Tempest Shield

It would be nice if this skill could work like an aura.
Right now, when I change area, I have to recast the skill, and sometimes, it's disabled (maybe a timeout from the older mechanism).
PoE forums ignore list script:

0.4: added "ignore" button. ignore list is now saved locally.
TS currently cannot be transferred through area transitions. Spells need to be cast in order to deal damage; having it transfer means it doesn't deal damage any more.
I would love for this skill to work with Necromantic Aegis. Then I might plan to use a shield. But atm I dont want tempest shield. And I would rather dual wield wands than use a shield. No reason for me to pay any attention to Necromantic Aegis then.
Is Evasion taken into account before or after Blocking? If former is the case, then TS becomes less useful for builds that incorporate Evasion into their defensive schemes.
... I meant the ducks.
Last edited by Insolentius on Feb 5, 2013, 9:25:15 AM
its evasion before blocking
I paired Iron Will and Tempest Shield together and am a little confused about how these interact with each other. The overall DPS indicator says that together, Iron Will is lowering the damage of Tempest Shield to 56.2 from 61. The actual damage dealt when I block however goes up from 32-66 to 35-72.

My question is, does the 19% Reduced Cast Speed have any impact on Tempest Shield at all? The reason I thought to pair these is because Iron Will has no Mana Cost Multiplier, and I didn't think the reduced cast speed would have any impact at all on Tempest Shield. Does the reduced cast speed negatively impact this spell at all, or are the numbers just being funny?
The DPS display for TS is complete bullshit. :P
Iron Will is essentially free damage for Tempest Shield.
numbers are being funny, the dps listing works on cast speed and just one hit average. tempest doesn't have an honest cast speed (not for the damage part at least), it just triggers on every block.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Feb 5, 2013, 8:06:59 PM
I've been using this skill, and i feel it really need to be reworked. for 25% of my mine i get only 4% block chance and some little, very little dmg when i manage to block.

Basically this skill does nothing. Its a shield aura and that gives a very small chance to block and gives no armour nor evasion.

When i use this skill i really don't feel tankier and specially no difference in the game-play

Overall I think you should had more chance to block with lvl's and to do more dmg than just tickling the mobs.

Another skill aura for the shield, that we really need should give us a high % of armour and a high % of block chance. something between the lines of Holy Shield from the Paladin (Diablo 2 reference)
Now that quality on shields doesn't increase block chance anymore, could this go back to its original bonus? Or at least be buffed to, I don't know, 7%?
Got beta key on 15/11/2011, thanks dave01

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