New Righteous Fire Builds -_-

As the #1 righteous fire pvper in pvp atm i have to say it's extremely powerfull, but in no way the righteous fire skill itself is OP, the gear that i use and what i did with it makes it look extremely strong. There are counters to this build but unfortunatly i'm not gonna let anyone know about it. The new change to righteous fire making burn nodes upgrade the damage surely makes it stronger but like i said it doesnt make the skill OP in any way, it's what you do with it that makes it strong, the gear, the amount of life/es u have. I myself have 9k energy shield with 1.5k life on my righteous fire which is the reason it does so much damage, but keep in mind all these items u need in order to get such high energy shield is very expensive. Before the new changes, righteous fire was never seen again in pvp for many reasons because it was bad and not viable anymore, now imagine how awfull it was for endgame maps. Even with my current damage, it's still very difficult for me to do endgame maps as monsters have a lot of résistances and bosses takes forever to kill, if they nerf it back there's no way people will use RF in pve ever again which is why they changed it to make it an usable skill.

Yes the rf build seems strong, but it's as strong as a cycloner who slices tru players in 2 seconds, pretty much the same but in another type of damage.

Keep in mind that they are not going to nerf it anymore because like i said they changed it for the main priority which is pve, now that it is viable for maps people start using RF again. Pvp comes in second place, give it time people will soon find viable counters to it.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
It's not just you Haunt. There's a couple other rf'ers that faceroll in pvp now as well.

The rf character you made a couple months ago was still pretty OP. You were one of the top builds on server with it before you abandoned it to go back to your crit EK, and is now buffed by around 200%.

I can defend against the top cycloners on server relatively easy. It's no where near in the same league as rf. Not even remotely.

Something comparable would be 100% block and dodge penetration with RT while being able to flicker while cycloning. Throw in immunity to molten shell and immortal call as well then we're on equal ground. O_o If that doesn't sound broken I don't know what does.

In terms of it being needed to be strong for pve purposes therefore GGG turning a blind eye to it's OP'ness in pvp, I don't think is a credible argument. They've nerfed bear trap at least 3 times in the last year basically due to qq'ing from pvp'ers.

In the meantime I will continue to work toward counters. I'm not one to give up easily. Maybe I am being overly dramatic but I can't help but comment at it's current state.
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Dec 8, 2013, 5:01:10 PM
Ok have now played haunteworld and it was not enough with my none quality elemental weakness to lower his fire res enough (maybe quality would do). But I come to think of chock stacks. If you could just shock stack him a few times he should probably start taking decent damage.

Btw I still stand by that this is not as broken as max block.
Grildrak wrote:
Ok have now played haunteworld and it was not enough with my none quality elemental weakness to lower his fire res enough (maybe quality would do). But I come to think of chock stacks. If you could just shock stack him a few times he should probably start taking decent damage.

Btw I still stand by that this is not as broken as max block.

im pretty sure the current RFers are still highly build into block, just not spell block because they need the rise of the pheonix shield to be viable.

i havnt played in a while and i havnt seen the resurgence of the RFers, but if firebrand is complaining its OP it must be INSANELY OP. i remember fighting haunt worlds RFer even before the DoT patch and it was such a cake wake for him to win it wasnt even funny. it sounds kinda sad that the new "best build" is one that all you have to do is stand by people and they just burn to the ground.

and gildrak everyone knows that dual curse ele weakness/flammability 'can' be a counter to those builds but anyone who is building an RFer for pvp will know that and will compensate for it. also most pvpers have 4-5 immunity flasks which is more than enough to always be immune to curses in 3v3 and 1v1. my guess is that the only way to beat these builds will be to temp chain and run until they are completely out of anti curse pots, then switch to dual curse and try and kill them with there own build. to me, that sounds like a fight i dont want to have.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Dec 8, 2013, 6:09:38 PM
oowarpigoo wrote:
My guess is that the only way to beat these builds will be to temp chain and run until they are completely out of anti curse pots, then switch to dual curse and try and kill them with there own build. to me, that sounds like a fight i dont want to have.

Ya, that's what I'm thinking. Run with a rise of the phoenix shield of your own, equip 5 ruby flasks, cast temp chains and kite. You'll basically always have to have ruby flasks equipped just in the off chance you might run in to an rf'er.

Then once their flasks are depleted, cast temp chains and vulnerability and let them kill themselves, albeit very slowly. Fun! -_-
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Dec 8, 2013, 6:24:11 PM
Grildrak wrote:
Ok have now played haunteworld and it was not enough with my none quality elemental weakness to lower his fire res enough (maybe quality would do). But I come to think of chock stacks. If you could just shock stack him a few times he should probably start taking decent damage.

Btw I still stand by that this is not as broken as max block.

Hauntworld is rf max block, and i'm pretty sure that's something that every rf builds are gonna do
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
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Last edited by Dan_GGG on Dec 8, 2013, 9:41:54 PM
lol Bigdaddy. Love ya man. :p
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Dec 8, 2013, 8:00:43 PM
my words are real

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we will be back when this pvp situation changes


100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
Last edited by Dan_GGG on Dec 8, 2013, 9:44:42 PM
The gear check in this game is insane. Especially in pvp.
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