Tempest Shield

TS has nice visuals but is mostly useless.

Even if you build that block chance build it has so much HP, armor and block, so it dont even need more block.

I see those problems:

Block chance is low
Damage sucks (even with SB or Crits)
Mana Cost, yet i think the % reservation is a cool feature.

I think it should be considered a defensive single target buff.
To be usefull it has to be able to stand up to Enduring Cry (that gives wopping -15% Phy damage) at nearly no mana cost.

I suppose it shoudl have that 6-7% block chance and the reservation should be reduced to like 18% so you could run it in addition to 3 other auras. And might make it even linkable to other gems I see the damage as small nice to have.

Right now its just awefull and simply not worth it.
yes dmg could be better
i would say it should have a block% multiplier like 4% more blockchance instead of adding a flat blockchance
ING: "MeneaterMildrid" or "WICKEDSICKmoves"
Block chance on this is useless for me since the block is simply not worth the mana reservation this being a non-group aura. Reservation is high, block is useless since I caped it without it and the damage is too low. I doubt you can shock anything with this skills damage. Its single target, so id rather use any other aura in group play and even in single play. Saving those points for 4% block chance on this gem is not worth putting it on either because of high mana reservation. Perhaps it can be used to give some block to a shadow which is further away from some shield nodes, but only early game till he reaches templar and which area to get them. This beeing a selfbuff it needs a total rework. This being a buff is an idea, though id rather use molten shield. It's good for caster tanks though, but even then its selfish to use it and its gimp kind of selfish, because you can usually buff your team with something else, like rarely used hatred which will increase your whole teams surv and damage output, giving you more safety and faster clear time. Using it on a non magic, physical build has no point, using it on an elemental damage build gives you almost no damage. Compare it to lightning thorns or reflect. Id rather have that ofc. Sadly it looks a bit like a shield templar skill. For me, now playing an elemental/physical melee shield tank templar its useless.
It also needs an internal proc cooldown. 0.5 seconds or something. Also damage scales too high with RF.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on Jul 18, 2013, 11:02:09 PM
My tempest shield currently deal average 2600 damage per hit. I have a 70% chance to block attacks, 50% to block spells and 8.8% Life Leech gem linked to it. This makes you extremely tanky. The heal from this shield is INSANE!!
RF+Shavrone is OP...
azmodael wrote:
RF+Shavrone is OP...
how is that relevant to the tempest shield thread? also shavrone doesn't have anything special in pair with RF. shock chance from the small lightning damage on hit (thus potentially increasing the burn damage) maybe.
Well he is boasting 2600 dmg on Tempest, but the only way to get that is shavrone+low life RF so...
So can we have this gem buffed in some way now that we no longer have 5% block even if we take Innerforce.

Now that i think about it, since Tempest shield is a spell it's strange it gives no buff to %spell block and %spell projectiles block aswell.

The quality of the gem could be used to buff something more usefull instead of the already small damage it does.
IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

stream: http://www.twitch.tv/hitokirizoro
Edit: Herp derp wrong thread.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 12, 2013, 12:24:49 PM

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