Dec 30, 2024, 2:46:51 PM
Why should the game be punishing at all? It's just a fucking game. What sense does it make to have it be punishing? At least in POE1, the punishment is minimal. In POE2, it's just frustrating as all fuck, due to how the game is designed. One-shots that aren't boss mechanics, XP loss, on-death effects, all of it should NOT be in the game. Plain and simple.
People are honestly quite stupid, and most are very ego-driven. This is what the real issue is.
They value the game being frustrating and full of time-waste, because it gives them a chance to set themselves above others. They claim it adds value to the game usually, but in reality, it's actually causing players to quit. But it doesn't matter, because when someone comes in and complains about it. This person can now say something like "yeah, well maybe your build is just bad" or "I'm not having any problems!" Which lets them both feel superior, and then also invalidate the other person at the same time.
This is a huge problem in most online games. There's always a small amount of the population of that game that acts like this. They equate the harsh frustrating mechanics to a challenge, and thus, they are skilled at the game, and justified in looking down on others who aren't as skilled.
But the mechanics aren't usually challenges at all. And if they were actually good at games, they'd be playing games that have actual competition in it. Not shit talking others on a ARPG where they explode whole maps in a minute, about not wanting xp loss in them, or similar.
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 30, 2024, 2:51:10 PM
If you are going to name a game identically and slap a number 2 on the end then its kind of expected that the most obvious approach would be to use all that data you have and prune out the things that didn't work and hone the ones that did.
That's exactly what GGG did.
They took the best part of PoE1 and made and amazing game called PoE2. It is what it is.
You don't agree ?
Maybe that's because you are part of the people that loved the worst part of PoE in his first version. But fear not, PoE1 is still working and you can always play it if you really can't enjoy the upgrade.
"They took the best part of PoE1"
And it's worst part(s): the on-death effects and XP loss in maps
It is still FAR from an amazing game. Balance and removal of some mechanics NEED to happen in order for the game to even be good.
I don't know why people had hope that PoE 2 would remove death penalty when GGG stated many times that it is here to stay.
Almost every ARPG has death penalty and it is not huge problem if you build correctly.
The ONLY way death penalty will be less of a pain is if they manage to balance the enemies, mechanics and map modifiers. So ask for that instead.
I'm glad they didn't make this game easy for casuals. Endgame of Arpgs were never for casual people anyway.
However PoE 1 always had insane mob damage scale and damage spikes and that's what needs to be polished by GGG to make everyone's experience better
Posted byGordyne#2944on Dec 30, 2024, 2:55:46 PM
Why should the game be punishing at all? It's just a fucking game. What sense does it make to have it be punishing? At least in POE1, the punishment is minimal. In POE2, it's just frustrating as all fuck, due to how the game is designed. One-shots that aren't boss mechanics, XP loss, on-death effects, all of it should NOT be in the game. Plain and simple.
People are honestly quite stupid, and most are very ego-driven. This is what the real issue is.
They value the game being frustrating and full of time-waste, because it gives them a chance to set themselves above others. They claim it adds value to the game usually, but in reality, it's actually causing players to quit. But it doesn't matter, because when someone comes in and complains about it. This person can now say something like "yeah, well maybe your build is just bad" or "I'm not having any problems!" Which lets them both feel superior, and then also invalidate the other person at the same time.
This is a huge problem in most online games. There's always a small amount of the population of that game that acts like this. They equate the harsh frustrating mechanics to a challenge, and thus, they are skilled at the game, and justified in looking down on others who aren't as skilled.
But the mechanics aren't usually challenges at all. And if they were actually good at games, they'd be playing games that have actual competition in it. Not shit talking others on a ARPG where they explode whole maps in a minute, about not wanting xp loss in them, or similar.
I mean, I've been playing fine for the most part, but one thing is CRYSTAL clear: balance all around and throughout the game NEEDS to happen.
Posted byAulyx#1181on Dec 30, 2024, 2:57:07 PM
I could sit here pointing out countless reasons why the community is COMPLETELY lost, filled with "Experienced" players, "Professionals," "Legendary players," and everything else you can toss into a pressure cooker and seal shut, constantly saying that "POE2 is far from being POE1."
It’s almost a joke. If you love POE1 so much, then stick with POE1! See how simple and magical that is? Don’t bring me these twisted ideas like "My character has to blow everything up" or "The character needs to move super fast." If that’s what you want, stick with POE1, or should I say "Vampire Survi..." Oops, hit a nerve, didn’t I?
The slower and more punishing POE2 is, the better. And for those complaining? Go back to POE1.
If you like PoE2 in its current status... why are you here posting instead of having fun playing it?
I mean, I feel dissatisfaction and frustration when I play it, that's why I'm here complaining. But... why you? why do you prefer to deal with obnoxious PoE1 veterans in this forum instead of enjoying PoE2 ride?
Seriously, it's a honest question, I'm really curious
Have a nice 2025 btw (:
Because I burned out on PoE1 when there were 3 acts and then didn't feel like playing later great leagues, and I don't want to repeat the same mistake with PoE2. I'll wait for more content rather than grinding maps for no reason. Doesn't change the fact that I will likely never play 1 again.
