New Righteous Fire Builds -_-

nerf rf
MullaXul wrote:

the best pvper where on D2 on euro-pvp league,


yes ... laugh all you want, US East / West best players were fucking trash in comparison

Clan Ohh #1
MullaXul wrote:

the best pvper where on D2 on euro-pvp league,


yes ... laugh all you want, US East / West best players were fucking trash in comparison

Clan Ohh #1

Its easy to think that you guys were the best when you faced people on a server where everyone sucked. Like being Brock Lesnar and beating up Toddlers, sure you'd look pretty bad ass. Truth of the matter is Europe,Asia,West servers all sucked. Anything they did was already invented on East by players like Dirge,Kaziglubey,Luis,Haxor,Bryce,Kodachi etc..etc.. trust me its a fact. I also don't care how good you were on some private server if thats your next arguement.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
MullaXul wrote:
tempallo wrote:
MullaXul wrote:


Know I played Diablo2 at the very highest lvl of pvp, dominated USeast from 1.01-1.12 until I quit the game. Legit PnB Necro,Trapper and Barbarian vs hacked out autoaiming,gook modding,nightlighting,auto rejuv,auto tp, 1vs7 scrubs all day long and it was still a more legit experience then pvping in this game. Id be using trash like Raven frost,160 monarch,Hotspurs and a Wisp to take on 3 bmana Sorceress's of different elements because it was the answer to such a thing. Unlike this game where you sit there and pull your dick waiting for someone to run out of flasks or laming ppl out with conversion traps. The people that think their good on here just make me laugh, have no idea what pvp even is. Dealing with summons in NvD, desynch vs charge/teleport Hammerdins, etc..etc.. shit that people now use probably every single day on there myself and a small handful of veterans figured out and made the norm....that was true match up experience/knowledge. Not this crap which is just exploit after exploit without enough development in the game to even deal with it properly if at all.

i went top 8 in euro pvp league on europe server, and ppl here will never know most of things u said, and in euro there were others too. being able to predict ur enemy desynch etc etc.
i really want to pvp in this game, but im not so rich and will never be able to afford ur builds i thinks. and reading ur post really made me think that maybe i dont wanna even try if the game is designed this way.

Im an innovator I keep coming up with ways to deal with peoples exploitable bs. Theres people that are innovating in ways to do less work and exploit more neglected mechanics. 1button low talent builds aren't enough at times so you have to keep pushing the envelope til you can just stand there and do nothing. My goals are the complete opposite though. Its enjoyable but entirely shouldnt be this necessary and its equally funny to see people try to imitate what I do. Majority of pvprs on this game are just like the pvmrs, copy and pastes of one another. Its flattering but its also pretty anoyying. Theres answers still to 99% of the problems in the game at the moment if you put in the work. To sum it up, the pvp in this game needs some work but its a challenge that I welcome every day. To keep finding ways to beat crap the same way I did in Diablo. Thats what makes good pvprs good and bad ones bad.

Not to sound egotistical or anything but theres a few people I respect on here and a few I don't. Simple because of how they play or carry themselves. If you're going to come at me with some cookie cutter flavor of the month build and your heads as big as a hot air balloon like you're good..well probably going to be a dick when I beat you. But theres alot of people I think are really cool in this community i.e Firebrand,Aimless,Bigdaddy,Grindcore just to name a few.

You sound like you attempted to sound egotistical, to say the least, but I don't quite understand how "copy pastarino" isn't the exact same thing as what you do. It's not like you're EVER going to do something that I've never seen or could never see out of anyone else. IF your argument is that you don't copy from them, then shut up with assumptions about other people doing it.

Everyone builds what they feel works, and I get it, you're frusterated because your old, "exploited", and "copied" builds have been hard-countered by new, exploited, and copied builds. There's a lot of passive points on the tree, but at least 30 of them are reduced mana consumption, and you don't think effective builds won't share a fair amount of similarities without condemning every GOD damn one with such disrespect as saying that they are mindlessly jumping on bandwagon after bandwagon in a personal attempt to piss you, someone who I'm sure less than a fraction of the community knows/caresabout/wouldsavefromaburningbuilding, off?

lol, Speaking of Burning Building : ) it must take a genius to figure out that burning damage might be helpful to a skill that's burning shit, either that or we have to copy hauntworld (someone I've also never heard of, and no offense)

I love that you imply that you're the only person on PoE that knows how to Min/Max (apart from those few that you respect), if that's the case, then we should blame you for making RF builds so optimized and effective in pvp, even though I've never heard and hope to never hear again of you..

