If fluoride is good for your teeth, or good for you at all...

^You sound amazed that people are critical about an opinion that goes against the consensus.

This whole "im not giving you more information just because" is also dumb at face value. Because somebody convinced of himself and serious about the truth and propogating it would welcome a receptive audience that is willing to verify your findings.

All i see is this ego-trip like behavior of "i know something you don't know teheheee" which doesn't look like a serious person fighting the consensus at all.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
^You sound amazed that people are critical about an opinion that goes against the consensus.

This whole "im not giving you more information just because" is also dumb at face value. Because somebody convinced of himself and serious about the truth and propogating it would welcome a receptive audience that is willing to verify your findings.

All i see is this ego-trip like behavior of "i know something you don't know teheheee" which doesn't look like a serious person fighting the consensus at all.



no, im amazed people hear something contrary to what they believe, immediately shut it down and call THAT person ignorant. the fuq?

as i said, it isn't about the topic, its about how you people are thinking. its pretty warped im trying to point that out.
They didn't shut it down, else there wouldn't be requests for your findings to back up the claim.

Ofcourse they will call somebody ignorant that goes against the consensus and then doesn't provide proof when asked.
Because 99% of the time those people are wrong and once in a while somebody actually did his research and is correct to oppose the consensus.

But don't expect leniency or a vertile conversation when you play coy with your findings and blame not showing them all on the people defending the consensus and thinking your crazy.

History is in their favor for thinking and reacting in that way.

Don't pretend you expected people to all go "ah obviously fluoride is bad for your teeth Mustard must be right", you can't be that bad in projecting a social sphere.
Consensus doesn't get changed by a quick high-five around the table and an agreement to do the opposite tomorrow.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Turtledove wrote:
You should be embarrassed to cite RationalWiki unironically as a source for anything. Although the introductory paragraph is fair enough, the actual list could be more accurately titled List of strawmen of conspiracy theories, e.g. "All scientists and politicians are trying to cover up that mercury in the vaccines is causing autism." You don't need to strawman that shit to debunk it, but the folks behind RationalWiki are physically incapable of resisting the urge to strawman anything they disagree with.

I mean, as far as I can tell the site's raison d'etre is to lovingly craft strawmen of anti-progressive voices, and I see some entertainment value in that. I don't mean to say I can't take a joke, and certainly not that RationalWiki should be shut down. I'm just saying one doesn't simply quote The Onion unironically.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 12, 2020, 9:26:37 PM
Boem wrote:
They didn't shut it down, else there wouldn't be requests for your findings to back up the claim.

Ofcourse they will call somebody ignorant that goes against the consensus and then doesn't provide proof when asked.

thats the point. it isn't about me giving you information, its about you stepping out of your mental shell and looking for it yourself to see both sides of the coin

jeez how can people still not grasp this yet
xMustard wrote:
Boem wrote:
They didn't shut it down, else there wouldn't be requests for your findings to back up the claim.

Ofcourse they will call somebody ignorant that goes against the consensus and then doesn't provide proof when asked.

thats the point. it isn't about me giving you information, its about you stepping out of your mental shell and looking for it yourself to see both sides of the coin

jeez how can people still not grasp this yet

People have better shit to do.

It's fairly easy for you to point us to the study or paper that convinced you, but i ain't got time to get myself neckdeep in dental hygiene over some
off-topic anti consensus crusade lamenting the fact he experiences opposition when going against an established view.

You not realising that this is a perfectly and normal behavior when going against an opposition only makes me doubt your claim more, because it seems baseline awareness to me.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
xMustard wrote:
it isn't about me giving you information, its about you stepping out of your mental shell and looking for it yourself to see both sides of the coin

jeez how can people still not grasp this yet
People have better shit to do.
Exactly. Practical economics inexorably trumps utopian epistemology. The fact that various human behaviors cost time ultimately puts a price tag on the pursuit of knowledge, such that we are forced to make cost/benefit analyses of any proposed investigation. The reason no one knows everything is because no one has enough time — the one currency that all other currencies reduce to — to afford it. And we employ faith often, not because we hate empiricism but because it's too scarce and precious of a resource to go around, and especially not to be squandered on the frivolous.

What xMustard fails to fully understand is that, if it's its really about us stepping out of our mental shells and looking for it ourselves, he needs to literally sell it to us.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 12, 2020, 10:07:13 PM
oh i realize it, but i realize something deeper. i realize that it isn't about you wanting the information, its about you trying to challenge. no information i could present would make you give it a fair shake, because your request for it is merely a ploy to try to "gotcha" me in literally any other way other than the information presented.

be it a credential war, source war, what-the-fuck-ever i've experienced it all...every stop gets pulled out in order to avoid the actual information.

this is the point. it isn't about the information or the topic. its the mental state at which you approach the debate which debilitates your ability to have a debate.
im not trying to expose that fluoride is a poison blah blah, im trying to expose your blatant yet blind bias against anything that goes against your dogma. this is what "truth fears no investigation" means. it means if what you believe is true, there is no fear or consequence to investigate against it. and even if you find that what you believed wasn't true, thats a POSITIVE thing because you've found truth - what you're searching for.

of course i'd say majority of people do not approach topics this way. people want a bias, they want convenience, they want security. it isn't easy to challenge what you believe with the possibility of admitting its wrong

i dunno. im probably wasting my time here
xMustard, the problem with your take of the phrase "truth fears no investigation" — a phrase I happen to agree with — is that you are personifying truth. No one is truth; no group of people are truth. Humans fear an investigation that goes nowhere, because an investigation that goes nowhere consumes valuable time.

And they fear an investigation that DOES go somewhere, because they're never going to have enough surplus time to get by without faith in others who economically specialize in knowing. An economy might tolerate a lack of faith in some plumbers, but shit literally goes sideways if they lose faith in all plumbers — same deal with scholars. Inevitably, the result of people — not a person, but people —realizing their trust has been betrayed is not to stop trusting, but to trust someone else.

You act as if the meaning of life is to know; if so, then doubt without end is a rational response to the problem of inductive reasoning. But knowing is not the meaning of life.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 12, 2020, 10:27:35 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
You should be embarrassed to cite RationalWiki unironically as a source for anything. Although the introductory paragraph is fair enough, the actual list could be more accurately titled List of strawmen of conspiracy theories, e.g. "All scientists and politicians are trying to cover up that mercury in the vaccines is causing autism." You don't need to strawman that shit to debunk it, but the folks behind RationalWiki are physically incapable of resisting the urge to strawman anything they disagree with.

I mean, as far as I can tell the site's raison d'etre is to lovingly craft strawmen of anti-progressive voices, and I see some entertainment value in that. I don't mean to say I can't take a joke, and certainly not that RationalWiki should be shut down. I'm just saying one doesn't simply quote The Onion unironically.

You need to look at that within the context of how it was used. Embarrassed for posting a link to a list of nonsense? HAHAHAHAHAHA! True I didn't read through more than a few items on the list but putting it into the context as how it was used, it was no more important than the following list of nonsense.


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