New Righteous Fire Builds -_-

Don't think it needs to be put in any context to open anyones eyes on the subject. Its literally just that, standing near someone and doing nothing and getting a win. Its no different then throwing Molten shell on, standing there throwing EK's and waiting for the guy to attack you so Molten can explode dealing critical multiplied damage. Resulting in an effortless talentless 1hit kill with limited counters to it. But RF is worse then even that, it takes talentless slathers it with more talentless and rolls it into a big ass "im shitty at pvp so I made a RF troll build" wrap. To be honest if GGG was ever concerned with balance in pvp id suggest they look toward most of ICU clan not all, I actually like alot of members in that clan. Their usually neck deep in exploitable crap to keep them afloat vs legit pvp'rs because they can't hang any other way.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Dec 10, 2013, 2:47:59 PM
thread opened by icu member/ complained by icu members / evaluated by icu members ,

my opinion : removed by admin

to other unknown guy who called me big. big only my girl calls me, rest call me bigdaddy.


100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
Dude talk about talent when you're playing FPS games, are you really tryin'a say that path of exile requires any gg skills to own ? There's nothing in this game that is hard to use, any skill in pvp right now is easy as 1,2,3 to own with proper gear and build.

"im shitty at pvp so I made a RF troll build" ; dude any baddie could use your cyclone skill, realize it. Middle mouse leap slam, right click cyclone, Yo that sounds hard as FUCK.

I know that righteous fire requires 1 button to use and i'm cool with that, i enjoy having a stomp build and i'mma own with it as much as i can, if they nerf it i dont care i'mma make something else.

You want to have an easy life bro ? not having any counters to your build ? Go play maplestory.

Diablo 2 was all about stomping others, i'm doing the same thing in path of exile.

You're free to make any build you want in this game so why not make a stomp build yourself and stop complaining, it's your fault if youre getting facerolled.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Dec 10, 2013, 4:31:03 PM
Regardless of the different skill caps of different builds, there is a difference between using skills and not. Whether or not you want to accept it, there is a degree of skill with any build that actually uses skills and it isn't as simple as right clicking like you describe. Factoring in your opponents skills and movement alters what you do with most builds. RF builds literally use 1 button, a movement speed increase to run near your target. There is no strategy changed or room for adjustment or ANYTHING, regardless of who you're up against that's all you do.

If you have fun with something so dull, all the more power to you, enjoy it while it's strong. Just don't fool yourself trying to act like it's not different than other builds that are used ;)
IGN Nellz
Banditje wrote:
thread opened by icu member/ complained by icu members / evaluated by icu members ,

my opinion : removed by admin

to other unknown guy who called me big. big only my girl calls me, rest call me bigdaddy.


GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
hauntworld1 wrote:
Dude talk about talent when you're playing FPS games, are you really tryin'a say that path of exile requires any gg skills to own ? There's nothing in this game that is hard to use, any skill in pvp right now is easy as 1,2,3 to own with proper gear and build.

"im shitty at pvp so I made a RF troll build" ; dude any baddie could use your cyclone skill, realize it. Middle mouse leap slam, right click cyclone, Yo that sounds hard as FUCK.

I know that righteous fire requires 1 button to use and i'm cool with that, i enjoy having a stomp build and i'mma own with it as much as i can, if they nerf it i dont care i'mma make something else.

You want to have an easy life bro ? not having any counters to your build ? Go play maplestory.

Diablo 2 was all about stomping others, i'm doing the same thing in path of exile.

You're free to make any build you want in this game so why not make a stomp build yourself and stop complaining, it's your fault if youre getting facerolled.

Make a cyclone/heavy striker at my level and get back to me. I know you're not naive enough to think RF isn't bull shit, I never called you stupid. I can guarantee you never owned in Diablo2 unless you were on EU or USwest with the newbs. It does boil down to being everyones fault for not making an exploit spec. Doesn't change the fact you can't say you "faceroll stomp" without atleast cracking a smile and going to yourself ..."well really im not doing shit but I'll just keep telling myself I am so I can keep this mini chubby Ive been rocking a bit longer".
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
I'm sure many of you are familiar with it already, but I'm going to link the classic Sirlin article

A few questions arise:
-Is PoE a deep enough game that playing to win will result in a good gameplay experience?
-Does X or Y tactic (in this case RF) reach the threshold of Sirlin's STSF Akuma example?
-How applicable is playing to win in PoE? A character represents a huge amount of time and wealth, and switching to another character is not as simple as switching in a fighting game or switching weapons in an FPS. However switching skillgems and gear is quite easy. In another vein, with a very small pvp community does playing to win turn potential pvpers away at a time when more participation is needed?
Last edited by aimlessgun on Dec 10, 2013, 5:48:48 PM
The only real hard thing in this game is making the proper build for what you want to play and getting the items, playing the build takes minimal game knowledge and coordination.

''Make a cyclone/heavy striker at my level and get back to me'' ; Same thing applies to my righteous fire build, try making one and see if it's as strong as mine. You could pretty much say that for any other build, the hard part is getting the gear and making the tree. I'm pretty sure if you try making my tree you would have 2/4 of what i have atm.

There's another thing i would like to add up, i've never said anything harmfull to any player in the arena at all, the fact that you guys are so angry at me because of my build makes no sense and shows me how ignorant you guys are since you know nothing about me and my gaming potential at all. If youre mad about my build dont talk shit to me and complain to GGG instead, i'm not the one who created the righteous fire skill or mechanics, i just used everything possible that i could find in this game to boost its damage and right now theres no one that deal as much damage as me with righteous fire. i'm just using the game mechanics so you shouldnt be mad at me for doing good with it and go complain to GGG via email instead.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Dec 10, 2013, 6:18:36 PM
Firebrand76 wrote:
I'm guessing the pvp damage penalty doesn't apply to rf like it does other skills? Appears to seem that way.

I think in pvp higher damage hits are reduced more than lower ones, and becouse RF is DoT this mechanic doesn't apply to it. If it is true it should be fixed somehow, so strongest degen dmg will be reduced too.

Another thing: auto-aim multistrike flicker makes dodging near impossible. And it is not only for rf char, i feel any auto aim skills are bad for pvp.

And please guys, no hate, no talking who was better in d2 and other crap. This thread should be feedback for GGG before balancing (i hope - somehow) pvp for tournaments.
They balanced rf the wrong way with this 1.0.3 patch
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless

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