New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

i don't have a hunch
but anyway, do you think everyone that is confirmed "infected" with viral coronas are all on their death beds, and that they all die?

lets take italy for example. there is about 1,000 hospitals in all of italy. how many confirmed cases of cv19? 86,000.
even if you assume that all those who are confirmed are going to a hospital bed, that is only 86 people per hospital.

except not all people are going to the hospital, or isolated in the hospital specifically, and of course it isn't all equally spread out - but you can get my point.


dismissing the numbers? well the validity of them is questionable at least, even just due to the panic. but even if they're 100% factual at this point why don't you trust the numbers of other certainties, like influenza statistics of past years etc.

you want some numbers? heres the numbers of my province

A week ago, on March 20, the provincial total had 195 cases. The total has increased by 351 cases since then, adding:

31 new cases on Saturday;
33 on Sunday;
42 on Monday;
57 on Tuesday;
61 on Wednesday;
67 on Thursday, and'
56 on Friday, bringing the total to 542.

Up to 42 of Alberta's cases are thought to have been transmitted in the community, an increase of eight from Thursday, Hinshaw said.

Twenty-three people are being treated in hospital, 10 of them in ICU.

so lets see here. 5% of those "infected" are hospitalized. 42, so like 7% are THOUGHT to have been transmitted in the community. and because of that, SHUT ALBERTA DOWN BITCH


the funny thing is, Alberta basically WAS shut down already for an entire week.
Alberta, even before this was "officially" announced, did shut down non essential stores, businesses etc. and all businesses that remained open have population limits governed by security and the same security to help enforce social distancing in checkout lines etc. its been this way for like 5-6 days now.
they've already police taped off all of the parks. they've locked the swings. they've closed down community walking paths etc.
all dine ins were already closed. most businesses stopped face to face interaction, where you have to call to order and pay by credit card and they'll deliver your package to your vehicle then you get out and pick it up off the fucking ground.
malls were nearly entirely closed, except things like dollarama (again security patrolled) we are
Last edited by xMustard on Mar 27, 2020, 11:38:28 PM
xMustard wrote:
dismissing the numbers? well the validity of them is questionable at least, even just due to the panic.

Who's panicking exactly? The public sure, but did you see screeching fear in the papers emanating from the experts who're advising we take this seriously? They seemed pretty calm to me, certainly more calm than you're acting right now.

And what is that site? It's literally a bunch of contrarians who managed to get themselves banned from a mainstream forum and now dedicate themselves to claiming everything bad about mainstream media. They managed to trawl the web to find a few medics supporting your position, and people like you grab it. This is the equivalent of that 97% climate scientists figure (don't even start on that - I'm using it here simply to illustrate my point) and you choose to fixate on the 3% who think differently because they happen to align with your own naive opinion. The point isn't whether 97% of medics think the current response is appropriate - in all likelihood the figure is much lower since these are early days still, but is still the mainstream opinion of the expert community on this - but that you're randomly hunting around for anything to help push your point. You're reasoning from a foregone conclusion, and that isn't rational no matter what your position is.
lol sure buddy
its hilarious how people are all like, where are your sources, you're not credible. you give some things about credible people and what they're saying about it and you still just dismiss it with all the bullshit you just spouted.

just believe what you want to believe, i honestly don't care. what i do care is when you try to pass laws that limit my liberties based on this. ya im going to fight against that. and not just for my rights, but everyone elses.
yes im specifically speaking about my country, but i predict we'll be used as an example for other countries to do the same

who are panicking? the public. why are they panicking?
yes i have seen fear in the papers emanating from the experts who're advising we take this seriously. lol i see it every day

again if you want to believe you'll get sick and die by standing within 6 feet of another human being, thats your problem.
but if you want to fine me between $1000-$50,000 and upwards of 1 year in prison for trying to take my daughter to a public park? yeah you've just made it my problem

you want to hear what some experts are saying? yes, SOME experts. only the ones that agree with your own position though and are completely unwilling to hear the others.
im always willing to hear a side of the story, but what the mainstream experts that get all the mainstream news air time are saying just isn't adding up.
how my government is reacting just isn't adding up
what is being forced upon this countries entire populace just isn't added up

if you want to blindly follow some projections and predictions because that dude went to school for 12 years and now makes $4 million a month - go for it. but credentials don't mean shit in the face of reality.