Anyone would be mad when a skill comes around that can only be hard-countered through SPECIFIC builds, well shit my block stacking ain't gosh derm effective against every durf garn thing in da geme now, RF TUUK UER DERBS.

So it's understandable if you wish to disposition yourself as being a super internet winning bad ass just because you push 1 or 2 buttons instead of 'none'..



You're the one who sounds big-headed, and you're not a fucking innovator, you're a person playing a video game where passive points, weapons, items, and gems represent legos that were handed out from the devs, so there's no reason to be such an asshole about your piece a shit lego sculptures. How innovative do you have to be to put circles into circular holes, wow what IQ, such fuck off..

sorry if that sounded mean. ^_^' Have good one.
Last edited by Do_odle on Dec 23, 2013, 6:44:30 PM
You sound like you attempted to sound egotistical, to say the least, but I don't quite understand how "copy pastarino" isn't the exact same thing as what you do. It's not like you're EVER going to do something that I've never seen or could never see out of anyone else. IF your argument is that you don't copy from them, then shut up with assumptions about other people doing it.

Everyone builds what they feel works, and I get it, you're frusterated because your old, "exploited", and "copied" builds have been hard-countered by new, exploited, and copied builds. There's a lot of passive points on the tree, but at least 30 of them are reduced mana consumption, and you don't think effective builds won't share a fair amount of similarities without condemning every GOD damn one with such disrespect as saying that they are mindlessly jumping on bandwagon after bandwagon in a personal attempt to piss you, someone who I'm sure less than a fraction of the community knows/caresabout/wouldsavefromaburningbuilding, off?

lol, Speaking of Burning Building : ) it must take a genius to figure out that burning damage might be helpful to a skill that's burning shit, either that or we have to copy hauntworld (someone I've also never heard of, and no offense)

I love that you imply that you're the only person on PoE that knows how to Min/Max (apart from those few that you respect), if that's the case, then we should blame you for making RF builds so optimized and effective in pvp, even though I've never heard and hope to never hear again of you..

Anyone would be mad when a skill comes around that can only be hard-countered through SPECIFIC builds, well shit my block stacking ain't gosh derm effective against every durf garn thing in da geme now, RF TUUK UER DERBS.

So it's understandable if you wish to disposition yourself as being a super internet winning bad ass just because you push 1 or 2 buttons instead of 'none'..



You're the one who sounds big-headed, and you're not a fucking innovator, you're a person playing a video game where passive points, weapons, items, and gems represent legos that were handed out from the devs, so there's no reason to be such an asshole about your piece a shit lego sculptures. How innovative do you have to be to put circles into circular holes, wow what IQ, such fuck off..

sorry if that sounded mean. ^_^' Have good one.[/quote]

You're not a very bright kid are you? Literacy issues seem to plague you aswell. Maybe you should stay bad at this game and let the adults play high level pvp. Seem to have thin skin also, effected so heavily as if I zero'd you out by name and harassed you some how. Haha, kids these days with their pansy ass self entitled bull shit.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Dec 23, 2013, 9:04:34 PM
can i ask you what is the average damage that you do with rf?
and hp/es? from other posts it seems to be from 5-6k to 8-9k hp, and low lifers got like 9k es, it's right?
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
I know that one of those RFers has 38k dps on RF and around 11k life.

so with 77% fire res he deals 8740 dmg PER SECOND ON YOU without calculating in the curses he does. He could use Vuln / Flamma / EW and EE with Multi + Flicker to get you killed within 0,1 - 1 second depending on how much overcapped fireres you have.

This guy is also capped against EE + EW + Flammability

And the worst part ...

