Tempest Shield

I think that the mana reserve change was a nerf but it makes sense. That said, this skill doesnt give enough block chance to be worth it... change it please or at least let the quality lightning damage impact other attacks, dunno why it isnt global already..???
Vipermagi wrote:
"It already works like an aura."
Tempest Shield is not an Aura. Auras apply buffs to nearby allies; Tempest Shield is simply a maintained self-buff.

"Or you could make it more like an aura by removing the itnitial mana cost,"
That would make it less like an Aura :P The reserve cost always has to be paid to cast the Aura.

Edit; Heh. I know how easy it is to forget other people exist sometimes :P

Regardless if it's actually or aura, or truely acts like one in every sense is not the point I was trying to get across. it's spimply feels like an aura. It's shares to many visual similaritys that would make most players believe that this spell would act mechanicly the same as an aura. Players can assume that sense you're buffinig your shield that the only difference would be that it only effects you and not other players. In almost every other way it's an aura.

And by initial mana cost, I mean the cost of actually casting the spell, which is different from reserved mana. Reserving mana and paying mana for the cost of a spell are not the same thing, which is why they have different nodes on the tree. Cast Tempest Shield and watch. You'll see your mana drop (Paying the cost of the spell) and then the reserve happens. Unless that is some ungodly latency issue on my part that's what I believe to happen. But as I even write this it's sounds so redundant I can't honestly believe it's true. And if it is. than why?
And I guess I should have been more clear on what I meant by "more like an aura" What I really should say is "less like a spell" for example:

Instead of Tempest Shield being a spell that deals lightning damage when you block, you could probably right the code so that, when you blocke, the player does the damage instead of the actual spell. Making it "more like an aura" in the sense that Tempest Shield would no longer be a spell that does damage, but rather, a buff that provides a benefit to a player.

It wouldn't even really hurt the "lore" of the spell really. The player is the one enhancing their shield with lightning, thus the player is the source of the damage regardless.

But I could be wrong. This could be incredibly hard to code for all I know.
Brhino wrote:
And by initial mana cost, I mean the cost of actually casting the spell, which is different from reserved mana. Reserving mana and paying mana for the cost of a spell are not the same thing, which is why they have different nodes on the tree. Cast Tempest Shield and watch. You'll see your mana drop (Paying the cost of the spell) and then the reserve happens. Unless that is some ungodly latency issue on my part that's what I believe to happen. But as I even write this it's sounds so redundant I can't honestly believe it's true. And if it is. than why?

Again, this is how all Reserves work. You still pay the amount upfront to cast the Aura, then the Reserve kicks in.
Vipermagi wrote:
Brhino wrote:
And by initial mana cost, I mean the cost of actually casting the spell, which is different from reserved mana. Reserving mana and paying mana for the cost of a spell are not the same thing, which is why they have different nodes on the tree. Cast Tempest Shield and watch. You'll see your mana drop (Paying the cost of the spell) and then the reserve happens. Unless that is some ungodly latency issue on my part that's what I believe to happen. But as I even write this it's sounds so redundant I can't honestly believe it's true. And if it is. than why?

Again, this is how all Reserves work. You still pay the amount upfront to cast the Aura, then the Reserve kicks in.

I guess I just don't understand why initial cost is needed on a reserve that takes a % of you total mana, unless it's needed in code. But regardless, the structure of what I'm trying to suggest for the skill doesn't change any. Either make it more like a skill, up the mana cost, remove the reserve, and give it a CD, duration, or something to that effect. Or make it a self buff, keep the reserve, and alternate how the damage portion works so players don't have to constantly re-cast it.
This skill desperately needs a buff.

It's shitty in every way, unless used in that one shock build.

1) the dmg is too low; it doesn't even register on the mobs HP and I have it on a lightning witch.

2) 4% block isn't that great for how much mana it reserves

3) the quality increase is horrible. I thought it was global %lightning dmg so I spent orbs to get a 20% one, only to find out it only affects the trivial, virtually non-exist lightning shield damage.

If any gem in the game needs reworked, it's this one.
ign: Axxiom
Complicated wrote:
This skill desperately needs a buff.

It's shitty in every way, unless used in that one shock build.

1) the dmg is too low; it doesn't even register on the mobs HP and I have it on a lightning witch.

2) 4% block isn't that great for how much mana it reserves

3) the quality increase is horrible. I thought it was global %lightning dmg so I spent orbs to get a 20% one, only to find out it only affects the trivial, virtually non-exist lightning shield damage. I had to find this out the hard way too like the above poster and when I did I LAUGHED!! I couldn't believe the pointlessness of bonus lightning damage to the shield skill which simply doesn't do apprecciable damage.

If any gem in the game needs reworked, it's this one.

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As I said before the mana reserved change isn't the problem. 4% block is just too little or a defensive buff, and I PITY THE FOOL who tries to use this skill offenssively!

I recommend 3 changes

1 Quality should add GLOBAL lightning damage, giving the skill a wider array of builds it could be useful in

2 Block% should be buffed to 6% or so at the least or EVEN BETTER and more preferable, go up by .4% each level or something giving you 8% max or something. That 1 passive in the duelist tree gives 6% block and 20% defenses.. it alone is better than an inner force tempest shield...

3 If you want tempest shield to have damage on it, make it significant...as it is now the damage is literally not noticeable. And i have near max block chance and passives that boost elemental damage etc -.-

3.5 What I would suggest in terms of the damage would be to do something interesting and different like have tempest shield reflect more and more lightning damage as it levels or something allowing players using it to stack less lighting res eventually and making it always useful for block chance etc but more situational in terms of its damage output. It's a shield skill so have it be sort of defensively offensive!! rather than feebly offensive which makes little sense.. That way SOMETIMES you see it do damage by reflecting rather than NEVER seeing it do damage as it is now, or having it be op by having it always do damage.. Maybe people would slot it in or turn it on for piety and things letting them tank her more and bring down her life faster. Of course it would only really reflect lightning so only the block% and quality would make up for it's situational use most of the time. just a thought

In closing, 1 handed with shield especially as melee is kind of rough right now and could use more incentives to go that spec, tempest shield could be changed to help even the field a bit as i see it.

The ONLY reason to currently use tempest shield is if you already reserve all but 14% of your mana and are using all the mana reserve passives and supports and it happens to fit in there and give you 5% block AND you blood magic all your skills. Then its a slight but hardly noticeable trifle. But POSSIBLY ok to use? Seriously BUFF THIS SKILL plz
Last edited by CallsignHUSKER on Mar 14, 2013, 11:41:16 PM

This might be too strong, but maybe be like the punishment aura, return a percent amount of damage you block back to the attacker in the form of light damage. Really like the skill, and the awesome glowy animation for it. The extra block chance is nice, but the damage isn't that great

i have a question about Tempest Shield. How does it work with Reflection and Spell Block? Will it bounce until i get the hit or dont i have a chance to block Reflected Elemental Damage?
IGN: PuryFIre
i heard a tiny bit of people wish tempest shield was a much weaker "mana per second" based reserve than arctic armor. however 1.75% max mana regen per second is pretty... um low wiggle room for making this any value under that in mana damage per second.

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