New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

The_Impeacher wrote:
Factual numbers are not negotiable. Have a look:

Those number dont take under consideration much more ppl who have it but without any visiual symptoms. Thats fallacy.
Johny_Snow wrote:
At least the people who think it is way more lethal are more likely to stay at home and not be a burden.

You're still providing a justification for attempting to mislead people. That's not how this works. Deception is deception, and no justification changes that.

Also, you're being incredibly short-sighted. No one in this thread was taken in by his bs. It was called out immediately. So all he's really achieved is to hurt his own credibility, which means no one's gonna stay in when your side tells them to using actually accurate takes on the situation.

And the more he unnecessarily spouts that line, rather than sticking to the proper way to report fatality, the more of this thread is going to be taken up disputing him rather than worrying about the disease. And that's not on us, as he's the one who set the ball rolling and now stubbornly refuses to budge on it.
Last edited by Exile009 on Apr 1, 2020, 1:09:09 AM
I am not trying to mislead anybody here or anywhere else really. I am simply stating a fact, that the people who misled themselves in such a way are less of a danger than the ones who are spinning conspiracy theories and are much more likely to fight authority.
Last edited by Exile009 on Apr 1, 2020, 1:33:24 AM
So many countries which have no capacity to properly estimate how many people are affected or are at a too early stage. Syria is particularly funny, considering there the sick people are probably in the thousands but nobody cares to report them.
Out of the 11,305 resolved cases in the US, there have been 4,054 deaths.

That means of the remaining (currently) unresolved cases, we can expect that roughly 78,000 will perish. This is 82,054 deaths of all discovered cases so far.

At a clip of 25,000 plus new infected people per day, things look dire. The WH estimate of up to 240,000 victims is optimistic.

Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Ok, I give up.
Humanity can collectively flatten the curve and beat this. We'll get through this. Never give up, exile!
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
With the Lust of the media for dead corpsecounters, the new fashy emergency bills to send your neighbours into trouble (just accuse them lepers of violating the quarantaine), goverments active support of broodingareas like refugeecamps, an still functional militant industry and lacking healthcaresystem, a humanly climatechange towards a firey pit and a global system at the brink of collapse.

I prefer to join the winning team, open the Hellgate and let the Argent Energies flow. The media tries to summon Aphophis for a long time anyway now, would be funny if an Asteroid lands too.
Accurate video on the matter. Note how at one point the asteroid decides to run away cause we are too fucked up even for a space rock

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