That's not even Hauntworld.

Hauntworld does even more.

This is a complete joke.

When I see someone activating RF I just quit the game.

Last edited by Xantaria on Dec 24, 2013, 5:44:38 AM
MullaXul wrote:

You're not a very bright kid are you? Literacy issues seem to plague you aswell. Maybe you should stay bad at this game and let the adults play high level pvp. Seem to have thin skin also, effected so heavily as if I zero'd you out by name and harassed you some how. Haha, kids these days with their pansy ass self entitled bull shit.

You didn't respond to one fucking word I said and wouldn't it be illiteracy issues that plague me, if issues of literacy plagued me then I would have dreadfully good writing abilities, dumb ass.

Sorry to tell you how to attack me, I'm sure 50% of the people you have fought in pvp also needed to do that for you, and the other 50% must be toddlers. ALSO, Aswell isn't a word, retard, so don't come at me, mocking my sarcastic illiteracy (incorrectly) with very poor and ridiculous literacy of your own.

I entitled myself to call you the fuck out, numbnuts, you really don't know what the meaning of pansy is do ya? No one likes an E-Bully, and you really did need to learn a lesson.

However I have come to the conclusion that learning is a BIG FUCKING PROBLEM FOR YOU. Do you have a hole in your head? ...Do you want one? ...If you keep talking about entire communities like that, Hitler, you're going to get one. I'd gladly put it there myself.

Also, I didn't feel zeroed out, this must be new to you but all I did was pay you a little attention. I hardly ever play this broken pvp for anything else but fun, if I felt zero'd out, I would've came at you with death threats, I'd fucking kill your ass, you retarded little bitch, I play PoE but I don't play that shit.

I do however feel you're blindly calling out damn near everyone, and damn me if someone stepped up.

You want to continue insulting everyone else and me over the internet? Go for it, but try to do so with a little intelligence cuz I mean I have nothing to go on but you piss poor fucking sitcom-born insults that aren't laughable or even entertaining, Do you realize how fucking boring that is for me?

"Haha, kids these days"
and..What? Who the fuck are you talkin' to like that, your fucking bed nurse? You Alzheimer-Having-Piece-Of-Shit. I'll take your walker and beat you to death with it, grandpa.

"I remember when getting my ass kicked costed a nickle" <-that's you

Last edited by Do_odle on Dec 24, 2013, 1:37:36 PM
Im not even reading that shit, seriously. I also only briefly skimmed over what you typed the first time. Because from the looks of it you just had two handfuls of shit in your hands and started typing. Was coming back here to correct what I typed and make it clear for even a douchebag like you that I made that initial post (that you zero'd in on from a week ago, that had nothing to do with you). It was directed at one person who had some kind of sick infatuation with copying everything I did for a while. Id do it and within a few hours he'd of rmt'd something to immitate the idea.

Also wanted to make it clear again..for a douchebag like yourself. That no one claimed to re-invent the wheel. But to innovate on an existing invention is still innovation. I didn't create this game, didn't place the "legos" on the tree or into the landscape to be found. I didn't create the 2h sword marauder. Nor did I create the 2h sword/bow marauder hybrid. But one thing is clear when you do something argueably better then the next guy with the same exact build concept you're the measuring stick and people begin to immitate it. Doesn't matter what you do, in game/in life thats how it works. Im not going to elaborate on this shit any further its pretty common sense.

Oh by the way when I challenge you to duel today, accept it and don't dodge. Because I have a great feeling you too can be an "innovator" by losing and dying better then any guy before you raising the bar for the next guy each and every round. See lil fella you too can be special, now go fill out your "butt hurt" form..mail it in when the post office opens up after the holidays and move on to another thread where you can start keyboard wars with random people like a shithead.

Now seriously, move on need a hobby or something.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Dec 24, 2013, 2:14:41 PM
MullaXul wrote:
Im not even reading that shit, seriously. I also only briefly skimmed over what you typed the first time. Because from the looks of it you just had two handfuls of shit in your hands and started typing. Was coming back here to correct what I typed and make it clear for even a douchebag like you that I made that initial post (that you zero'd in on from a week ago, that had nothing to do with you). It was directed at one person who had some kind of sick infatuation with copying everything I did for a while. Id do it and within a few hours he'd of rmt'd something to immitate the idea.

