Tempest Shield

Life Gain on Hit fails to work with this skill.
It should, tempest shield hits enemies that get blocked.
Read Life Gain's description. It explicitly mentions it only works with Attacks.
Spells are not Attacks. :)
Vipermagi wrote:
Read Life Gain's description. It explicitly mentions it only works with Attacks.
Spells are not Attacks. :)

Thanks, that clarifies it, I'll go with life leech then, though that's obviously worth a great deal less.
Seeing as it reserves mana it feels a bit weird to have to turn it back on every time you enter a new zone. Very cumbersome.

Aside from that I feel like this skill is a little bit underwhelming unless you specifically build around this skill (such as the ranger in the build of the week). Why not have it also increase the shield's defenses a bit? There are plenty of nodes that increase the shield's defenses, a little boost on tempest shield wouldn't hurt anyone.
Beyond league.
Seeing as it reserves mana it feels a bit weird to have to turn it back on every time you enter a new zone. Very cumbersome.

This a 1000 times.
All of my other %mana abilities (ie auras) remain always on. With this I Have to reapply it every time i change zone/port/die.
Basically I need to keep it on my T key so I don' forget to use it, while my other auras i activate them and swap them out.
It's bad because I'm using one skill less at all times.

Aside from that I feel like this skill is a little bit underwhelming unless you specifically build around this skill (such as the ranger in the build of the week). Why not have it also increase the shield's defenses a bit? There are plenty of nodes that increase the shield's defenses, a little boost on tempest shield wouldn't hurt anyone.

I wasn't coming here to state this, but since i read it, i have to agree.
There are many abilities that are good and becaome great when you build for them. Then there is Tempest shield.

A Spell needs to be cast to deal damage. If Tempest Shield is transferred through transitions, it stops dealing damage.
I think "this a 1000 times" rather accurately describes how often this has been stated now?
Vipermagi wrote:
A Spell needs to be cast to deal damage. If Tempest Shield is transferred through transitions, it stops dealing damage.
I think "this a 1000 times" rather accurately describes how often this has been stated now?
Applying an aura that grants retribution damage isn't exactly rocket science.

Honestly change it to an arbitrary mechanical stat that it applies to your character. Suddenly everything makes sense and it has no reason to need to be recast.

Also all the damaging auras. All of them.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
Writing an engine to handle a million different mechanics is pretty much rocket science. If it were easily fixed, it would have been.

Auras don't deal damage. Ever. They grant a Buff, and that Buff grants additional Damage.
Shouldn't be that hard to see the difference there :/
I rly think they should fix this. It's a toggle skill so you shouldn't have to cast it every time you enter a zone. An aura description says "you and other allies deal 3-5 dmg on attack" the only difference is that tempest shield does damage on block and it doesn't affect your allies. It's annoying as it is now and it would be nice to know that devs are trying or planing to fix this :)
Just asking: Is it still the case that crits from Tempest Shield don't build up more than one power charge in total when combined with Voll's Protector?

If so, is it a bug or working as intended? Have there been any reactions by GGG?

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