New Righteous Fire Builds -_-

Thank you very much GGG for making me INSANE.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Righteous Fire is no longer op... it is now hilarious. Seriously though, its so bad its funny lol.
did they mess up RF? I am reading the patch notes but thought totem was the only change to RF?
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
did they mess up RF? I am reading the patch notes but thought totem was the only change to RF?

The new damage over time nodes in the tree makes RF insane, I didn't really wanted to do it but i'm thinking more and more about playing it non stop so GGG fix this quickly
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
They dont need to fix it. If the PVP gamers like to run into each other and wait who burns first out of life, who cares? I dont do anymore. I dont have a special PVP char and dont want to create one. If this is the way, then have fun all you RF, high Crit EK and ES/AR Aegis people.
MrDigital wrote:
They dont need to fix it. If the PVP gamers like to run into each other and wait who burns first out of life, who cares? I dont do anymore. I dont have a special PVP char and dont want to create one. If this is the way, then have fun all you RF, high Crit EK and ES/AR Aegis people.

come to lvl 28 pvp if thats how u feel. RF builds are still strong in teamfights but get stomped 1v1!
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Well atleast one things clear, with that new AoF ideas are now viable. So so long to the Molten Shell crutch i've watched too many rely on. So thats one more down, not much more to go.

Block "check"
Molten shell "Check"
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Dec 11, 2013, 7:40:49 AM
It's time for u guys to realize that it's not going to be nerfed enough to make it unviable for pvp, even if they nerf the damage i will still do tons of burn damage and enough to kill relatively fast. Another point i would like to add up is that it stills sucks for endgame PVE, i myself tested a lvl 77 shrine map with my current rf build and i couldnt do enough damage to kill monsters with ease and speed, it felt very slow and the piety boss took AGES to kill. Another point is that GGG wont nerf a skill if the skill itself is balanced and requires extremely valuable items to become strong with it, remember how bear trap and ek got nerfed ? It got nerfed for the simple reason of it was OP alone without any godly investment to your gear, ek could clear maps and do fine in PVP without any unafordable Equipment. Same thing goes for how righteous fire got nerfed once by how it was giving free spell damage for no downside which is why they nerfed it because of the abuse with any spells. The next skill which is bear trap got nerfed because you could simply 4l it as a spell caster, melee character and completely decimate your opponent with it without any gear required and only support gems to it which is why it has been nerfed because it was OP itself. Righteous fire is in no way OP by itself, it requires a lot of gear to boost your overall life/es enough to make it very strong and even that it's still crap for endgame maps and to remember you all this is a pve game not a pvp game. Try making a righteous fire build with poor mans equip and it will suck ass, now imagine how bad it will be for pve if they nerf it again, no one will use that skill except for the richers who has money to afford the high es/life gear which is totally not what GGG wants right now, they want to give everyone the change to do good with any skill in their game, main reason why they gave it a boost with nodes. So in my opinion i dont think they will nerf it enough or at all to make it bad for pvp, like i said they cant nerf it enough to make it super balanced in pvp as it will result in the skill sucking ass in pve again and no one will use it. Take my challenge and make a righteous fire build yourself and see how good it does in pvp, i'm pretty sure you will have a hard time doing as good as me right now and it will probably get easily countered by such simple things like kiting and vulnerability curse. Any life based righteous fire gets owned by that tactic easily because they cant sustain righteous fire due to the lack of shavronnes revelation which i have the possibility to use to make me sustain vulnerability enough to kite my opponents and even that i still need very godly items to boost my regen even more. Another thing i would like to add up which is puncture why is no one complaining about it ? With the new damage over time nodes it's super op, any build without regen gets completely melted by puncture Under 2 seconds of movement. I myself tried to turn off RF and see how was the puncture damage on my 1.2k es regen per second and it did so much damage it didnt even make sense with the amount of regen i had. Viper strike might even be op again and no one knows, just because no one tried to make a good build for it with the new nodes like i did for righteous fire, so stop complaining about it and deal with it and find counters because it's obviously not getting any hard nerf anytime soon.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Dec 11, 2013, 1:24:15 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
It's time for u guys to realize that it's not going to be nerfed enough to make it unviable for pvp, even if they nerf the damage i will still do tons of burn damage and enough to kill relatively fast.

Another point i would like to add up is that it stills sucks for endgame PVE, i myself tested a lvl 77 shrine map with my current rf build and i couldnt do enough damage to kill monsters with ease and speed, it felt very slow and the piety boss took AGES to kill.

Another point is that GGG wont nerf a skill if the skill itself is balanced and requires extremely valuable items to become strong with it, remember how bear trap and ek got nerfed ? It got nerfed for the simple reason of it was OP alone without any godly investment to your gear, ek could clear maps and do fine in PVP without any unafordable Equipment.

Same thing goes for how righteous fire got nerfed once by how it was giving free spell damage for no downside which is why they nerfed it because of the abuse with any spells.

The next skill which is bear trap got nerfed because you could simply 4l it as a spell caster, melee character and completely decimate your opponent with it without any gear required and only support gems to it which is why it has been nerfed because it was OP itself.

Righteous fire is in no way OP by itself, it requires a lot of gear to boost your overall life/es enough to make it very strong and even that it's still crap for endgame maps and to remember you all this is a pve game not a pvp game.

Try making a righteous fire build with poor mans equip and it will suck ass, now imagine how bad it will be for pve if they nerf it again, no one will use that skill except for the richers who has money to afford the high es/life gear which is totally not what GGG wants right now, they want to give everyone the change to do good with any skill in their game, main reason why they gave it a boost with nodes.

So in my opinion i dont think they will nerf it enough or at all to make it bad for pvp, like i said they cant nerf it enough to make it super balanced in pvp as it will result in the skill sucking ass in pve again and no one will use it.

Take my challenge and make a righteous fire build yourself and see how good it does in pvp, i'm pretty sure you will have a hard time doing as good as me right now and it will probably get easily countered by such simple things like kiting and vulnerability curse.

Any life based righteous fire gets owned by that tactic easily because they cant sustain righteous fire due to the lack of shavronnes revelation which i have the possibility to use to make me sustain vulnerability enough to kite my opponents and even that i still need very godly items to boost my regen even more.

Another thing i would like to add up which is puncture why is no one complaining about it ? With the new damage over time nodes it's super op, any build without regen gets completely melted by puncture Under 2 seconds of movement.

I myself tried to turn off RF and see how was the puncture damage on my 1.2k es regen per second and it did so much damage it didnt even make sense with the amount of regen i had.

Viper strike might even be op again and no one knows, just because no one tried to make a good build for it with the new nodes like i did for righteous fire, so stop complaining about it and deal with it and find counters because it's obviously not getting any hard nerf anytime soon.

Wall of text. Had to format to read it properly.
IGN: _Firebitch
hauntworld1 wrote:
Viper strike might even be op again and no one knows, just because no one tried to make a good build for it with the new nodes like i did for righteous fire

Don't worry I'm working on it :D
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless

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