Also wanted to make it clear again..for a douchebag like yourself. That no one claimed to re-invent the wheel. But to innovate on an existing invention is still innovation. I didn't create this game, didn't place the "legos" on the tree or into the landscape to be found. I didn't create the 2h sword marauder. Nor did I create the 2h sword/bow marauder hybrid. But one thing is clear when you do something argueably better then the next guy with the same exact build concept you're the measuring stick and people begin to immitate it. Doesn't matter what you do, in game/in life thats how it works. Im not going to elaborate on this shit any further its pretty common sense.

Oh by the way when I challenge you to duel today, accept it and don't dodge. Because I have a great feeling you too can be an "innovator" by losing and dying better then any guy before you raising the bar for the next guy each and every round. See lil fella you too can be special, now go fill out your "butt hurt" form..mail it in when the post office opens up after the holidays and move on to another thread where you can start keyboard wars with random people like a shithead.

Now seriously, move on need a hobby or something.

I'd crack your skull with my measuring stick, boy. WITH THAT SAID, ask your mum about MY hobbies, m8. > _ <'

I'm pretty sure you're not reading it because you are already taking back most of what you said while trying to make yourself look a little better in the light. There's no need to save face at this point, coward, and I'm pretty sure you do nothing but contradict the fuck out of yourself all the time.

MullaXul wrote:
The people that think their good on here just make me laugh

(They're* or They are* Retard, talk about someone's literacy)

Should I not say the same thing to you, ya little bastard? You talk about the PVP being very unbalanced on here, then challenge me to a duel to decide our argument here, rather than actually reading and responding accordingly?

MullaXul wrote:
Majority of pvprs on this game are just like the pvmrs, copy and pastes of one another.

You mean one guy copied everything you do? Let's call THAT the majority. What pissed me off is you seemed to have 0 respect for the people that try and fail again and again AND 0 respect for people that have effective builds that try and succeed again and again. I agree 50% that this game's PVP deserves 0 respect, because it's not rock papper scissors, it's more like who has the most time to waste gathering and exalting and eternaling gear and making the most impervious un-counter-able builds, but the builds themselves deserve respect, especially since you're so seemingly arrogant about your own "innovative" nature with them. Also maybe you're not claiming to reinvent the wheel, but you are claiming to reinvent the way it's used, which I feel deserves little to no disposition to the former since this is a programmed game with limits and NOT real life.

I am going to decline your challenge to settle our dispute in a duel when you yourself believes in the obvious imbalance in pvp currently. If I end up winning, I wouldn't gloat, I'd just tell you how it is: RF is hard to counter when fully casted. How are you going to respond when you win or lose? I really get the feeling that it's going to be a personal victory to you, and I doubt I'd enjoy waiting for the end of that arrogance to subside.

On the off-chance that you were cool about it, maybe we'd make great rivals. I honestly don't even class myself as a skilled PVP'r yet, I don't have much experience at all, but I'm just as capable as any other person with any sort of remedial reasoning skills, so all it would take is time. So, I guess I would just keep raising the bar at being a failure until then, but it's a better than raising the bar at being a hypocritical jerk who blames himself for all of his success without any respect for where he came from at all... I hate that this is what I think of you, I'd hate to think anyone was like that to the very core, so I'm probably entirely wrong about you and giving you the opposite of the benefit of the doubt.

If that's the case, in an attempt to resolve this without having to kick your ass (or you kicking my ass) I apologize for judging you so harshly, and wasting our time with this meaningless tripe.

As to not go too off topic arguing with you about your personality, or you with mine; Righteous Fire is counter-able, and fucking sucks in 1v1 due to having to cast 3+ micros to have any viable defense against them and the burns against yourself, a simple rush will wreck RF 1v1, but they are golden in party fights where they can actually get their vitality/pof/lowlifeRF off.
Last edited by Do_odle on Dec 24, 2013, 3:26:10 PM

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