Tempest Shield

I wish the block chance on this upgraded with level, as I find the damage nigh useless and really use it for the increased block.

Also why in the world does this shut off when ever I exit an area?
HollowedOnes wrote:
Also why in the world does this shut off when ever I exit an area?

Because a skill needs to be activated in order to deal damage. Transition TS between zones and it breaks.
Is there any chance that this skill will be allowed to stay active through weapon swap? I curently have a build that needs to make use of 2 different daggers situationally, and I cant really do that if tempest shield turns off every time I weapon swap.
IGN: Iolar
Skill is working good. I think it should have a proc cooldown of .5 seconds though.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on Jun 24, 2013, 2:56:32 PM
that precentage mana reservation has to go %4 block chance cost of %17(lvl 20 reduce mana) mana or life reservation sounds not right.
Ceykey wrote:
that precentage mana reservation has to go %4 block chance cost of %17(lvl 20 reduce mana) mana or life reservation sounds not right.

Going from 70% block chance to 75% (Inner Force increasing buff to 5% block) means getting hit 30% of the time to 25% of the time, which is a 20% survivability increase -- in other words, for some builds, Tempest Shield is kind of like Elemental Adaptation. Oh, and lightning damage on top of that. It should definitely be a mana reservation.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Im using tempest shield and i want to inflict as much dmg possible to attackers.
so here is my question: am i able to block an attack when im stunned or when im already blocking(stun animation is played)?

if not i think i need immunity to stun in order to get max dmg output from tempest shield
ING: "MeneaterMildrid" or "WICKEDSICKmoves"
you'll still block (and evade and dodge) while stunned or blocking animation. if you get re-"stunned", then you just get a new animation cycle then and there. players can get stunlocked just as easily as monsters can (with enough of them around and low enough player hp).
Thx for the answer
i think i will safe those 10 passive points to get unweavering stance then^^
i have no problem with being stunned i just want to get maxdmg with tempshield :D
ING: "MeneaterMildrid" or "WICKEDSICKmoves"
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Ceykey wrote:
that precentage mana reservation has to go %4 block chance cost of %17(lvl 20 reduce mana) mana or life reservation sounds not right.

Going from 70% block chance to 75% (Inner Force increasing buff to 5% block) means getting hit 30% of the time to 25% of the time, which is a 20% survivability increase -- in other words, for some builds, Tempest Shield is kind of like Elemental Adaptation. Oh, and lightning damage on top of that. It should definitely be a mana reservation.

Did u ever build a full block char ? %5 block chance gives nothing if u dont have any block chance by passives or if u going with full block %4-5 block chance means 2 passives in most case.

Lightning dmg only good for fast casters or attackers such as voidbearers or tity machine gunners. So slow-normal hard hitting mobs(which %90 of the mobs) dont kill themselves on ur tempest shield i only found that lightning dmg significant at high level pvp against cı fast caster its insta shock stack them if u have full spell block.

Bottomline precentage mana reservation only cripples possibilties and gives hard time to BM users.
Last edited by Ceykey on May 18, 2013, 5:09:42 PM

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