New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

It certainly could be classified as attempted murder or terrorism.
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Luckily for the survival of our ignorance, noone is going to ask him the question "What made him hate humanity that much ?" and "How can we fix it in future ?".

Is there a list of "Things to stockpile" during a pandemy ?
Last edited by Lachdanan on Mar 28, 2020, 7:34:55 AM
Some people are just born sociopaths. There's no way to fix anything to make it better for sociopaths.
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The_Impeacher wrote:
Some people are just born sociopaths. There's no way to fix anything to make it better for sociopaths.

Nah, exucse me for beeing a sociopath myself now if i start attacking people that prefer to classify others by tagging them as deniers or any other buzzword.

There´s always a push and a shove.
I thought we grew out of that time where we say "she slept with the devil and now the baby is evil".
Anyone willfully spreading a deadly illness to others is indeed a sociopath.
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Please stay home, stay safe and save the lives of those on the front lines.

Here's another account by a survivor. One of the most comprehensive ones I've encountered so far:
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Mar 28, 2020, 8:53:14 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Going by the resolved case data, in the US it is 38% mortality.

In Italy, the mortality rate of resolved cases is nearly 50%. (You cannot include active cases in the calculation for obvious reasons)

A couple of other notes (This part is speculation):

I believe China has over-reported the amount of cases/recoveries and Iran has under-reported their deaths.

Although their reported info is trustworthy, Germany is an outlier. They seem to survive the virus much better than other people. Can't figure out why.

The reason Germany's death rate is so low (around 0.6%) is simply because they've been testing way more people, even those with only mild symptoms which most countries are not doing. In the UK at the moment you have to be pretty much on death's door to get tested, I assume the same in Italy which accounts for the much higher death rate if you're just dividing number of deaths by number of confirmed cases.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Mar 28, 2020, 10:53:07 AM
Maybe this helps with the math.
Yeah, we Germans have a much better healthcare system than other countries. Our politicians didn't handle the pandemic well at first and there are many issues (both economic and social), but so far we're doing well.

The official numbers are always wrong, because there's no country in the world that can track down every single infected person. They're always higher though, never lower. Can't believe some people still deny its existence / that it's really that bad (looking at you, Belarus)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
It can easily be seen which countries do proper testing and which don't. Indonesia for example have 1000 confirmed cases and 100 deaths. No way the death toll there is 10%, the most likely scenario is that they are lacking tests.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Mar 28, 2020, 11:54:33 AM

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