Tempest Shield

PyrosEien wrote:
I think it should just become flat cost instead of %, or cost reduced to 15%. Or damage increased by a fair amount. It's not a bad skill, it's just not worth 25% reserve and makes it unusable for bloodmagic builds too.

i agree. though it is not bad for a low level clarity templar who has more mana regen than is need to spam all spells i couldnt imagine someone choosing this skill lategame

block chance should also go up with levels and maybe give it some ligning resist
M3phisto wrote:
PyrosEien wrote:
I think it should just become flat cost instead of %, or cost reduced to 15%. Or damage increased by a fair amount. It's not a bad skill, it's just not worth 25% reserve and makes it unusable for bloodmagic builds too.

i agree. though it is not bad for a low level clarity templar who has more mana regen than is need to spam all spells i couldnt imagine someone choosing this skill lategame

block chance should also go up with levels and maybe give it some ligning resist

Theres a few builds possible where you could use this skill for specific purposes, like building power charges in combination with volls protector. It's damage on it's own is a little underwhelming though without adding many supports, and then it pretty much takes your entire mana pool away.
mptyspace wrote:
M3phisto wrote:
PyrosEien wrote:
I think it should just become flat cost instead of %, or cost reduced to 15%. Or damage increased by a fair amount. It's not a bad skill, it's just not worth 25% reserve and makes it unusable for bloodmagic builds too.

i agree. though it is not bad for a low level clarity templar who has more mana regen than is need to spam all spells i couldnt imagine someone choosing this skill lategame

block chance should also go up with levels and maybe give it some ligning resist

Theres a few builds possible where you could use this skill for specific purposes, like building power charges in combination with volls protector. It's damage on it's own is a little underwhelming though without adding many supports, and then it pretty much takes your entire mana pool away.

The only build you'd do the Voll thing with would be a Discharge build, and yeah I guess it's kinda useful there, even though it involves having both a high block % and a high crit % and actually taking hits and blocking them. You'd better have another plan to generate charges than just that I'd think but it's a plus. It has a few specific uses, passive shocking is good too, but generally even though it's "only" 25%, you're better off investing 40% in a real aura like Purity.

I don't think it's WAY too expensive but it's a bit too expensive. Another buff that I believe was mentionned but figured could be very useful would be to give say 3% block recovery per level. Caps at 57%(since first lvl wouldn't give any I guess) which is a solid amount but not an overpowered amount either I don't think. Block is nice but unless you have insanely high health or Unwavering Stance, you kinda need 50-80% block recovery if your block % is high otherwise you spend a lot of time getting stunned which ruins the purpose of blocking to an extent(still better than getting stunned while not blocking but eh).
25% Mana Reserve for 4% Block? No thanks.
The only build you'd do the Voll thing with would be a Discharge build, and yeah I guess it's kinda useful there, even though it involves having both a high block % and a high crit % and actually taking hits and blocking them. You'd better have another plan to generate charges than just that I'd think but it's a plus.

Once again: Can you (or someone else) confirm that it works that way? A few pages prior someone mentioned, that for some reason only one charge can be created with tempest shield, all following crits won't trigger Volls.

Is this outdated? Would be kind of an imporant question to me :)
Question. Is there a reason why tempest shield has to be turned on every time I enter an area or level up?

Can the devs please consider making it work like an aura in terms of always being on even when you going to and from town?
BitterBiped wrote:
Question. Is there a reason why tempest shield has to be turned on every time I enter an area or level up?

Spells need to be cast in order to deal damage. If TS were transferred through zone transitions, it would not deal any damage. It's an unfortunate engine limitation.
Massive mana reserve for a measly 4% increased block? And the +block doesn't scale with gem level or gem quality?

Waste of an action slot. Please fix.
They said they were going to make melee viable in end game. So far it looks like they aren't really trying.
I really love this skill; its concept, animation and utility. However, after using it for some time now (currently level 80 on my Arc casting, Spork totem wielding Witch) I am finding it very underwhelming. I think it definitely needs some tweaking, either in the damage or block department. The mana reservation cost isn't too bad, but does become a problem if you try and link up some decent support gems to it (added lightning damage, elemental proliferation etc.).

Some people have suggested giving the damage on block a chance to shock. This could work, as long as the value wasn't too high - maybe around 5%? That would put you at around 35% chance to shock if you had Static Blows and used a non-quality Arc. It would synergise nicely with shock-stacking support builds as they don't do too much damage as it is, but are good at improving their parties DPS.

How else can we give this skill some added utility? What if it gave you added lightning damage/resist the more block chance you had, or even vice versa. Or a ramp up in block damage depending on how many times you blocked in a X second window. Just as Endurance Charges are displayed, you could have a counter for blocks made in a certain time period that give some sort of bonus for a fixed duration. Probably a bit outside the scope of the skill, but I am just thinking out loud.

Either way, I would love to see a buff to this interesting and somewhat niche ability.
Know what might be cool on Tempest Shield? Chain.
Also, an animation :P

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