Tempest Shield

7% sounds fine via my knowledge of shield types and closest proximity dealings of passive tree.
i think a 10% multiplier to block chance sounds more unique and feels more mathematically balanced.

assuming people actually gather block increase nodes. players will have between 46% and 68% block chance depending on class (grid location) and shield choice (24% to 30%+6%). some players do less investment via unique shields (40%) or more investment via going "too far" on the grid. those two cases i won't cover as its already been done, the three dex classes were known for it in past and still "max out" via slightly wide investment.

so a 10% multiplier would mean between 2% to 3% boost to block chance for no one doing investment, but 4 to 6 for those that do put time into block chance (or even 5 to 7% for those that use the 30% buff node group). don't know about you but i rather have this than a raw boost higher than 4% even though can "max out" on block chance regardless still. 7 *1.3 = 9 which is... lol... far too high for witches and templars even though they have less boosts on grid. not to mention it would be way too many "free" skill points at a 7% for the other classes.
Add me as a +1 who would like to see this persist through zone changes.
have a couple of concern questions that im not sure was answered in the other pages but here goes.
i have a +19q tempest that gives 14% more dmg when wiki states a +0.5%dmg per q. just wonder if its a bug or should i waste another gcp on it to not gain any dmg increase.

additionally i paired my tempest with 'chance to flee', a cute idea i know. but its hard to determine if it actually works. if it did, it would make mobs flee whenever i block'em which is awesome. anyone has the ability to test this conclusively?
the quality effect is actually 0.75% per quality point, the wiki isn't fully updated. that final point of quality will bring the gem to 15% damage boost.
only this tempest shield skill's damage is not increased by weapon elemental damage gem.
i thought it is because tempest shield is spell. so damage is not increased by WED gem.
but other shield spell skills are increased by WED gem.
You must fix it or change it to weapon skill not spell.
because lightning strike is melee skill. my build is melee lightning. but i can't use tempest shield because i can't use WED gem on it.
so i must use other shield skill instead of tempest shield.
but other shield spell skill or some elemental spell skill's damage is increased by WED gem.
i am very confused now.
I don't see why this spell should only work with shields. Why not have it working with anything that has chance to block. Would make this skill so much more viable in much more different builds. As of now it's not even good for most characters that use shields. Right now it feels just like a part of some niche build and even then not that great of a build probably..
Just wondering why you have to rebuff this every time you enter a new zone? Can't this be like aura's where it doesn't have to be reapplied all the time... it's really annoying lol
IGN: Amel, Ameladol, Spock, ILoveUniqueThings, AmelPVP
A Spell needs to be cast in order to deal damage currently. Transferring it through zone transitions would mean it deals no damage, unfortunately.
Laep wrote:
I've been using this skill, and i feel it really need to be reworked. for 25% of my mine i get only 4% block chance and some little, very little dmg when i manage to block.

Basically this skill does nothing. Its a shield aura and that gives a very small chance to block and gives no armour nor evasion.

When i use this skill i really don't feel tankier and specially no difference in the game-play

Overall I think you should had more chance to block with lvl's and to do more dmg than just tickling the mobs.

Another skill aura for the shield, that we really need should give us a high % of armour and a high % of block chance. something between the lines of Holy Shield from the Paladin (Diablo 2 reference)

As one of the builds of the week showed: Try linking Iron Will, Chance to Shock, and Elemental Proliferation. You'll suddenly be surrounded by enemies that are all shocked and taking 40% more damage. Combine that with Molten Shell... woooooow!

Even without Proliferation, it's still a very strong augment against swarms of ranged mobs that you can't kite for whatever reason.
[quote="Xavderion"]Adapt or die.[/quote]
[quote="NekoHanten"]You are a prisoner who has been exiled to Wraeclast. Do you think it's meant to be easy and fun?[/quote]
Ameladol wrote:
Just wondering why you have to rebuff this every time you enter a new zone? Can't this be like aura's where it doesn't have to be reapplied all the time... it's really annoying lol

This happens and manually turning off the spell leaves the spell "locked". I have click again to turn off the lock then click again to turn it back on. I have no idea if this is supposed to be like this or is it a bug that needs to be fixed. It does not cause a problem to game play but it is rather frustrating to have the spell turn off and not realize it.

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