If fluoride is good for your teeth, or good for you at all...

Turtledove wrote:
As a final thought, it could also be said that it is more problematic to just assume that a commonly held belief is wrong than to assume it is correct.

depends what is right - what is reality - what is correct.

if you assume something that is right is actually wrong, then that will be problematic
but if you assume something that is wrong is actually right, then that is just as problematic.
which is more problematic? neither. that more boils down to the issue at hand.

however, consensus is neither proof, evidence, or even a good reason to blindly accept something as truth.
At least flat earthers have shown that gravity is still real as fuck. Just ask Mad Mike Hughes.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
xMustard wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
As a final thought, it could also be said that it is more problematic to just assume that a commonly held belief is wrong than to assume it is correct.

depends what is right - what is reality - what is correct.

if you assume something that is right is actually wrong, then that will be problematic
but if you assume something that is wrong is actually right, then that is just as problematic.
which is more problematic? neither. that more boils down to the issue at hand.

however, consensus is neither proof, evidence, or even a good reason to blindly accept something as truth.

That final thought did not claim that consensus was proof or evidence. It was intended to be in direct response to your own "final thought" in a previous post.

truth fears no investigation. if truth is actually what you're searching for

There are many thousands of crazy ignorant ideas floating around. You can go ahead and investigate all you wish because neither truth nor crazy ignorance fears investigation.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Mar 11, 2020, 9:52:08 PM
Turtledove wrote:

There are many thousands of crazy ignorant ideas floating around. You can go ahead and investigate all you wish because neither truth nor crazy ignorance fears investigation.

or ignore them. If folks want to avoid the drinking water, that is their problem.
awesome999 wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

There are many thousands of crazy ignorant ideas floating around. You can go ahead and investigate all you wish because neither truth nor crazy ignorance fears investigation.

or ignore them. If folks want to avoid the drinking water, that is their problem.

That's exactly my point! The suggestion was that the impetus was on us to investigate what the outlandish argument in this case was. The truth of the matter is that generally people making such arguments should be ignored if they refuse to provide any backup to their outlandish claims.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
That's exactly my point! The suggestion was that the impetus was on us to investigate what the outlandish argument in this case was. The truth of the matter is that generally people making such arguments should be ignored if they refuse to provide any backup to their outlandish claims.

the debate is more about what is ignorant. comparing someone that either only believes side A or maybe they have researched side A but ignores side B and anyone that mentions it
someone that has researched side A and B and has concluded B

which is more ignorant about the topic at hand? hmmm
xMustard wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
That's exactly my point! The suggestion was that the impetus was on us to investigate what the outlandish argument in this case was. The truth of the matter is that generally people making such arguments should be ignored if they refuse to provide any backup to their outlandish claims.

the debate is more about what is ignorant. comparing someone that either only believes side A or maybe they have researched side A but ignores side B and anyone that mentions it
someone that has researched side A and B and has concluded B

which is more ignorant about the topic at hand? hmmm

Perhaps that's your view. My view is the topic is crazy ignorant. Doing research on it to prove to myself that it is in fact crazy ignorant is a stupid waste of my time.

Since you're so interested in this kind of research though.

Have fun! https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/List_of_conspiracy_theories
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
xMustard wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
That's exactly my point! The suggestion was that the impetus was on us to investigate what the outlandish argument in this case was. The truth of the matter is that generally people making such arguments should be ignored if they refuse to provide any backup to their outlandish claims.

the debate is more about what is ignorant. comparing someone that either only believes side A or maybe they have researched side A but ignores side B and anyone that mentions it
someone that has researched side A and B and has concluded B

which is more ignorant about the topic at hand? hmmm

No that entire premise is flawed because ignorant, in context, means you don't know something. Since no human alive knows everything, technically, we are all ignorant to some degree.

The expectation, in a normal, logical, conversation, would be that Person A could in fact, be ignorant to totally outlandish, insane, theories, on the otherside.

If not being up to date on ridiculous conspiracy theories makes Person A "ignorant", then I'm willing to embrace their ignorance as a cost of doing business in the rational, sophisticated. World.

The notion we should all partake in illogical fantasies, merely for the sake of argument, is patently absurd.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Mar 12, 2020, 12:46:09 PM
I have a new theory for you trolls,

he hasn´t posted again, his wife served him his last plate and it wasn´t in his toothpaste.

Should have asked a serious question if he wanted a serious answer instead of an theoretical one :)
DarthSki44 wrote:
No that entire premise is flawed because ignorant, in context, means you don't know something. Since no human alive knows everything, technically, we are all ignorant to some degree.

The expectation, in a normal, logical, conversation, would be that Person A could in fact, be ignorant to totally outlandish, insane, theories, on the otherside.

If not being up to date on ridiculous conspiracy theories makes Person A "ignorant", then I'm willing to embrace their ignorance as a cost of doing business in the rational, sophisticated. World.

The notion we should all partake in illogical fantasies, merely for the sake of argument, is patently absurd.

this just further highlights your ignorance, assuming that the other side doesn't have a spec of science to back it up and is only a "ridiculous conspiracy theory". of course you wouldn't know it though, because you refuse to look into it.

the reason why im not getting more detailed into the subject and trying to compare evidences and scientific papers etc is because i don't want to make it about fluorination - im trying to keep it more about the way you're thinking about things

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