Tempest Shield

Xapti wrote:
Is the damage dealt on this instantaneous, projectiles, or PBAoE?

Instantaneous, single-target damage. Blocking a ranged attacker will cause them to take the lightning (spell) damage.
Strill wrote:

Oh god my frigging brain, you just made a double nonsense not-word and I hate you for it.
Increased Buff Effect passives don't work on this skill :(
sanddemon wrote:
Increased Buff Effect passives don't work on this skill :(

Increased Buff Effect passives increase the "Additional 10% Shield Block Chance" as this is the only applicable variable. The Duration is not considered an effect, and the damage is not part of the buff created by the spell.

If you compare block chance before and after using Tempest Shield on the defense tab of the character sheet you will notice the bonus from Increased Buff Effect passives. The tooltip does not reflect this currently.
I think this skill should be nerfed, definitely too powerful, maybe make it 5% increased block chance? When my templar used it, it was indestructible.
Kendroxide wrote:
I think this skill should be nerfed, definitely too powerful, maybe make it 5% increased block chance? When my templar used it, it was indestructible.

The biggest draw to this skill seems to be the flat +block, so why not make that start at a lower value and scale with level?

My melee frenzy ranger can hit 74% total block with a lvl 1 skill gem:
30% base
6% quality
9% block cluster near ranger start
10% block cluster near 6th class start
3% Weapon Artistry special passive
6% part of 9% block cluster due east of ranger start
10% Tempest shield
btw the DPS shown at the character screen doesn't say too much anyways of course (because the damage depends on how often you block)...but if it not too much work, you could take care of the effect, that faster casting increases the DPS shown, although it wont help you at all when you renew Tempest Shield twice per second :D
I noticed this skill interacts with necromantic aegis in a possibly confusing way, but likely simpler way of implementation.
If cast by a character who has Necromantic Aegis, they gain 10% block chance despite the otherwise inability to use your shield for yourself.

Sadly means you cannot have an army of minions running around zapping things as they block attacks.

On the plus side: you get a small chance to block hits while your minions can run around with nifty buffs from your shield.
This skill is so incredibly cool.

I felt like a child trying out his brand new superhero outfit!

Not being sarcastic. It's just great. I need to use shields from now on..

Avengers! Assemble! I am your Captain America!

No. Seriously. I have no words! Pure brilliance. I would use it if it just gave the graphic. But it's also awesome in regards to power. :)

Keep the good times rolling.
"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
Some things that aren't really working support wise...

Life gain on Hit

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