Tempest Shield

I think Tempest Shield should also have a small (5-10%) chance to refresh on kill, not just on block (which penalises manual avoidance).
If I had to cast it less, I would use it more.
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.
mruuh wrote:
Maybe someone already mentioned this, but perhaps Tempest Shield could boost the damage of Shield Charge?

adding synergies into the game would be amazing, but i don't think anything like that is being planned. It would a very nice surprise.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
More chain hits plz.
Lv1: Chain +1 Times ==> lv20 Chain +7 Times
Would it be possible to allow tempest Shield to be used with Staff, or while dual wielding?
Tempest Shield.
Are you realy hard up on the whole Shield part? skill names could be changed as they have in the past.
Don't know if something like this should be posted but is tempest shield considered a counter-attack? ^^ If it's not it would be interesting with painforged from gladiator. Tempest shield builds are coming back :^)
hi <3 I stream at twitch.tv/sjatar_
Sjatar wrote:
Don't know if something like this should be posted but is tempest shield considered a counter-attack? ^^ If it's not it would be interesting with painforged from gladiator. Tempest shield builds are coming back :^)

The definition of a counterattack from the gladiator's ascendancy is "Attacks that trigger when you are Hit".

Tempest Shield is not an Attack.
With the rework of block for both attacks and spells.

Request the TS be reworked to say/read

[]+3% to BASE chance to Block Attack or spell damage while holding a shield.[]

And as before blocking either spell or attack damage would refresh the duration...

I think this change would be inline with the direct GGG is going with Spell lock.

Now one can wish to have the +3% increase either with levels or with quality... but this additional request may make TS to strong.

pls make it instant cast

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