I don't know why people had hope that PoE 2 would remove death penalty when GGG stated many times that it is here to stay.
Almost every ARPG has death penalty and it is not huge problem if you build correctly.
The ONLY way death penalty will be less of a pain is if they manage to balance the enemies, mechanics and map modifiers. So ask for that instead.
I'm glad they didn't make this game easy for casuals. Endgame of Arpgs were never for casual people anyway.
However PoE 1 always had insane mob damage scale and damage spikes and that's what needs to be polished by GGG to make everyone's experience better
"The ONLY way death penalty will be less of a pain is if they manage to balance the enemies, mechanics and map modifiers. So ask for that instead."
I have been posting about this since it released, and I'm not alone on this.
Last edited by Aulyx#1181 on Dec 30, 2024, 3:01:56 PM
Posted byAulyx#1181on Dec 30, 2024, 3:01:22 PM
I mean, I've been playing fine for the most part, but one thing is CRYSTAL clear: balance all around and throughout the game NEEDS to happen.
Yeah, I mean. I was expecting it to be rough around the edges being a EA balance-wise.
I'm just surprised that they wanted to bring over mechanics like XP loss on death, seeing as the vast majority of people don't like the mechanic at all.
I'm also surprised at the sheer amount of people that want the mechanic in because "the game is too easy otherwise". Even though PoE is literally one of those types of games that you play while watching a TV show or a Movie. It's always been easy. It's never been hard. It's not particularly challenging.
There's so many better ways to make the game challenging. Could literally just increase item quantity the longer you're alive, and then get rid of XP loss. And bam, people are playing carefully, not to avoid a frustrating mechanic, but rather to engage with a more rewarding one. Has the same effect too. Don't want people bodying bosses to get through? Well, now people will be being careful so they get that extra loot.
The reality is, the mechanic is largely just an ego-boost for some players. They have no perspective on what's actually fun because they don't play for fun. Many also don't have a wide perspective on other mechanics that games do to engage the player.
I really dislike people that play only one game, leads to some of the worst communities.
I'm sure with time, some of the balance changes will happen that will make people a lot happier overall. Just needs some time.
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 30, 2024, 3:04:18 PM
The game is literally PoE 1 but with worse systems.
The meta is literally PoE 1 builds. If you aren't playing that, you are intentionally playing the game with a disadvantage compared to other players, and if you're in trade league that means it will be super hard for you to farm currency to buy gear, meaning the game will be a complete slog.
Don't blame the players making PoE 1 builds, the game was designed in a way that these builds are even possible lmao
If GGG really wanted to make some kind of slow ARPG to a point where its so slow its as boring as the pace of D2 then they should have named this game something else and started a new IP, that way they could have made completely new systems instead of making this a literal downgraded PoE 1 but with fresh graphics.
I doubt they will nerf every single build under the sun that has fast,efficient clear so the meta will always be leaning towards zoomy PoE 1-style builds because that's the strongest option, because its the fastest way to farm currency etc.
This is just the nature of gamers, to optimize and follow the meta to a T.
Personally I ain't touching this game, its in an unplayable state atm with how boring,slow and punishing it is. PoE 1 is better so I'm just waiting for 3.26 lol
3.26 GAAAAANG! Fuck (current) POE2. lmao
Posted byAulyx#1181on Dec 30, 2024, 3:05:55 PM
I don't know why people had hope that PoE 2 would remove death penalty when GGG stated many times that it is here to stay.
because, nowadays, the first thing every kid learns after sucking milk from *** is that if you can't beat a situation where rules apply, just change the rules.
95% of all forum dicussions here and 98% on reddit are just normal kids talk about changing the rules to their own favour.
adults usually ignore this talk. we'e about to know if there are adults making he decisions on poe2.
poe1 ggg folks kinda failed on this.
and, over time, slowly made concessions (lookup reddit posts about "the vision") which piled up.
that's why ggg felt the need to create poe2 in the hope that their new folks will do a better job at resisting the very inventive and innovative kids when it comes to get what they want.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Posted byvio#1992on Dec 30, 2024, 3:08:35 PMAlpha Member
I don't know why people had hope that PoE 2 would remove death penalty when GGG stated many times that it is here to stay.
because, nowadays, the first thing every kid learns after sucking milk from *** is that if you can't beat a situation where rules apply, just change the rules.
95% of all forum dicussions here and 98% on reddit are just normal kids talk about changing the rules to their own favour.
adults usually ignore this talk. we'e about to know if there are adults making he decisions on poe2.
poe1 ggg folks kinda failed on this.
and, over time, slowly made concessions (lookup reddit posts about "the vision") which piled up.
that's why ggg felt the need to create poe2 in the hope that their new folks will do a better job at resisting the very inventive and innovative kids when it comes to get what they want.
The main issue with your argument, is that. XP loss on death doesn't add a challenge to the game. It adds frustration.
I'm all for a challenging game. Done well. Having a 25 year old dated ass mechanic that was originally used to PAD gametime in video games without content. Isn't a challenge. It's a fucking joke.
Ask for a better game. Not mechanics that frustrate players. There are at least a dozen easy fixes they could do that both keep challenge in the game, and remove shitty fucking xp loss on death.
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 30, 2024, 3:12:11 PM