Tempest Shield

I miss the old tempest shield sound. When and why was it removed? :(
Laep wrote:
I've been using this skill, and i feel it really need to be reworked. for 25% of my mine i get only 4% block chance and some little, very little dmg when i manage to block.

Basically this skill does nothing. Its a shield aura and that gives a very small chance to block and gives no armour nor evasion.

When i use this skill i really don't feel tankier and specially no difference in the game-play

Overall I think you should had more chance to block with lvl's and to do more dmg than just tickling the mobs.

Another skill aura for the shield, that we really need should give us a high % of armour and a high % of block chance. something between the lines of Holy Shield from the Paladin (Diablo 2 reference)

I feel that Tempest Shield is a bit underwhelming, too.

25% of my mana for a small bit of damage on block and only 4% additional block chance?

For 25% I'd expect a bit more damage or more block. Or maybe an additional "enemies are shocked when an attack is blocked" type of mechanic (I think that'd be dope).
Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help.
odbj wrote:
Or maybe an additional "enemies are shocked when an attack is blocked" type of mechanic (I think that'd be dope).

Not to mention, incredibly overpowered.
Elemental Proliferation.
All the support gems that increase mana cost don't really seem like it would be worth it.

It used to transfer between zones but they disabled it (for now at least) because of a bug I think.
Last edited by SirOtis on Feb 21, 2013, 3:47:16 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
odbj wrote:
Or maybe an additional "enemies are shocked when an attack is blocked" type of mechanic (I think that'd be dope).

Not to mention, incredibly overpowered.
Elemental Proliferation.

Fair enough.
Perhaps an "Increased chance to shock enemies on blocked attack" at maybe 10-25% chance.
Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help.
I think it should just become flat cost instead of %, or cost reduced to 15%. Or damage increased by a fair amount. It's not a bad skill, it's just not worth 25% reserve and makes it unusable for bloodmagic builds too.
I have to agree with the other recent negative views of this skill. It is a cross between an offensive and defensive ability yet it does neither well at all, and it does it for far too much mana.

It is a skill gem that is in reality far less powerful than multiple single passive nodes, and costs a ton of mana.
25% really isn't that incredible if you ask me. It's the cheapest percent-reserve, for one. :/
My Block Ranger thouroughly enjoys Tempest Shield though.
SirOtis wrote:
All the support gems that increase mana cost don't really seem like it would be worth it.

It used to transfer between zones but they disabled it (for now at least) because of a bug I think.

The reason it doesn't remain on between zones is because it isn't an aura, its a spell. The bug back in the day was that it remained on when going from zone to zone and they fixed it
i think tempest shield could be more viable, if it had a mechanism like enduring cry: the more enemies you've got around you, the more block chance you get. would be a great update, especially for melee.

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