Maven !

FearZGamer wrote:

The best video that exists showcasing sirus fight from subtractem, every single mechanic he does and after you see how all the mechs work you realize how easy sirus is to do.

Before I saw this video I thought sirus was a slop, a bunch of aoe abilities, beam that came from nowhere and one shot me, sirus tons of time in the air without coming down,...After seeing it, killed him without dying once.

Dude, I know the whole fight. I've played it since it came out. It isn't about that, its just badly designed and I don't care how much you wanna praise it lol, you're never convincing me.
Toforto wrote:
Keep in mind though, many people that aren't even good at the game (me) have cleared these bosses 100s of times in hc and hcssf.

I'm so impressed. Anyway, who would think to use frostblink when it's a lower level gem that the game suggests is worse than flamedash since you get it at lvl4 while flamedash is at lvl10 and has 3 charges? That's not intuitive at all. Also the dropping shaper balls in the corners is literally exploiting a game bug lol, pretty sure the devs didn't program that intentionally. And I don't do these fights often, I just slap in some uber boss keys from the t17s I've done into my map device or run a conqueror rotation for the invitation for fun from time to time to see if I get a big drop or awakener's orb or something. But I guess that kind of fun is too much to expect to have huh.

frostblink is instant cast. i dont know what the gem level has to do with it being better or not. Go do a simulacrum in hc with spell echo or multistrike that frame locks your character or better yet just do a normal shaper and try to flame dash out of the way of the beam without pre emptively stopping your attack/cast. It gives you downtime, causes delay, and its a poor movement skill for bossing outside of exarch. especially if you use multistrike or spell echo. even a build with no cast speed without repeating skills cant use flame dash optimally over frostblink.

I don't think its a bug. the space the puddle is supposed to form is off the arena. Its clever use of game mechanics.

What you're describing is fine. You just need to have a character that can do it. If you could do it with no defense it wouldnt be fun.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Toforto wrote:
Keep in mind though, many people that aren't even good at the game (me) have cleared these bosses 100s of times in hc and hcssf.

I'm so impressed. Anyway, who would think to use frostblink when it's a lower level gem that the game suggests is worse than flamedash since you get it at lvl4 while flamedash is at lvl10 and has 3 charges? That's not intuitive at all. Also the dropping shaper balls in the corners is literally exploiting a game bug lol, pretty sure the devs didn't program that intentionally. And I don't do these fights often, I just slap in some uber boss keys from the t17s I've done into my map device or run a conqueror rotation for the invitation for fun from time to time to see if I get a big drop or awakener's orb or something. But I guess that kind of fun is too much to expect to have huh.

frostblink is instant cast. i dont know what the gem level has to do with it being better or not. Go do a simulacrum in hc with spell echo or multistrike that frame locks your character or better yet just do a normal shaper and try to flame dash out of the way of the beam without pre emptively stopping your attack/cast. It gives you downtime, causes delay, and its a poor movement skill for bossing outside of exarch. especially if you use multistrike or spell echo. even a build with no cast speed without repeating skills cant use flame dash optimally over frostblink.

I don't think its a bug. the space the puddle is supposed to form is off the arena. Its clever use of game mechanics.

What you're describing is fine. You just need to have a character that can do it. If you could do it with no defense it wouldnt be fun.

Well I can do 6/7 ubers with no defense, and it is fun. Also its a bug lol don't try to make it sound like it isn't, "clever use of game mechanics" lmao. And I have enough cast speed that flamedash is instant even if I spam it, it causes my character no delay at all. And frostblink being a bad skill gem is simply what the game communicates to you by having it as the first movement ability reward, don't know how that's hard to see. Also I ain't ever touching simulacrum that's just a "go until you lose all 6 portals" encounter for me, so not fun lol and the rewards are terrible even if I kill a few bosses.
Toforto wrote:
FearZGamer wrote:

The best video that exists showcasing sirus fight from subtractem, every single mechanic he does and after you see how all the mechs work you realize how easy sirus is to do.

Before I saw this video I thought sirus was a slop, a bunch of aoe abilities, beam that came from nowhere and one shot me, sirus tons of time in the air without coming down,...After seeing it, killed him without dying once.

Dude, I know the whole fight. I've played it since it came out. It isn't about that, its just badly designed and I don't care how much you wanna praise it lol, you're never convincing me.

Yea its just bad honestly.

You need to have a 10 mirror build, that only does 500k dps but is tanky, that are only done by 3 builds that you are forced into playing, that only 0.000000001% of players even play.

Its just badly designed because of how bad it is.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
Toforto wrote:
FearZGamer wrote:

The best video that exists showcasing sirus fight from subtractem, every single mechanic he does and after you see how all the mechs work you realize how easy sirus is to do.

Before I saw this video I thought sirus was a slop, a bunch of aoe abilities, beam that came from nowhere and one shot me, sirus tons of time in the air without coming down,...After seeing it, killed him without dying once.

Dude, I know the whole fight. I've played it since it came out. It isn't about that, its just badly designed and I don't care how much you wanna praise it lol, you're never convincing me.

Yea its just bad honestly.

You need to have a 10 mirror build, that only does 500k dps but is tanky, that are only done by 3 builds that you are forced into playing, that only 0.000000001% of players even play.

Its just badly designed because of how bad it is.

You know its pretty toxic to just repeat something like this again and again, and make fun of someone. It's even more toxic that you're doing it on other posts where I'm literally not even commenting. But oh well, since this forum has no ignore or block feature from now on Imma just never respond to any other comment you make.
Toforto wrote:

You know its pretty toxic to just repeat something like this again and again, and make fun of someone. It's even more toxic that you're doing it on other posts where I'm literally not even commenting. But oh well, since this forum has no ignore or block feature from now on Imma just never respond to any other comment you make.


I dont know what you are talking about

Im agreeing with you that its just so badly designed with how bad it is.

Why is my opinion on the mater toxic? I think there is someone else who shares this same views as well so maybe accept my opinion on the matter or disagree and move on?

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Toforto wrote:

Well then you clearly don't understand the problem here lol

I'm actually fairly certain I hit the nail on the head based on subsequent posts lol....those with no interest in learning boss mechanics will always cry foul and blame the boss. It's pure laziness.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Toforto wrote:

Well then you clearly don't understand the problem here lol

I'm actually fairly certain I hit the nail on the head based on subsequent posts lol....those with no interest in learning boss mechanics will always cry foul and blame the boss. It's pure laziness.

I second this. "I cant do it" = "It's bad", meanwhile actually good players do these bosses on glasscannon builds and have no issues.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Maven is probably my favorite boss fight.

And she is actually well designed.
Her mechanics are challenging, until you learn how they work and how to deal with them.
Then it gets much easier, while still requiring some action to handle properly.

...bosses where you just stand still and hold the fire-button down is NOT well designed...
Unless there's a bug or glitch preventing you from being able to kill her, skill issue is not a valid excuse to delete a boss. Personally, i like Sirus.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].

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