Tempest Shield

I think there is still a bug with tempest shield.

When i level up my totem gem, that is not linked to tempest shield at all and not even on the same piece of equipment, it turns off my tempest shield every time. Not a big deal but still has to be a bug because it makes no sense

Also, this has probably been said a thousand times but its not right that I have to use 40% of my mana to support the skill with 4 links (69% without reduced mana) while other skills are much more powerful and use 100 or even less mana. Not cool
What is the rationale behind it deactivating each time you enter a new zone?
Ignoring that this question gets answered every page - it's an engine limitation: Damage spells get assigned when cast; if Tempest Shield was active across boundaries, it's damage would go to 0 in the new area because it wasn't cast there.
Needs a buff to damage or reduce the mana cost. I would love to see the block % go up every so many so many lvls too. like 7% at gem lvl 20
Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!
tat0010 wrote:
Needs a buff to damage or reduce the mana cost. I would love to see the block % go up every so many so many lvls too. like 7% at gem lvl 20

Have to agree with this. I have a block build and really can no longer justify using it. I can replace it with something far more useful, which shouldnt be the case because my build couldn't be more perfect for that particular spell but the benefits just aren't enough.
Standard Forever
tat0010 wrote:
Needs a buff to damage or reduce the mana cost. I would love to see the block % go up every so many so many lvls too. like 7% at gem lvl 20

Because having a 25% reservation be almost as good as two big nodes is totally balanced, right
ebrl wrote:
tat0010 wrote:
Needs a buff to damage or reduce the mana cost. I would love to see the block % go up every so many so many lvls too. like 7% at gem lvl 20

Because having a 25% reservation be almost as good as two big nodes is totally balanced, right

I think you mean 2 small nodes or 1 medium node. See the shield block family near elemental equilibrium.
They said they were going to make melee viable in end game. So far it looks like they aren't really trying.
TheClayPigeon wrote:
I think you mean 2 small nodes or 1 medium node. See the shield block family near elemental equilibrium.

No, he does mean big nodes. The proposal is to have Tempest Shield grant 7% Block, which is two big passives.
Vipermagi wrote:
TheClayPigeon wrote:
I think you mean 2 small nodes or 1 medium node. See the shield block family near elemental equilibrium.

No, he does mean big nodes. The proposal is to have Tempest Shield grant 7% Block, which is two big passives.

As opposed to purity, which gives most of the elemental adaptation large passive, and almost two diamond skin large passives, to your entire party* for only 40% reserved when you've maxed it out?

Making the +block scale a bit won't really be an issue. Maybe start it a tad lower, and make it scale as the gem levels so it ends a bit higher. It's not like you're giving that +block to anyone but yourself.

*assuming they stay nearby
They said they were going to make melee viable in end game. So far it looks like they aren't really trying.
Last edited by TheClayPigeon on Apr 24, 2013, 3:02:43 PM
Hey, I'm just saying he hadn't misspoken. That said, Block is much harder to max than plain Resists, which is why the Resistance passives had to be buffed so much in the past. The ridiculous part about Purity is the maximum resists. Such a powerful Aura.

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