edit: fun fact. what i heard on my local radio station. they said that the government of canada has announced some fines. you can be fined a minimum of $1 million dollars if you spread the coronavirus by community means, even unknowingly!!
welcome to canada, where we fine contagiousness
Last edited by xMustard on Mar 28, 2020, 12:16:25 AM
^Thought so. First off, I didn't dismiss what they spouted, I dismissed what you did. They might very well be right, time will tell ("are completely unwilling to hear the others" - nope). It's your motives that're the problem here. They're presumably arguing because they have conscientious doubts about what is the best response to this outbreak. They're worried about the response destroying more than the disease, or the response not being the most effective choice, etc. On the other hand, you seem to have hunted them down, and previously found your own meanings in the statistics, merely to advance your own agenda. As I said in my concluding line, you're reasoning from a foregone conclusion. And that conclusion doesn't seem to even be about how best to response to an outbreak...

I mentioned this on the previous thread, but I rather doubt you'd be okay with these measures even if there was absolute incontrovertible proof that they were the right ones to make to limit the deaths arising from the current outbreak. Even if we somehow had access to an alternate universe where the business as usual approach was taken and we got to see exactly how that played out (and it plays out badly), you (or rather folks of your disposition in general) would still be against it. Even if the opposite counterfactual - the deaths caused by this reaction - are clearly shown to be less than the deaths caused by the virus being allowed to run amok, you'd still be against it. Why?

Cos it doesn't really seem like reducing mortality is the concept you're approaching this from. All the disputing of figures and models isn't really about a disagreement over the best way to handle this threat. Rather I get the sense that your motives are a lot more about...well, I'll just link the relevant page in the other thread here instead -
Last edited by Exile009 on Mar 28, 2020, 12:44:09 AM
xMustard wrote:
i know exactly what the goal behind distancing and lockdowns is, thats my point.

See I don't think you do.

xMustard wrote:
so you are saying they can't properly test for CV19 in these vast numbers because there aren't enough testing kits readily available.....right....i agree. so....why the fuck would you believe and religiously stick to the figures that they're throwing around in the media every single hour???
they can't properly test for it! the numbers mean nothing

Yes, the numbers are wrong. Do you understand though that the really real numbers can only be higher than the confirmed cases? Whether the number of infected is 10%, 20% or 500% higher than those confirmed, nobody knows.

Do you understand that if we act when it "starts looking serious", it's too late and we've already got a disaster on our hands?

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Mar 28, 2020, 2:52:49 AM
lol the death toll is actually higher than reported. It is unclear how much China is hiding. Countries like Russia and Iran are definitely not trust worthy. North Korea haven't reported a single case but they are asking for help, why is that? In France, a country which is supposed to give the right numbers, people who die in nursing homes are not accounted for. In Spain they are 1/3rd of the numbers so in France they must be hundreds.

And it will only get worse.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Mar 28, 2020, 2:37:20 AM
This thread is going to get locked way faster than the last one did lol.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
^Just make another one. The mods said they weren't against discussions of the virus. Might as well see how honest they were being about that.
The one word that explains everything: Alberta


you can be fined a minimum of $1 million dollars if you spread the coronavirus by community means, even unknowingly!!

This is an absolute lie.

You can be fined and/or jailed if you KNOWINGLY don't follow the quarantine law after traveling or WILLFULLY spread the virus. It's a good thing intended to protect us all.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Mar 28, 2020, 6:50:44 AM
I guy in Saudi Arabia might receive the death penalty for willingly sneezing and spitting on market goods. And yes, he was indeed coronavirus-positive.

Its interesting to think about what kind of punishment such people deserve.

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